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有時食中午想食平啲西貢除咗有雙餸飯之外喺街市裏面嘅高記燒臘都係一個大好選擇! 2023年加左價30蚊雙拼飯 一啲都唔頹!今次叫左 叉燒燒鴨飯淡淡肉 仲有半隻咸蛋同薑蓉送飯😋 叉燒有少少瘦不過30蚊都唔強求😋仲包一罐汽水38蚊抵呀!
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早前說過,西貢街市有一間好抵食既燒臘店,20幾蚊就有一盒雙併飯連半隻咸蛋同汽水。此事,立即成為了區內的熱話。該店火熱了,生意滾滾來。其實,西貢街市有兩檔燒臘的,剛才說在區內爆紅的一間是小店。圍著該小店的,另有一檔佔了三個鋪位的大店,名字叫《高記燒臘》。這《高記燒臘》可以說是西貢街市的燒臘名店。本來唔憂做的他們,眼見旁邊的小店爆紅,《高記燒臘》也不甘示弱,一於明碼實價,你有我又有,一於平過你,展開了一個燒味飯盒的小戰爭。 於是,這一個週末的家居午餐飯盒,我決定幫襯《高記》,對比一下。從來唔明碼實價的飯盒,而家列明價錢了。單併好似$20,雙併唔認得$23定$25了。我要的是叉燒燒肉飯。出品同隔離舖一樣,有半隻咸蛋。叉燒雖瘦,但味道尚算不錯。燒肉是他們燒中豬的其中一個部位。我得到的,明顯是最肉厚的那一部份,雖如此,皮夠脆,肉夠爽,再令我開心的,就是有蔥油吊味呀。 叉雞飯,這一盒飯,店師父開了另一條叉燒來斬,而這一條叉燒明顯地靚好多,有足夠的肥肉,有足夠的肥美感。雞,店方給了脾的部位。肉香,肉滑,皮滑,肉嫩口,味道很好。 同樣,有汽水送。然而,汽水好不好飲,就不在我評論範圍以內了。 執筆前一陣子,我再有去《高記》買過飯盒,當日買的好像有點變動,沒有了咸蛋,但有很多很多的雜菜。而且,旁邊的小店雖然已變得貴少少,但份量超多。兩間燒臘店,良性競爭,的確是造福了西貢居民,大家都有平平飯盒食。
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For Chinese roast meats in Sai Kung, everyone goes to Man Nin Wah.I found Man Nin Wah too local and I didn’t know how to order, and the stuff was pretty expensive.However this shop is nicely hidden in the market which is well known by the locals.I wonder if the Chan Jan has been here before.A friend in Sai Kung got a whole roasted piglet from this place, I do not know if it is expensive because I do not eat Chinese, but the piglet cost $680.Anyway, I really liked it, the pork was tender and soft, and the skin was extremely crispy.The piglet’s legs were the best; it absorbed most of the marinade.Apart from the roasted piglet, they also have these yummy honey ribs and wings, which I shall try on my next visit in Sai Kung.◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎Price: $680 for a whole suckling pigService: OKYummy factor: VeryMSG levels: OK◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎
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