Exit F, Tsing Yi MTR Station, Exit G, Tsing Yi MTR Station, Exit A2, Tsing Yi MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Octopus UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (272)
食左天丼咁多次都發覺佢可以保持水準,但價錢好似有所調整。今次就叫左下面兩款華味鳥盛盒配蕎麥麵 $109Chicken Plater (Hanamidori)雞肉、雞實、黑虎蝦、南瓜、紫菜、蓮藕、四季豆 呢到既蕎麥麵份量好多,個汁好凍,配埋蕎麥麵一齊食好爽口,真係好岩夏天食,呢到整既天婦羅唔會油淋淋,仍然保持到水準。巨星天丼 $89Superstar Tendon黑虎蝦、青森帆立貝、魷魚、蟹柳、紫菜、本菇、四季豆呢個份量非常之足夠,而且啲汁唔夠可以自己落。同埋黑虎蝦都好彈牙,魷魚好爽口,唔會有唔新鮮既感覺。順帶一提呢到用既米係黎至青森既,同埋醬油都係秘製既,所有都係日本食材。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-29
天井てんや 青衣日本知名連鎖店天井てんや出名就係食天婦羅成日都見有人排隊唔洗飛去日本食果然係吸引啲佢哋嘅天婦羅係即叫即炸所以一定保持到新鮮原汁原味天婦羅定食可以選擇配飯素麵、蕎麥麵,可揀冷熱自行配合返時令天氣今次揀咗天婦羅湯蕎麥麵天婦羅有黑虎蝦、多柳、茄子、蓮藕及買季豆炸得恰到好處,唔會好油膩而蕎麥麵配上豚骨白湯 湯底鮮味好夠 但蕎麥麵如果唔好煮得太淋會比較好再嚟就係丼飯喇 呢個海老天丼一碗飯已包含3隻黑虎蝦炸得亦都保持水準 配上特別醬汁撈飯簡直食指大動跟餐會有一碗麵豉湯 食完飯飲完湯 好飽!大滿足! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次叫左個穴子盛盒配凍食既全份蕎麥麵炸物好香口又唔會好油膩連最簡單既紫菜同支豆都覺得好好食😂炸漿份量岩岩好 唔係咬落去成口粉個隻蕎麥麵食落都夠爽口好fresh夏天咁熱 食啲凍野感覺好舒服不過食落份量就唔算話大 唔算好飽肚價錢稍貴見午餐價錢會平7-8成如果想食飽啲建議叫番飯~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-06
呢間過江龍天婦羅丼🍤開咗幾年但都仲經常有人排隊😛 果然幾出色而且每款都好豐富😉🍗🍤華味鳥盛合 ($109):雞肉、雞肉丸、黑虎蝦、南瓜、紫菜、蓮藕、四季豆🍠🎃野菜盛合 ($88):番薯、南瓜、蓮藕、茄子、本菇、四季豆、蘿蔔盛合配飯/冷麵/湯麵,麵嘅部份有烏冬/蕎麥麵/素面,湯麵湯底就可以揀醬油湯/豚骨湯🍤🦑巨星天丼($89):黑虎蝦、青森帆立貝、魷魚、蟹柳、紫菜、本菇、四季豆天婦羅嘅炸衣好薄同脆,而且食到本身食材嘅鮮味,蝦好爽口😋 不過番薯就有啲唔夠冧身,可能炸耐啲會更加好🙉主食方面有驚喜😛冷面配埋有wasabi 嘅冷麵汁、醬油湯麵加左啲柚子粒,兩樣食落都好fresh同天婦羅一齊食會減輕油膩感唔錯☺️📍Tenya 天丼 🍽️7.6/10#janfoodiary_日本菜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-13
Wifey loves tempura, so when we caught up with fam - we went here for a very yummy dinner! 🤩.These two were:~ Conger Eel Platter with a soba (穴子盛合陪蕎麥麵)~ Scallop Platter with udon (帆立貝盛合陪烏冬).The tempura itself is pretty good - lightly battered and comes out nice and crispy but not overly done. ✅ Both Wifey & I opted for cold noodles (the soba and udon) , so they were served with a refreshing dipping sauce that was made up of a light sweet soy and wasabi 👌🏻.We went a little later in the evening to about the usual long waiting queues and it was definitely worth it 🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)