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Review (7)
今日真係忙爆~做完一日野真係要急救一下個肚仔先~時間唔多又唔熟路,只好同自己講見到乜野食乜野LA...新年前通街都係人~唔通要食人?!就喺呢個時候,我眼前出現呢個好特別的小店...望望下有個外國人行出黎HI左我一野~四目交投.見時間冇多~就決定入去一試~舖頭坐位唔多~十個以下~我一個人放埋行李都坐左三個位了~哈~真係SORRY好快咁決定好食乜野~落單後外籍老闆唔知聽唔聽到,冇咩回應就行左入廚房...OK..我坐住等一陣~~冇耐餃子先上,食左一粒,飯都到了~咖哩羊飯 - 好令人驚喜的羊, 那種羊羶味真係吸引死我了~我最中意食強烈羶味的羊肉~!!配合埋D咖哩汁!呢到D咖哩汁質地唔會係結身,我覺得有D浠TIM,勝在咖哩味濃郁.正~..飯就真係太多了~一時間唔記得叫佢少飯~!!幸好唔會煮得太爛~鷄肉餃子 - 一眼望過去好似D好硬皮.用叉桔入去的確係好硬皮~ V_V 硬皮包住大約一湯匙的鷄肉饀, 鷄肉饀仲有豐富的肉汁~嘩...真係估佢唔到,睇佢個樣以為佢係又硬又涼,估唔到係熱到辣咀~~成件作品好意想不到,好難諗佢點整~睇外皮佢的乾身程度唔似係蒸,睇佢又唔似煎過,可能係焗掛~總之食落去感覺好得意~平時我都唔會叫野飲~見佢枱頭有張奶昔的廣告,突然覺得今日咁好日子~要特別少少~所以就同老闆講要返杯芒果奶昔,老闆就好似頭先咁唔知佢聽唔聽到就行左入廚房,一邊食一邊等,眼見老闆唔係整緊我的奶昔, OK LA..當佢聽唔到,我當冇叫過~到差唔多食完埋單~佢先施施然咁放下芒果奶昔一杯~我真係O左咀... ~_~"芒果奶昔好濃的芒果味~食落知佢係鮮整的~份量都唔細~一時間真係處理唔到佢~可能我食飽左~最後我只好拎住杯香濃的奶昔揚長而去...總括黎講..這個價錢的話,先放下自己的要求及幻想..結果就有意外驚喜!目測店舖本身冇洗手間設備~要解手的話都唔知應該去邊到好...唔係地胆都唔識搵~!唯有忍耐一下,搵個好地方解手了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
It's been slightly over a year since my last visit to 2 Stars, but what a change, and sadly not for the better. What used to be the best kebabs in Wanchai are now best described as mini-kebabs scarcely thicker than a five dollar coin made of cold meat reheated and served in a raw bread.What little lamb there was in the Lamb Donor Kebab ($55) was poor quality, tasteless and cut off a cold rotisserie and reheated in a frying pan. The chicken was the same. The bread was so thin as to be nonexistent and under-cooked. The 'sauce' which used to be so flavourful was bland, thin and forgetable.When I asked about the other dishes on the menu, the staff were so uninterested in either serving or answering questions I decided not to have one. The whole vibe was of resignation and dis-interest.2 Stars used to be the goto place for a great kebab, not anymore. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-13
看到餐廳有kebab供應,起初還以為這間食店做的是印度食品,叫了燒魚飯餐和燒雞kebab,看到燒得乾乾的魚,唯有另付10元要來咖哩汁送飯,燒魚挺滑的,不像外表的乾,價錢不便宜,但還算可口。豈料嚐了一口咖哩汁便知不對勁,印度咖哩怎會這麽糟?既不香,也不辣。細看之下,店員都不是印度人,而餐牌上亦寫著fusion fastfood,才意識到是自己錯誤地對號入座。kebab味道也很普通,相比在佐敦或尖沙咀吃過的不能同日而語,有點失望,幸好套餐的奶茶不錯,喝了一口,感覺又熱又香。與友人草草吃完便結束了這頓午飯,不能說食物難吃,但不知就裡的話,難免令人誤會印度食品竟如此失色。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-09-20
有日購物時發現有此小食店,今天終可以一試,原來這裡不是印度餐,我還問店員是否有naan bread or roti 供應,兩款也沒有,店內有中英文及圖示餐牌,因店員似是尼泊爾人,點菜可以用簡單英文或指示用餐牌。看見這裡有証明出示是售賣清真食品,是日亦見有尼泊爾及外籍人士在店內進食,食品應也不差。羊肉卡巴羊肉卡巴竟有約12吋長,切開看看竟有大量羊肉粒,不知道是否燒了太久,有些羊肉粒燒焦了,肉粒也有點韌,反而配菜洋蔥及蕃茄片只有幾片,汁醬不多,薄餅仍是微暖。因此款是套餐,可以有罐裝汽水。羊肉咖喱配薄餅我在落單時已要求小辣,羊肉咖喱有豐富咖喱汁,充滿香料的味道,此羊肉應與咖喱汁一起烹煮,所以羊肉亦吸收了咖喱味道,羊肉也較硬身,薯仔配菜不俗,另有點紅蘿蔔及青瓜絲作伴菜,薄餅不是印度款式,質地較乾身,不油膩,配上羊肉及咖喱汁也很好。因為是外賣,薄餅摺疊及用保鮮紙包好,咖喱汁另外用碗分開,包裝很細心。羊肉炒飯羊肉炒飯是用印度長米,炒飯不油膩,並帶點香料味道,與中式炒飯不同,飯內有數件羊肉及烚雞蛋伴飯,羊肉是預先分開炆好,此羊肉肉質最淋最美味,份量大盒滿足。羊肉咖喱配薄餅及羊肉炒飯咖喱不是套餐,若要飲品需要另外購買。這餐廳環境很細小,只有2張小摺檯,若座下堂食也不太舒適,建議外賣會好些。這裡食物味道不錯,價錢也便宜,希望下次可再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Since my last visit there were quite a few new items such as baguettes, salads and roast chicken which I shall try next time because I came back for the dumplings.The dumplings were freshly made to order so you have WAIT for them to be made and cooked!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Chicken dumplings:The dumpling skin was too thick this time and the onions tasted strange.The filling was slightly too oily but the chili sauce that comes with it balances out all that and makes it delicious.It is similar to a Chinese dumpling but tastes better because they use chicken instead of pork.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)