8-min walk from Exit B, Shek Mun/ walk from Exit D, City One MTR Station continue reading
The hotel restaurant in Sha Tin has a 270-foot buffet table that serves a variety of multi-national dishes, such as lasagna, tempura, grilled steak, Peking duck and more. The buffet is also available for afternoon tea and dinner. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay UnionpayQR PayMe
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Hydroponic & Organic Vegetables Live Japanese Cooking Station: Teppanyaki & Robatayaki, Whole Hamachi Sashimi Tomahawk Freshly Shucked Oyster Giant Grouper Congee Home-made Gelato
Review (225)
今年阿囡生日我哋去左帝逸酒店食「和牛.海膽」雙重滋味自助晚餐。今期主打「和牛」盛宴🥩,A5和牛薄燒熱辣辣牛味香濃肉質柔嫩,食左幾件都未夠喉😋。黑松露鐵板和牛炒飯粒粒分明,牛氣十足,飽肚又滋味。還有紅酒燴和牛面肉、和牛千層麵、意式和牛丸子以西式煮法烹製和牛,別具特色。香煎鵝肝 ,甘香脆嫩,無羶味無油膩感,超正!仲有燒乳豬、燒羊脾、片皮鴨等。海鮮冷盤有即開生蠔,海水味適中,鮮味十足。滿滿的冰鎮龍蝦任食,肉質實在、蝦膏多,冰涼鮮甜。還有長腳蟹、麵包蟹、翡翠螺、大蝦和青口,Refill快又肥美飽滿,相當高質。另一主角「海膽」由日本直送,迷你帶子海膽丼、吞拿魚蓉海膽壽司散發海膽的鮮味,入口即溶,鮮香滿載!還有多款魚生即點即切,壽司也很精緻吸引。最後當然要留肚食甜品,奬牌造型的杏仁及牛油曲奇、球類造型的焦糖芝士撻、多項運動造型伯爵茶香橙慕絲蛋糕,柔道為主題的白朱古力熱情果蛋糕 ,足球主題的開心果紅桑子朱古力軟心蛋糕等,食住奧運熱潮,都幾得意。榴連控更加不能錯過一系列甜品如榴蓮流心蛋糕、榴連木槺蛋糕、榴連班蘭蛋糕、榴連燉蛋等,真是「味」力十足。必食仲有自家製Gelato雪糕,充滿夏日感覺有椰子牛油果雪糕、榴槤雪糕;清新之選有芒果小青檸雪葩、血橙紅莓雪花葩,還有Häagen-Dazs雪糕任食,消暑大滿足。最後仲貼心送上應援燈牌和小甜品幫阿囡慶祝生日🎂,好難忘又窩心❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-21
屋企人生日想大吃大喝一就揀左食buffet 慶祝🍾這是已經第n 次來但就第一次想佢地食評😅除咗大眾化嘅熟食之外,今次係有口感非常juicy 嘅和牛不停供應仲有鵝肝多士,不過就食一塊都夠有D膩。刺身方面都比平時多款…有油甘魚帶子同生蝦。如果有埋海膽就就正☺️講到海鮮都新鮮仲有龍蝦🦞長腳蟹、蝦🦐青口同生蠔🦪唔食生冷野仲有好多不同燒物或天婦羅選擇👍唔太好甜品嘅我都試了好多精緻嘅蛋糕同啫喱☺️味道唔太甜同埋啫喱囗感QQ岩曬我口味😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-17
晚餐啲甜品冇咩選擇. 提供嗰啲甜品不好食. 同佢哋廚師同經理反映之後結果都係一樣. 用餐時間仲有成個幾鐘都冇再擺啲好啲嘅甜品出嚟. 啲廚師淨係忙緊做啲甜品俾佢哋嘅餅店. 今次喺Alva 食太失望!The quality of the buffets at Alva has steadily gone down. Especially their desserts! We were quite disappointed with their desserts offered at the dinner buffet. The desserts offered did not taste nice. And since there was still over an hour left for the dinner service, we asked if they were going to put out other types of desserts later, but sadly, they told us “no, that’s all they have”. When we expressed our dissatisfaction to the staff and Assistant Manager - Lam, they didn’t do anything about it, had a bad attitude and told us that the nicer desserts are offered at their lunch session?! So why did we pay extra for the dinner buffet??All in all, it was a bad experience this time. Hope Alva’s Managemnet team can turn things around and improve their service and food offered. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-13
因為有圖片數量限制,所以只可以精選幾款出嚟做個記錄。一早預訂咗自助餐同屋企人慶祝生日。如果以自助餐嚟講嗰場其實都唔算細,嘢食種類都係夠食。凍盤海鮮嚟講,一啲都唔吝嗇,不停refill, d龍蝦多膏。個帶子吞拿魚蓉建議早啲去食,因為夜咗21:00鬆啲就開始冇。啲生蠔唔算大隻,都兒有海水味。燒牛肉唔算出色,但係個葡式乳豬就係我嘅至愛,唔太肥卜卜脆超鍾意。另外黃牛粒同埋鵝肝都係隨意攞,真係食得開心攞得盡興。都係嗰句平時真係好少食甜嘢,但係見到佢咁多款又唔係太大舊就樣樣試啲,都係正常酒店水平嘅蛋糕,可以留肚試吓。除咗自家製雪糕仲有Häagen-Dazs⋯⋯十分足本,食完個生冷嘢,係咁尾段嘅時候仲有海底椰燉湯飲,和一和個胃舒服曬。雖然而家食量冇以前咁驚人,但耐唔耐都希望盡興吓,呢間又真係唔錯嘅選擇。事次用餐為自費! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-30
第一次去Alva House 食自助晚餐,早前係官網有買一送一優惠。餐廳環境不錯,樓底夠高,燈光夠柔和,餐枱之間唔會太迫。凍海鮮嘅龍蝦正常發揮,長蟹腳就比較細隻,生蠔大細中等,補貨都足,但係味道較淡。反而刺身嘅阿根廷紅蝦同八爪魚都幾新鮮。燉湯係玉竹海底椰沙參紅棗,非常清甜,好飲,有encore 。😁鮑魚雞粥好綿,中段食碗粥可以解下膩,仲可以自行加個花膠,就變咗花膠鮑魚雞粥,更加好味😂😂日本串燒,鴨肝,帶子壽司都係正常發揮。 熱葷就普通啲啦,冇乜試到,可能係買一送一啦😅😅甜品有幾款榴槤嘅款式,不過我冇試到😅,但係佢個拿破崙唔錯,酥皮夠脆。總括而言,食物質素和味道屬於普通至正常,一般酒店自助餐有嘅種類佢都有,但就少咗令你印象深刻嘅食物。最後值得一讃係酒店職員服務都好週到,收碟速度超快。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)