Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 19:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (22)
Level4 2011-07-31
因事到灣仔,來這裡買蒸包作為早餐。全部包的價錢都是$4.5-5.5,而我選了一個較少見的芋蓉包。芋蓉包($4.5):體積是正常大小。芋蓉是正常的淡紫色,證明真是芋頭,不像別的店舖般做成很假的鮮紫色。餡料不算十分飽滿,但甜度剛剛好,不會太甜太膩,好味。包身也算軟熟。感覺上,包的款式較最初期時少,希望店方推出多些款式。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I am not a fan of Chinese food, but since I tried "Tong Gay Bau dim" for the sweet steamed buns, I might as well try this one.They are famous for the pork and vegetable bun, and potstickers, but my instincts told me to get the picked vegetable and meat bun.Anyway, I got the pork vegetable bun, potstickers, steamed pumpkin bun with purple rice, and the lotus leaf wrapped glutinous rice.Pumpkin and purple rice sweet bun:The filling inside was pumpkin and the steamed bun was mixed with purple rice.The filling was at the right sweetness level, and the taste was a mix of pumpkin, shredded coconut and custard.It tasted like a custard bun and a chicken tail bun mixed together.Potstickersrobably the largest size in Hong Kong!About 7cm in length and 4.5cm in width!!The filling inside was pork and cabbage.The dumpling pastry was very thick, about 3mm.The vinegar was definately needed to make it more appetising.Pork and Vegetable bun:This had the familar taste of the usual chinese steamed buns because of the GINGER!!I think next time I will get the spicy cabbage as it dosnt have ginger taste. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-10-17
平時都會喺附近買早餐,但就未試過呢間,因為個位置唔太起眼。近日終於有機會一試。要了一個豆沙包加一個糯米卷。兩個包都係一路蒸著,吃時熱騰騰的。豆沙包個包幾軟熟,個質地幾鬆,而且食落去唔會乾巴巴的。裡面有嘅豆沙份量剛剛好,不錯的。個糯米卷都唔錯,啲材料食落好香,不鬆散,啲糯米煙煙un un 的,但我"嚴"個包外層薄咗少少。總括而言是係抵食的,而且包點的味道不錯,加上自己沖的茶,令人想起在茶樓飲茶的感覺, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-01-26
近期, 突然間愛上左食中式包點, 於是係開飯到search到包點皇, 於是就試下啦.琴日一下子買左3個包, 豆沙包, 素菜包同芋蓉包.即刻豆沙包真係好好好好味, 有濃郁既紅豆味, 熱辣辣, 好溫曖, 又唔會太甜, 包同豆沙既比例適.今日食左素菜包, 麻麻地, 冇咩特別...聽日會試埋個芋蓉包, 希望好味la.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-01-07
$10一個午餐有肉有菜,算係咁啦...叫左個:1. 北菇雞飯- 菜係叔叔地... ...雞...得堆骨...飯...好硬....ORZ2. 菜肉包- 夠軟,無咩菜但味道幾好~3. 餃子- 好脆皮~肉汁又多,可以再食~下次都係買包同餃子算喇~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)