5-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
13:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level3 2015-05-30
Jotted this down into my to-eat list and came for a trial!Ordered this beef burger and paid for an ungrade for a cup of beverage and fries as a set. The fries came first. They were good but I guess the portion was too little, there could be more!The burger inspired me with its thick beef and MW was just right! It was so juicy that I kept having the juice leaked out lol! The veggie and tomato were fresh and matched nicely with the beef. The texture of the meat was soft and totally not chewy. Overall, the lunch was satisfying yet the whole set could really be in a bigger portion. Nice atmosphere and a good place to chill. So why not? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-19
我和朋友叫左二個漢堡包,珍寶蘑菇三文魚漢堡包和手打牛肉漢堡。前者蘑菇好厚身,三文魚好juicy.但三文魚太薄身。後者牛肉好硬,咬不斷。又多油,吃完滿囗油而且牛肉分量太小!倆者個包都係勁細勁薄,最奇怪是沙律菜得兩三塊。而且等待時間過長啊!一個漢堡要等半小時,而餐廳地方又迫又小!坐得不舒服。我見他們有搞團購,期望可以改善份量問題啦!發生了一段插曲。本人訂位前上網問過該店收不收切餅賫!佢話不收,點知去到又話要收廿百五十元!出爾反爾! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-03-28
去呢間鋪頭食係因為買左團購!我地一行三人於大約一點去到鋪頭,一入到去已被女職員的態度嚇壞了,佢可能又不滿我地點餐太慢,又再一次用不滿的態度與我們對答!當時心諗如果食物質素高都冇所謂,但人算不如天算,流心牛肉漢堡看不到流心;辣番茄牛肉漢堡得個辣字,蕃茄與牛肉一樣厚,牛肉又乾冇牛味,包入面果舊洋蔥勁大舊,建議配料唔洗切咁厚。小食拼盤個雞翼好鹹!!其他炸物係有d 燶味正價要成$300,但團購只需$150,正價食完全唔值整體最好食係沙律菜,如果有得簡唔想比加一,全程根本冇咩service 可言! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
With a little bit research on openrice, lots of people came here for melt cheese burger. But Husband and I end up ordered something not found on the review. He had hash brown & handmade beef burger while I ordered fish & chips. Since two of these not on the review, I imagined the fish & chips might fry in the english beer battered style. But it came with 4 medium small pieces of fillets n loads of fries. The texture of the coating on the fillets taste similar to the KFC batter perhaps seasoned with some herbs. Don't get it wrong, it didn't taste bad. Just funny to have this impression on a gourmet burger place. For the burger set, the meat has a strong flavor of beef n black pepper. Consider this is not a melt cheese burger n it's still juicy, not bad. The only comment is the bun itself is dry. Overall it's ok for a causal quick bite or a beer chat with friends sitting on the stools. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-03
搵食其實很即興,往往看見有趣,便想動身就去。早前在某雜誌看見關於Cheese Fondue Burger的介紹,大大的一個漢堡包被淋上以Emmental、Parmesan、Cheddar及cream製成的芝士醬,那誘人的情境,真的很邪惡。因為實在很想試,所以忍不住第一時間趕來。座落在天后的小店Beeger,裝潢帶點型格玩味。近來男友家搞裝修,他因為要尋找木製傢俱,於是開了淘寶帳號,還染了一股淘寶癮。日淘夜淘的結果,至今已經變成達人了,每次只要見到傢俱便會禁不住跟你說出眼前的木檯是什麼款、幾cm厚、哪裡買到同樣的款式、運費是多少等等。望着眼前的他,感覺挺搞笑的。這兒的漢堡豐儉由人,入場費$58起,套餐加$30有薯條及奉送無酒精飲品一杯。是日吃不到期待已久的Cheese fondue burger,唯有改點「流心芝士牛肉漢堡」,盛惠$78。包身上面鋪滿燕麥碎,感覺很健康,包頂插了小白旗,可愛得讓人投降。懷着虔誠的心情把漢堡切半,發現流心範圍不算大,只有$5硬幣的小範圍,所以流心效果不算明顯。牛肉漢堡整整一寸厚,被洋蔥圈着。咬一口,口腔有洋蔥的辛辣感,還有牛味和黑椒香,整體感覺不算油膩,也不會弄到成手汁。另外點了特色小食拼盤,$98包括炸魚柳手指、雞中翼、軟芝士條、炸意大利飯球各兩件及少量薯條。這個餐與其說是拼盤,不如說是拼桶更貼切,金黃色的大堆頭,看起來挺吸引。當中比較有趣的是炸意大利飯,不過吃起來不太意識到是飯球,感覺比較像帶黑椒味的薯波,如果飯粒的口感可以分明一點會更好。雖然整桶食物都是油炸,但神奇地無油膩的飽滯感,像炸魚柳手指便沾了燕麥碎,芝士條外脆內軟也非常過癮。雞翼表面灑了黑椒碎,帶點美極醬油味,味道比較鹹。店名叫Beeger,可以想像這兒的啤酒款式有很多選擇,如果覺得午餐時間開始飲酒太過份,可以選擇花茶或清新系的smoothie。今日整個環境最美中不足的地方,就是附近的打摏聲太嘈吵,那震耳欲聾的聲音,難免有點趕客哦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)