Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
08:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
Level4 2011-04-01
今早要到入境處取護照, 本來計劃之後逛一逛快樂, 金獅, rocca, pomme, 然後再去澳牛買蛋治, 燉蛋...點知晨早攪肚痛...又唔取消得預約, 唯有死頂.出去...亦速戰速決只逛灣仔..行過rocca...麵包不太吸引...總欠了一份新鮮的感覺..連最吸引的合桃榛子卷也捲得東倒西歪...只好放棄..第2站來到這裡..門面很簡約, 可能主色是白色原故..麵包賣相很好, 工工整整..不過款式味道沒有太大驚喜..最後買了一個蒜茸包..表面舖滿蒜茸碎. 像炸過的樣子..雖然比坊間一般賣的, 較多蒜茸碎...可惜蒜茸味不夠..一股咸味蓋過了..麵包氣孔很大, 但不算太軟熟..感覺一般..暫時只有little mermaid 的蒜茸包最好味..見到厚切方包, 4件/包.. $16 (因為厚切, 所以應該等於1lb size)..望落又不是覺得很軟熟..還是留代下次吧!另外較特別的有橙皮方包, 忘了價錢..橙皮絕對是我favour...可惜一片方包只有2-3顆橙皮...唉..forget it...btw, 服務員很有禮貌, 低讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Previously came here for scones, but they were rock hard, I didn’t expect I would buy anything from here, but their meringues got my attention to buy them surprisingly.The pastel coloured meringues were in plastic jars displayed on the shelves prettily, there were so many flavours: Mango coconut, Strawberry rose, green tea, Osmanthus, sesame, Lychee, orange plum, vanilla, taro, pineapple and Durian.As meringues are meant to be very sweet, I was really tempted to pick Durian, but when I asked if there were samples to try, they said no which was a bit stingy and Meringues are easy to keep just like cookies in an airtight container.Even most places have cookie samples for people to try.Orange plum sounds good too, but in the end I bought Taro.As expected they were very sweet, the taro taste could only be tasted on the aftertaste. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
十二月下旬‧晴下午吃飯,沒有吃什麼,在下午茶時間就來買個麵包吃。見這個菠蘿麥包是新出品,就試一試。椰蓉皮幾脆,不太甜,跟麥包也配搭得不錯。比起傳統的菠蘿包,這個菠蘿麥包在感覺上是健康一點。不過要差不多十元一個,就有點貴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-12-12
今日同朋友去完Tst 行街同追星之後,就搭地鐵沿莊士敦道行去目的地~ "金獅餅店"因為為左買聖誕禮物俾男朋友而去~買左一個大同細既薑餅人,好得意丫,入面店員既服務都好好而且收銀機旁附有好靚既薑餅人既聖誕卡,我都忍唔住take 左兩張返屋企^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-11-23
金獅是舊時的麵包老字號,以前有沒有吃過,無從稽考,總之現今當新野試。麥方包$13,很軟,且在甜甜地的麵粉味,又有麥粒o趙口,是沒花架的麥包。燕麥酥$9,很新穎!切開時,以為是紅豆餡,誰知是稠煮朱古力麥皮!好好食啊!酥皮質素都ok。金獅包$8,紐紋包中有分佈平均的吉士,配埋鋪面的沙糖,整個麵包很香甜! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)