5-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
Level3 2016-04-17
看到網上的圖片,十分吸引晚餐時訂了位置,來到這兒食自助餐食客算多,環境幽美,陣陣茶香傳來廚房外是玻璃,可看到煮食過程我們總共叫了3 round 1 round 沙律 燒賣 蝦餃食品非常高質 基本上就是酒樓的品質燒賣多料 一咬多汁蝦餃也相當嫩滑然後是豆沙餅 最有名的雞脾公仔麵豆沙餅餅皮薄 紅豆甜而起莎雞脾十分入味!推薦!公仔面也是完全浸透著頭抽雞油看上去反光 個食時完全不油膩雞翼也是相當美味,魯汁滲透然後叫了雜扒 和 西多西多異常地美味,炸得很到位,脆香甜甜的令人滿足然後雜扒就是填飽肚子的感覺最感動是,還可叫經典飲料紅豆冰 菠蘿冰 fruit punch我還看到旁邊的的人主動要紅酒便免費得到一瓶,不過因友人不喝酒所以我們就沒試了整體而言十分滿意 如果胃口更大 我便可以吃更多! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-03-17
This restuarant has been featured on one of the tv shows and thought it would be difficult to be booked but ended up it's actually not too bad. We just book a week in advance.The environment is not bad and service is up to expectation.....Food quality wise.....there are a few items which are much better than expected, say siu mai western toast, spring roll and baked pork chop rice. Although the sauce for baked pork chop sauce is not appealing, not very tomato-liked, the pork chop has marinated well and tastes good! Toast is nice cause it's crispy and with peanut butter inside! However, when it comes to the swiss wings or swiss thighs......they only look great outside....the swiss sauce only gives the food color but no flavors at all. Curry is also another dish we would not recommend.Overall speaking, I would still recommend people to go have a try.....even if you just focus eating other foods and ordered 2 drinks, it's already worth the price! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-02-13
正丫! 我食晚市 人不算太多walk in入都有位餐牌好似改左少少 無海雞食羅宋湯顏色好淺 味道卻好濃 所以絕對有理由懷疑落左好多味精 西多 炸魚沙律 雞脾撈面。 個面最好食 瑞士汁雞翼 -雞翼老左d 肉醬意粉 意粉太淋 肉醬又唔夠味 海鮮咖哩伏之選蝦餃燒賣 叫左三次先黎得一次 好叮叮feel 厚切豬扒 必食 雜扒 是日糖水 整體食物水準高 淨係黎食扒都抵番晒啦!豬扒放題都算吸引架上菜近度快 可以慢慢落order飲品反而最耐 食左兩輪都未出到飲品員工好呀 係個經理塊面黑左d continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-09
下午11:30左右walk﹣in 食放題,整體質素都ok,賣相好,味道就一般無咩特別,最好食都係個西多士。。。中式野如牛肉球,奶黃包都唔錯非常夠熱,奶黃包有流心效果西多士ok,夠熱,唔油膩雞翼唔掂,鞋,而且無味道!雞比鞋口,無味海南雞幾滑,夠味,唔錯正常的凍咖啡,唔會好甜選擇都ok 多服務態度唔錯,上菜快,只係漏單一次,算係咁。。。貪得意試下都去得過 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-01-30
琴日下午phone booking 左11:30 4位,隔左一陣有位丫姐打黎好有禮貌甘同我confirm booking, 真係要比個like你先得👍🏻今日11點半都未夠就到左冰室,但就未入得,一定要11:30準時先開始,因為佢地分左2段時間食,我地就食11:30-13:00,所以一定要不遲亦不早。 入到去就緊係即刻開餐啦,其實一定夠時間食,所以唔洗一次過order甘多,我地2男2女,第一round 都係叫左雞脾沙律x4,燒賣x2(得4粒),同埋野飲/湯,PS.雞脾沙律同點心係每人只可叫一碟。 雞脾沙律賣相唔差架,多汁夠味夠淋,食落啖啖肉,骨同肉好易分離,但內層啲肉唔夠滑,甘都有/5 雞翼 我覺得好食 我比/5 牛肉球 係我地意料之外地好食,連一向唔食牛肉球既我,都食完又食,我地都覺得最好食。/5 燒賣:/5 厚多士 我同個佬都話好食唔會食到滿口油,食落好香口。/5 我地4個都係叫左2件,因為我唔食,賣相麻麻,冇咩特別,留返啲空間食其他野較好因為冇試食呢碟,所以冇得評分 呢碟意粉 鹹到一個點,希望改善下啦/5 我見人話個流沙包 唔係流沙果隻,但我食既係真係流沙架喎,可能我襯熱食啦細細隻包仔,2啖都食左。/5 其實大部分我都有食,只係食食下唔記得影食物相,另外,咖哩牛腩都好好食,不過唔好叫一份甘少,因為真係得1-2塊牛腩比你食咋至於 環境方面,我覺得好舒服衛生,懷舊復古,我地食左個零鐘都收手了,之後仍想坐係到傾下計到夠鐘先走。另外,唔可以唔讚既係,上菜好快手,真係果頭order, 轉頭就有得食$80 質素不過不失既野食,滿分既服同環境,值得再回頭光顧。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)