Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Cappuccino Espresso 西班牙辣肉腸 烤芝士三文治 煙三文魚蕃茄汁意大利麵 鮮什菌意大利飯
Review (4)
Level4 2012-04-16
是日的中午飯,公司秘書小姐就嚷著要食西餐,而且又想在公司附近食。在公司的窗口望出,除了人龍店 "魂",寶靈頓道三寶(駒、明、祥),就是必發商業大廈的樓上食肆。之上的兩層是吧,而一樓就是好似想搞大黎做的 Caffe Kenon。之前,在堅拿道東/霎東街的店飲過咖啡,質素不錯,而且我發現,他們做的意粉 Pasta,也非常吸引,是次拜訪堅拿道西/霎西街的店,我主打就是這兒的意大利粉。雞肉忌廉汁意大利粉同雜菌煙肉忌廉汁意大利粉是我們四人的其同選擇,換句話說,我們一行4人選了兩份雞肉忌廉汁及兩份雜茵煙肉忌廉汁。這兒的忌廉汁未算落得厚,但creamy的口感沒有絲毫我減少,雞肉,味道清,突顯了忌廉奶油的香味,配上香草銀芽同露荀,更加的清。 雜菌煙肉,因為香口的煙肉絲,令到味道變得更濃烈,同樣的creany,但多了香口的煙肉味,菇類食品也帶有其獨特的香味,味道更加吸引。 Caffe Kenon,最令我歡喜的,就是他們的即蘑咖啡,濃烈非常,啖啖甘香,餘韻,可以殘留在口腔多時,像我的不加糖奶,飲落,味道更真,更佳。 地方,因為是樓上咖啡店的關係,又有一個落地玻璃的大露檯位,隱藏在霎西街的商廈內,感覺十分之悠閒,而且比起區內的其他咖啡店更悠閒。在市區內,有美食,有舒適的環境,靜,有上乘的服務,有充足的陽光感,好有外國的city escape feel。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
不知從何時起,覺得此品牌的咖啡,其質素跟其分店的數目成反比增長,越來越似連鎖咖啡店的味道,是日在吃飯前有些時間,就來試試這所新的分店。此店說是只招待會員,但其實基本上喝杯咖啡已經可以免費入會,所以基本型同虛設,看來只不過是想套大家的個人資料罷了,填好份表之後再付咖啡錢,就有咖啡喝了。先來一杯Cappuccino,店家用的雖然都是用上Manual的Lever機,連Stainless Steel Coating也沒有,咖啡機看來麻麻,跟另外的分店用上的機有所不同,這一點也不知何解了!但觀乎咖啡師煮咖啡時那不太認真的模樣,本人就有點擔心了。店家用來煮Cappuccino的咖啡應該跟煮Espresso的有所不同,用上比較重炭燒Dark Roast的咖啡來煮的Cappuccino,加上Greenfield的牛奶,沖出來的咖啡,第一件事要說的就是不太夠熱,不過這杯Old School的Cappuccino真的很多泡,但就太鬆不夠密,而奶甜普通,可能是因為Cappuccino的關係吧!咖啡喝起來有種炭的燒焦香,以喝奶系咖啡來說,陣甘味也挺強,心想如喝的是Espresso,一定不得了。Espresso份量適中,溫度也對版, Crema看來勉強合格,喝起來果然真的不太夠油潤,而且在口中留下的不是醇味,而是有太澀的感覺,一杯Espresso苦澀,從來不會是因為隻咖啡豆的品種問題,問題只有是其新鮮度、店家的手勢及其他有關的因素,店家用來沖煮Espresso的豆,是紅色包裝的巴西阿拉比卡豆,怎說理應也有點清新的香味吧,但就不是在我隻杯內了。喝畢真的不太過癮,沒錯!分店是越開越多了,但如果設備及人力資源上的投資是追不上的話,那就倒不如不要那麼急進好了,此品牌的咖啡本人一直認為也是喝得過的,加上其價位真的很抵,也真的有其價值,可是如今長此下去,很有可能成為一所在我心目中,成為了連鎖咖啡味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-04-26
話說同友人們尋找左一間己結業的章魚燒店好耐, 終於放棄去休息一下...就去左一間我一直都想試下既上樓Cafe坐下, 飲下野!一上到去就見到"會員專用"牌!點知問個waiter佢話都可以, 就照入!入面幾有特色,因為冇人可以亂咁坐!(因當時正在休息,所以沒有拍太多的照作參考)四個女仔一大個堆!Hea足兩個半鐘先走!但waiters仲好nice! 環境真係好舒服,自己黎hea個afternoon都得!佢地仲有早餐提供,有時間去relax下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Caffe Kenon has been sprouting and opening up a few new shops lately, and according to my sources about to expand into the Chinese market! I have actually developed a passion for Southern Italian styled coffee lately, even though if its as far away from 3rd Wave coffee movements as one could imagine. But coffees in Italy have their appeal, as they are very fragrant and upfront and lovable on a daily basis. Without being outstanding, but more they're of a daily approachable alternative! This new Cafe uses a Manual Lever machine similar to the original shop opposite but it is of a different machine brand however. I must admit, the Espresso opposite is much like the ones served in Italy Yet, the one served here was definitely noticeably more bitter and seemingly extracted at too high a temperature, which makes it slightly more bitter by Southern Italian standards. Well, the panino was very good however, and cheap as a set meal! Overall, nearly getting there... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)