以摩登手法演繹傳統茶餐廳菜式,標榜採用無農藥、無激素、無基因改造的本地食材,主打多類種以本地農場出產音樂蛋炮製的蛋菜式,而意粉、麵包等食材亦自家製,為香港飲食文化帶出健康環保的訊息。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
一蛋走天涯 凱撒鹽焗雞沙律 港土炸肉蛋 無敵獅子頭 黃豆豬骨叉蛋麵 雞鮮蛋鮮
Review (61)
Initially I had a really long review for this but since I did not re-save my draft after thirty days I lost my draft.Although a lot of people did not like this place, I loved this place!I felt that this restaurant had great potential and if it opened overseas it would do great there.Pity my review could not have been submitted earlier.Before this place opened they had so many advertisements, even trams were plastered by Cantopop, I loved the vibrant design and it reminded me of the 1960s era.I hardly ever eat at Cha Chaan Tengs (Chinese cafes) because the food is oily.I was attracted to this place because they used Western concepts in their cooking, and not faking Western food when it is actually Chinese.As well as that they do not use MSG and their vegetables are sourced from known organic suppliers in the New Territories. It was great to see this sort of food being taken to the next level.They had so many fun items such as home made macaroni, beef jerky, sweet potato leaves, fermented beancurd and honey on toast!!!Some of the items on the menu take you back in time too such as "Disco sweet and sour pork with rice".Inside the restaurant it was so modern too and the plates were memorable.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Homemade macaroni with beef jerkyWhen it came, it was so colourfully presented, there was purple cabbage which contrasted the dark brown macaroni.The taste of the stir fried macaroni was amazing, there was rich black beans and thai basil taste.Since the macaroni was homemade, it was slightly squashed at the ends.I liked it the way they called the beef as "beef jerky". It sounds so American and basically beef jerky is the snack dried beef.The greens they picked were tender ones too!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fried egg, Sous vide cooked BBQ pork and riceI loved the sous vide pork, it was slow cooked and extremely soft and tender.This is probably why the Hong Kongers did not like it because they were probably expecting the usual roast pork and not for that price.Anyway I liked it and it was fat free.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Cantopop Bomb (Scotch egg)I was surprised to see this on the menu, but on the menu there was so many other surprises and many other items I would like to try such as the Sweet potato leaves, fermented beancurd with honey on toast.Anyway, the scotch egg was an egg encased in their homemade luncheon meat and covered in breadcrumbs.The homemade luncheon meat was really soft and not that salty. The egg yolk was runny which makes it better than an authentic scotch egg.For the sauce it was tomato sauce, not ketchup but home made sauce with pieces of tomato in it, and I loved that as well because it was not too sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-11-25
星期日o係中環要搵間茶記坐低嘆番杯茶係好難的, 因為好多都close, 最後行到去中環中心附近見到有間好企理既茶記仲有開, 印象中雜誌有介紹過的, 其實裡面只得三枱客, 冇咩選擇之下都要試一試架啦. 總括來說不是太差也不是特出. 試一次就夠了. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-23
本少爺自問是個接受能力甚高的人,不論食物的創意與價錢如何天馬行空,也會放開懷抱去嚐試。是日終於有機會光臨近期極具爭議性的超貴茶餐廳 - 港土茶記。話說此茶餐廳是由廣告界名人徐蒝與投資伙伴開設,主打有創意及極具膽色的本土美食。$68 一碗「自製餐肉蛋麵」,$68 一份「慢煮叉燒音樂蛋飯」,啅頭十足,問君是否有興趣試試是龍還是鳯?一入店內,已聽到不斷播放九十年代的 pop songs,「流飛菲」、「從不喜歡孤單一個」...果然店如其英文名字 - Cantopop。餐廳裝修看得出是非常有心思,中央開放式廚房,檯椅配搭極像現代版的懷舊茶記,菜單名字也很有 gimmick,甚麼「一蛋走天涯」、「菜豐華」。。。一定是投放了不少心機去度橋設計。「犀飛利义燒蛋飯」此飯價錢的確非常犀飛利及利害,收 $68。全碗飯紅黃綠三間,即管逐樣細味。叉燒 - 強調是利用天然本地豬肉,以自創低溫機浸煮方法慢煮十二小時以保留肉汁及營養云云。叉燒看上去沒有甚麼光澤,賣相亦有別於一般中式燒味的鮮紅。咬下去,肉質是較諗及乾身,沒有蜜汁及豉油味,亦沒有炭燒的焦香,油脂亦不足。坦白說,鄙人還是較喜愛一般燒臘檔的半肥瘦叉燒 (請參閲舊文)。荷包蛋 - 煎得外觀亮麗,蛋是來自聽古典音樂長大的雞產出來的「音樂蛋」;細吃那蛋味,恕本人真的沒吃出有何特別。或許下次可以貫切店名,用聽 Cantopop 如「獨自去偷歡」、「焚心以火」的雞生的蛋來入饌,相信會更有 gimmick 啊 !菜心 - 店方選用了有機菜,非常幼嫩及爽口,這個反而非常不錯。整體賣 $68 ,感覺有點眼高手低。「蜜糖腐乳多士」再來個有創意的小吃,承惠$26。起初看到名字是頗期待,心想此多士創意十足,蜜糖的甜蜜可中和腐乳的咸香,抹在厚脆鬆軟的多士上,理應很有化學作用。可惜,多士是烘得不夠香脆及不夠熱,腐乳味亦太濃了,味道非常古怪,完全不值此價錢,亦不明白為何會有食評大讚此多士「衣之班」。總結,有些東西硬來是沒幸福的,新鮮感亦只會是霎眼嬌。還是一切隨緣吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-08
最近人氣很火的港土茶記,本來之前搞過一次tasting event,結果前一天send email說postpone,有點可惜。其實地道的香港本土美食我一直也很有興趣,不如自己以普通食客的身份來試試水準吧!餐桌底下有個小抽屜,裡面擺放著餐具先來一杯紅豆冰,這裡的紅豆冰是用椰汁去調,有淡淡的椰香,味道不會過甜,但敗筆出在紅豆,煮的不夠軟,有些紅豆粒還是硬邦邦的例湯是豬骨湯,濃得有點誇張,似乎是用了很多肥膏去熬的,表面漂著一層白色的脂肪,喝起來有點肥膩這裡的餐蛋麵頗具噱頭,餐肉是自家製,絕非超市的罐頭貨色,肉味香濃,肥瘦相宜,也不會太咸,確實是挺好吃的;那聽古典音樂長大的雞產出來的蛋也如何呢…造型是不錯的,味道的話,恕我沒吃出來太大分別,只是蛋黃的部分更香甜純淨一點。麵條十分爽彈,湯底也濃香不死咸,確信是沒有用味精。要我說這碗麵的亮點,就是蛋上面那一小撮蔥絲,把整碗麵的香勁都帶起來了另一個古典音樂作品肉鬆蒸蛋就更平凡了,蒸蛋的水準的確是高,柔滑香甜,火候控制得相當好,周邊連氣泡也沒有;但肉鬆部分又肥膩了些,而且肉質也有點過硬,和蛋的質感很大反差甜魔在此,當然少不了試多幾樣甜品,木糠布甸雪得過硬,忌廉部分一點也不幼滑,令人失望蜜糖腐乳多士將濃咸的腐乳配以甜香的蜜糖,創意十足,二者帶來的對比也確實給味蕾帶來驚喜,可惜多士端上來的時候已經不夠熱度,邊角也不是很脆,任憑調味再出色,不夠熱的多士也沒可能好吃吧?雪糕叫了奶茶味與阿華田味,前者較清淡,奶味弱於茶香,甜中帶些許甘苦;後者則重奶味,滲透著陣陣麥子香氣,兩款各有千秋,都值得一試總括之,是噱頭過大,味道不算差,但好像又沒有宣傳中的那般犀利,而且我完全吃不出它究竟『土』在哪裡,用料、價格、菜式都和『土』一點不沾邊,可能是廣東話的『土』和Canto之『to』近音吧^^'' continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-06
十月十七日 (星期一)朋友常常提到徐小姐新開的港土茶記因為怕午飯時間人多始終還未曾吃過今晚在中環做完gym後,決定過來一試!店子裝修上花了頗多心思,令人如置身於以前的茶餐廳我倆選擇坐在圓桌,晚上人不多,是中環食店的特色...即使開OT亦沒有這閒情日置過來吃晚餐入門口前,問問店員有否雪糕因為看過文迪的食評,見到其雪糕頗不錯的!!!!店員確定有雪糕吃,一個箭步進入店子看過menu,點了招牌菜犀利义燒蛋飯和常餐B英文名叫SouzVide Charsiu & Egg,頗特別义燒經過十二小時低溫慢煮,沒有加色素看來色澤沒有出面的光鮮吃下去口感著實欠了點煙韌味道吃到是燻出來的不過這個價錢的確有點貴多士是麥包烘製,香脆味足老公仔說他中午來吃是卻用另一款麵包的午餐肉是自家製的,口感很特別!覺得不是午餐肉,反有點似一塊很稔的豬扒,又不錯唷!炒蛋,用的是音樂蛋,吃起來卻沒有什麼特別之處向來對"自家製"這三個字都抱有期望這自製蛋麵卻令我失望麵黏著一起的,廚師的心去了哪?第一口,覺得有部份麵條是還未熟透加上湯淡得如水,令我沒有意慾再吃下去了凍奶茶這裡的奶茶做得出色,奶味香純又香滑老公仔喝過熱的,更讚不絕口吃完了主菜,是時候吃我最期待的雪糕原來甜品才是主角兩者味道非常濃郁特別一提是豆腐味,與豆漿味道非但近似每球只是十多元,以這裡的物價算是很超值!好壞參半有機會試試它的下午茶~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)