Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Wed
17:00 - 23:00
Thu - Fri
11:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
I had dinner with parents last Saturday and my mom fainted, the lady only concerned I settle the bill instead of caring my elderly mom. It’s really heartless and cold blooded.我上個星期六喺呢間餐廳度食晚飯,年紀老邁嘅母親感覺不適暈倒,門口招攬客人嘅小姐只顧叫我埋單,非一般正常人所做的,表現出毫無關心,可以講得係冷血。從未遇過咁無情嘅餐廳招待。其實今次係本着支持本地餐廳,點知俾我哋嘅感覺係咁恐怖。
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諗住入嚟西貢食間chill啲嘅西餐點知中咗伏🥲▶️ Egg royale ($85)賣相已經唔太討好🫥好彩兩隻水波蛋都仲有流心煙三文魚各一片,欠缺三文魚油香鬆餅似嘉頓一包四件嗰隻,食落鬆軟但口感麻麻荷蘭醬汁更加係冇味🫠完全係屋企都整得好食過佢嘅水準▶️ Chicken penne 好水汪汪😶🌫️意粉過熟雞肉又柴又乾,冇新鮮雞味簡單炒入三色椒同蘑菇附送個蘑菇湯都比較稀▶️ Hot americano -食物好麻麻,差過自己煮服務同環境就OK嘅不過絕對唔值呢個價錢☹️
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This is my first time coming to this restaurant, and it was quite disappointing. We came for brunch, my mom ordered smoked salmon egg Benedict and I ordered the full breakfast, and a spicy prawn as snack. The prawn has no flavour, only some apple (I think?) and pineapple on top, egg benny was cold, and the full breakfast looks very sad tbh. The portobello mushroom was the saddest, looks like it got squeezed out and super flat…. I would not come again…. Side note, the table was very dirty.
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今次同男友響西貢行完山,回程返到市中心既時候,勁肚餓,可能行得多又出咗好多汗,消耗咗好多Energy,覺得特別肚餓😆望吓個時間只係5:30,究竟食tea好吖,定係食晚餐呢?經過好多西餐廳嘅沙咀街見到呢間有outdoor 位既CENA,就揀咗呢間試吓,行完山個人熱辣辣,當然就係坐入邊食嘆冷氣啦!😬由於時間尚早餐廳內都比較少客人,我哋就舒舒服服咁嘆番個Early dinner 啦🥰🌀Fish n Chip 叫咗一份我最鍾意嘅炸魚薯條,大大塊炸魚,外層好酥脆,魚肉好嫩滑又唔會有腥味👍🏻佢哋個塔塔醬做得好出色😋我超鍾意伴有大量香脆嘅粗薯條+蔬菜沙律,都好夠飽架🌀 Australia Sirloin Steak西冷外層微焦,我哋點咗medium,熟度控制得啱啱好,肉質相當唔錯幾嫩紅(掛住食唔記得咗影tim🙊)重有我最愛嘅脆薯角呀😍🌀alska Cider點咗呢款瑞典嘅果酒黎試吓,我揀咗strawberry lime cider ,酸酸甜甜,又有士多啤梨香,又幾好飲喎😋
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西貢最多西餐廳嘅兩條街,就係沙咀街同隔離嘅灣景街,清明節假期,午餐時段周圍都係人,我哋見門口menu有牛扒餐,又有室內冷氣位,即刻走咗入去,點知個扒由落單計,足足等咗起碼45分鐘,好彩我哋放假有大把時間啫。🍴新西蘭西冷牛扒 $148 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️蘑菇湯唔夠香濃唔夠滑,原來店員忘記加忌廉響面(之後見隔離枱有)。塊扒好厚身都唔細塊,我估有10oz或以上,叫咗medium,切開見到好靚好juicy,食落肉質鮮嫩肉味重,不枉我哋等咗咁耐,至於薯條,係熱辣辣外脆內軟嘅粗薯條,仲有沙律,呢個set正價比好高。🍹Peach Tea (+$15) + Ice Hazel Latte (+$20)餐飲轉咗蜜桃茶同Latte,前者蜜桃味不足,後者甜咗啲。二人共消費:$365
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