3-min walk from Exit B1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (124)
Level4 2024-11-27
Discovered this Korean resto in North Point on Google Maps, and decided to try it with my family due to its high rating. .We all ordered the Chiko Combo Box, and my mom and I had the Bowl, which included 1 Base, 1 Main and 1 Drink. I chose the Kimchi Fried Rice and Boneless Red Sweet Chicken. The Kimchi Fried Rice had an appealing orange hue and was generously portioned, mixed with kimchi, carrot, corn and beans. The chicken was meaty and tasted sweet, but it was slightly coarse in texture. My mom got the BBQ Pork Fried Rice and Boneless Honeybee Chicken. The fried rice had a lighter colour, but was slightly oilier due to the BBQ pork, offering a savoury flavour. The chicken was sweeter with a crispier texture. My dad and my sis went for the Plate option, which included 1 Base, 2 Main and 1 Drink. My dad got Korean Glass Noodle, Spicy Pork and Spicy Topokki. The glass noodle blended well with the sauce. The topokki was pleasantly chewy. My sis chose BBQ Pork Fried Rice mixed Kimchi Fried Rice, Boneless Herb Soy Garlic Chicken and Spicy Topokki. The chicken was nicely marinated and had a more aromatic scent due to the garlic. .The price of the set was quite economical compared to other Korean restos. The portion were generous, leaving us feeling very full after the meal. The resto had TVs showing Korean food variety shows and played K-pop music. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🇰🇷韓式 🚹1-4人 🐻#炸物控——————餐廳:Chicken Chiko地址:北角明園西街2-6號明苑中心地下4號舖——————🐻🐻‍❄️放工去搵食,搵到呢間喺連鎖炸雞店隔離嘅 — 家庭式炸雞店~🍲部隊鍋$88🐻‍❄️食開嘅多數用拉麵,呢度用咗韓式粉絲比較特別;個湯有辣,所以食落都係辣味為主~配菜有午餐肉、腸仔、泡菜之類,整體質素正常👌🏽🍗乳酪洋蔥炸雞(無骨)$108/$55輕盈今次叫咗正常份量,炸雞食落肉質鮮嫩,皮都脆,份量有10幾塊,每塊唔會太大塊,大概1-2口就食晒,都幾方便點醬食👍🏽不過個乳酪洋蔥醬味道偏淡(🐻🐻‍❄️:😣),可能啱女仔/淡味人士多啲~如果想試多幾樣可以叫輕盈版,見到其他人叫咗,雖然細份啲,但有連沙律菜👍🏽啱晒想健康啲嘅朋友😆最後,竟然無收加一!好抵!結論:埋單每人唔使$100,以香港韓國餐廳嚟講都幾抵食。炸雞ok,鍾意淡味嘅人士經過可以試吓~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-17
行緊北角果陣見到新既韓式炸鷄舖嘛去睇下。費事傳染到人就外賣咗炸醬麵同埋炸雞。唔講好唔好食先,覺得五十四蚊買到兩樣嘢真係好抵食!一開始我搵唔到呢兩個菜式嘅配搭,問咗人之後原来有。兩樣野都算標準嘅韓國菜味,個王牌乳酪洋蔥炸雞都幾有特色,啲cream幾香,洋蔥幾有口感,配埋個炸雞有口感,又唔會太炸。個炸醬麵都ok好食,啲肉醬夠撈勻啲麵,有啲啖啖肉算係足料。主要係佢個醬夠香,我就滿意啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-31
炸雞:雞塊大大件,輕盈版都有200gram,大約6件。炸粉厚度適中,配上唔同醬汁有唔同風味,其中點咗甜辣同黑蒜味。兩者各有特色。甜辣比較易入口,甜得黎唔會太辣。黑蒜較香口惹味。壽司:點咗蟹肉同豚肉壽司,蟹肉食落比較清新,豚肉經過醃製,非常入味。壽司飯粒鬆軟,經人手卷製,有空氣感,味道唔錯。泡菜煎餅:食落泡菜味香濃,煎餅亦唔會太油膩,幾香口。魚餅年糕: 食咗咁多重口味野,當然都試下清淡d既菜式啦,年糕煙煙韌韌,魚餅幾軟熟,果然唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日趁住放工喺附近食個方便晚餐😋主打韓式食物味道不錯🇰🇷款式多價錢抵食CP值不錯❤️⭐️ 韓滋樂四拼炸雞 🍗可以一次過叫晒四款口味嘅炸雞🥰 個人比較喜歡香蒜醬油口味最濃郁🧄甜辣醬嘅味道好正宗🌶️ 另外乳酪洋蔥嘅味道就好Fresh🧅 芝士雪花嘅味道就較香口❄️⭐️ 炸醬麵 🍜炸醬麵濃郁帶肉醬香🥩整體口味好道地⭐️ 烤牛捲飯 🍱份量超級豐富🩷而且牛肉味濃食落唔會太大負擔😊⭐️ 泡菜煎餅 🫔口感煙煙韌韌又有泡菜嘅惹味🤪食落好開胃⭐️ 燒酒 🍶容易入口唔會太過濃烈🍻配上炸雞平衡返油膩感岩岩好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)