Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
生猛波士頓龍蝦 田螺面包球
Review (73)
一行數人點了,德國咸豬手, 龍脷柳, 西冷扖 。龍脷柳, 西冷扖都唔錯..西冷我叫八成熟..肉汁多.....好食!! 但德國咸豬手到時,全枱人O 晒嘴...咸豬手是白色的,與烚過的樣差不多。雖然酸菜好味,但發現咸豬手沒怎豬手味,只有白烚後的味,十分失望。我們向侍應查問這咸豬手是否他們的一貫品質,侍應回應這咸豬手是用海南雞的做法製造!?? 所以是這樣。海南雞做法的德國咸豬手??? ....原來叫咗FUSION 菜都唔知。人地唔知...以為我地未食過德國咸豬手。 服務方面,我們坐近水吧,侍應們都集於水吧前的餐枱傾計。餐廳無音樂加上傾計聲浪大,好似坐在茶餐廳食野,但當然付的不是茶餐廳的價錢。外面亦沒有人等位。但我們食完後,不同的侍應經常每隔幾分鐘來替我們倒水,無論個杯有無水。他們的手就在我o地嘅對話中穿插,直情騷擾同趕客!! 埋單走人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-07-22
荷里活廣場七月有泊車優惠,同老公開車去逛逛~見呢間餐廳環境幾好,所以入去試下~一坐底就覺得好有情調,枱面有CANDLES,現場又有歌手彈結他唱歌,唱得幾好聽,老公好鐘意聽~我要了一個煙三文魚忌廉汁意粉,老公要了肉眼扒。我的意粉非常好味,個汁好CREAMY,越食越想食~老公的肉眼就麻麻地了,塊扒唔夠熱,又"鞋",又細塊。下次都係食意粉比較穩當。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-07-18
今日在荷里活看電影,事前選了這間有不少好評的飯廳享用晚餐,可惜令我極之失望......我點了一個紐西蘭牛排,餐前上的蒜蓉包的大小真是小得可憐,猜不到牛排也可以那麼小,吃之前也安慰自己只要味道不差便算了,可惜事與願違,牛排沒有味道之餘,連黑椒汁也很淡,甚至連薯菜的味道也是淡淡的......所以我深信沒有下一次...... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
這晚, 我和我既死黨係荷里活百老匯電器舖買完佢既心水禮物之後, 我們便到經常光顧既飯廳享用晚餐, 我們叫了兩個很有特色既套餐, 就係黑咖哩汁拚雜錦海鮮和黑咖哩汁拚德國咸豬手, 先講果海鮮有大蝦, 青口, 龍利柳,我第一次食, 覺得好新奇, d黑咖哩汁像豬腳薑既醋一樣酸酸甜甜, 再加上面頭有幾片紫薑寧舍開胃. 而咸豬手肉質夠淋味道香濃~一邊聽住懷舊既英文歌, 一邊用膳~別有一番滋味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-05-25
Wanting to find a good restaurant to have dinner with another couple near the Diamond Hill MTR station, I found this restaurant in Openrice.com, which has all the info I need to pick this restaurant:1. Available for reservation2. Good ratio of good vs. bad review3. price range4. Phone number and location detailsAnyway, the service was great despite the restaurant being packed. The menu selections were abundant with individual meals, couple meals, dinner for 4, etc. My wife and I finally settled on 3-course dinner with coffee for $228. The good thing about "couple meal" is that there were 2 different appetizers and 2 different main courses, so we were able to sample a good variety of dishes. Soup:Spinach cream soup with Tuna: interesting with the cubed garlic bread dipped into it.The appetizers:Cesar Salad with Smoked Salmon: niceEscargo, (snails): so-so, but the mashed potato tasted great with the juice from the snails.Main Courses:New Zealand fillet: The portion was too smallAngel-hair pasta with claim and mushroom: good portion and tasty, but we were getting fullOverall, I liked the restaurant for the following reasons:1. The live music ambiance was nice.2. They use cloth napkin, not paper, which was a pleasant surprise at this price range.3. The water carafe was nice and the lemon wedge added a nice touch.4. Plenty of choices in the menu.5. The service was quick and nice.6. We were there until almost 10:30pm, but no one "hinted" for us to leave.The only drawback was its very limited wine selection, yet they charge $150 for corkage. If they cancel the corkage fee, I might be there a whole lot more! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)