4-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
*Closed on Sun
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
午飯過後,空腹未平。就與朋友來這裡吃蒸餃。店舖很小,廚房卻佔了九成面積,店面只能裝下四個客人。不過裝潢都不算馬虎,有中式畫作配上英語翻譯,但有小型雕像,算是挺花心思的。我們都是無飯家庭,希望吃得清淡點。所以點了白菜豬肉蒸餃連米粉。盛惠30元。全部即叫即整,等候時間約10-15分鐘。先來的是新竹米粉。說是新竹米粉,吃起來卻比較像東莞米粉,較為腍和粗身,沒有新竹米粉幼身乾爽的感覺。湯頭相對而言較鹹,但不是味精過濃,反而感覺是在家下廚,鹽下重手了一樣。整體而言味道一般。如果想食清淡少少,可以黎試試。至於蒸餃,相對於其他連鎖餃子店而言,算是非常好吃和有心思了。蒸餃算是大隻,餃皮較厚身,較有果腹感。這裡的蒸餃賣點不是肉汁,而是餃皮同內涵。皮身厚有頭,餡肉除了有白菜和豬肉外, 還有蟹籽。算是相當驚喜, 起碼我食到佢唔係粗製濫造,而係有心機去經營食物,值得鼓勵。總括而言,我認為小店賣的並不是既美食,而是賣心思同家的味道。如果喜歡吃餃,或是帶國外朋友過來,不妨一試。
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店鋪很小,得4個座位,所以一直都未有機會試,趁今日遲食晏,就黎試試。點了椰菜豬肉煎餃以及擔擔麵,煎餃個皮厚左 dd, 但餡料幾好味;個擔擔麵就好好味!個湯好濃,夠味,唔係太辣,好適合唔太食得辣既我。友人點左芝士煙肉豬肉餃覺得麻麻,我覺得感覺幾得意,有芝士rich 既味道,煙肉就食唔出,但如果係食多幾隻就應該好膩。友人話個牛肉卷好食,等我下次試下先
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I was in Portland not too long ago and there's a big food truck scene there, where there are people cooking some truly innovative things. One truck I tried had fusion dumplings, including a bacon and cheese one. Unfortunately, none of the dumplings were any good. Anyway, when I noticed DTC and their fusion-y dumpling menu, I thought I should give it a go. Somebody's gotta do it right, no?It was a very hot and humid afternoon and hot coffee or tea were not wanted. So I got the iced lemon tea. It was very very sugary and kinda small in size.Here's my vision of a bacon and cheese dumpling: it's like the inside of a bacon and cheese omelet, but with a dumpling on the outside instead of egg. Y'know, the bacon is in noticeable-sized crispy chunks and the cheese is sharp and melty. This wasn't that. This was like a pork ball which had been finely ground with some bacon and some small amount of cheese. You could definitely taste the bacon and cheese flavors, but they were both faint and off, in my opinion, with none of the cheesy, crispy texture. I wouldn't really recommend these.Pork & cabbage dumpling: my wife didn't want any of the fusion stuff and went with the pork and cabbage dumpling. They were pretty standard, I definitely would not go out of my way for them, especially when I share an address with the dumpling shop in the Queen St. cooked food center. It could have stood to be more cabbage-y in my opinion.The set comes with 5 dumplings + vermicelli soup. The soup is extremely bland.The set ranges from $30-$36 depending on what type of dumpling you get. That's not a lot, but you can get better quality-- and more dumplings-- at around that price point if you're willing to go someplace less flashy. I don't think I'll be back.
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有ㄧ日經過這條街,見到DTC三個字以為又是coffee shop.竟然是餃子店。我同友人正常揾D小吃食下。環境:整個廚房跟餃子爐ㄧ眼望晒,總共有四張bar 枱式坐位。食物我地叫左松露餃子同鮑魚餃子,要等十分鐘左右,見收銀員係雪櫃拿D餃子去餃子爐煎,應該唔係即叫即包。不過ㄧ上枱見佢size 都好飽滿,應該落足餡料。漲扑扑的呀松露餃非常香,差不多連豬肉味都蓋過.但確實非常juicy及啖啖松露油香。D肉爆晒出來。鲍魚餃相比起就差D,鲍魚味就真是食唔出。不過有ㄧ隻餃食到豬肉D筋,應該用新鮮貨。服務收銀員工雖然怕怕羞羞,不過都幾熱心。我D餃子汁彈到ㄧ褲都是,佢主動拿水比我抺。價錢當然份量唔可以同大型連鎖餃子店比,但用料新鮮。連米粉都只是30幾蛟,好抵!!!!總結餃子用心製作,有小店的人情味,值得再三回味買任何嘢食就可以九蛟飲到,超市都唔是依個價。
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喜歡食小店的朋友,灣仔絕對是一個天堂,大家深入去莊士敦道同皇后大道東之間的橫街仔,需要尋食的時候,絕對是有驚喜的。是日,我在這一帶漫步尋食,行到汕頭街,我被一間售賣中餐的西化小店吸引住了。以前,在造一區見過一間西化的刈包店,前陣子又發現了一間西化的越南小食店,而我是日要說的,就是一間西化的中式餃子店,名字叫《DTC》(Dumplings Tea and Coffee),售賣的是餃子同麵。此類型的小店,基本上是主打外賣的。可是我的辦公室不近,沒有打算外賣走的念頭。幸好,此小小食店有好幾個供堂食的面壁位,而我就坐正這一個要面聖,要對住皇帝食的這一個位。中午要飽食,我點了此小店提供的麵食之一,擔擔麵。這是四川口味的擔擔麵,入口有足夠的辛辣感,不過也許要遷就香港人及老外的口味,說辣也不是最勁的川辣味道,反而似台式的溫和辣口味。濃濃香香,帶點 spicy,好味道。這店主打的是餃子,所以一定會食餃子。這兒的餃子,有不少餡料口味令人1感覺是有點新潮同西式的,以我點的煙肉芝士豬肉煎餃為例,加了煙肉同芝士,令原來應該係爆汁既餃子變成爆漿,爆芝士漿,芝士餃子的味道,絕對是 yeah! 加點醋,更香.....很簡單就完成這一個麵加餃子午餐了,Coffee Tea 我就沒有點了,原因是...套餐不包飲品,另叫飲品感覺唔抵....單是說食物的味道,是值得送隻手指公俾佢的。
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