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Review (10)
After trying their pandan cake at a recent promotional stall at Hollywood plaza, I really wanted to try their donuts, but the nearest branch was MK or the Kwai Fong side of town.Since my friend lives in the KF area I was able to get her to get me some.She got me a pack of three for $15.These donuts were non fried which is healthier compared to the fried ones, however the icing was a bit too much.The chocolate one tastes the best and the donut was soft and grease free.The lilac one tasted a bit artificial. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-30
同一個好耐無見的BABY係新都會食完DINNNER, 朋友買左2盒糯米滋俾我做甜品.可惜, 我已經好飽啦, 拎左返屋企雪到第朝當早餐食1. 芝士糯米滋: 凍凍地, 黃色的外皮非常軟, 微甜, 配上滑滑的芝心, 芝士味LIGHT, 好好食. 食多十件八件都得啊HEHE2. 紅豆糯米滋: 相對比較"煙銀", 應該落多左沾米粉, 面頭沾滿椰絲, 紅豆餡微甜, 一般 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-03-19
這天經過簡品堂, 被這個不經油炸的冬甩所吸引!!~因為很sharp呢..但價錢絕不便宜..$15~不過還是帶走它, 還另外買了芒果布甸+好立克布甸,購買第二杯半價呢!包裝是幾靚的, 有d似偏向台灣風的感覺!急不及待開黎食....一咬落去.....十分失望! 原來只是普通的小蛋糕..只是扮相是冬甩形的, 難怪說不經油炸!但我覺得冬甩和小蛋糕完全是兩回事......所以感覺很差!如果佢一開始話係冬甩型蛋糕我一定唔會買.......!不過芒果布甸同好立克布甸我就收貨, 因為兩者都不會有很假的香精味道!所以今次會比OK, 不會比喊面呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-01-05
巨P最愛是木糠布甸, 上次去澳門吃不到, 丈夫對此耿耿於懷, 誓言要在香港買到木糠布甸给巨P。丈夫到過不同的甜品店去試食, 但總找不到一款稱心滿意的木糠布甸, 不是忌廉打得太實, 就是木糠太濕。就在這遠在天边, 近在眼前的葵涌廣場裡, 竟然有麥提沙木糠布甸賣, $10一小杯。麥提沙就只有布甸頂上那一粒, 似點綴多而没有大大的作用;木糠是指餅乾碎, 落得不夠平均, 落多些可平衡忌廉的奶脂味;忌廉似軟雪糕狀, 沒有過實有如蛋糕的口感, 甜而香滑。暫且這款木糠布甸都可抵擋巨P的為食之心 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-09-20
找朋友途經此店,被搶眼的綠色門面吸引了!由經驗所知在葵涌商場見到的店鋪一旦走過就再找一到,所以立即停下買來試試$28 就有六款選擇非常適合貪心的人買了斑蘭味, 燕麥, 牛油甜薑, 竹炭芝士等最欣賞竹炭芝士脆脆的芝士口感與鬆軟曲奇的配搭,非常特別!另外店裡還有一些禮品裝的曲奇發售,似乎很適合送人作小禮物因此我下次會努力找回這小店的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)