5-min walk from Exit P3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (34)
放假落尖沙咀行街,又迫又熱頂唔順,咁岩找到間靜靜地既coffee shop ,就入去試下啦,數一數得12個位咋,坐底無耐已full house ,我點左最classic 既hot latte ,我朋友點左冰滴咖啡,冰滴用佢地自家既玻璃瓶,幾有型架,我杯latte 都幾大杯整咖啡既應該都係幾有資歷既專業咖啡師,因為佢地都好詳細介紹啲豆咩味咩來源,所以兩款咖啡味道外觀質感我都無野可以挑剔佢,呢到仲有食物可以點,有窩夫,三文治,我地未肚餓無點到,但隔離枱都有食窩夫,好似幾好味咁,下次試下先! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-05-29
一班朋友 忙裏偷閑 😆走咗去尖沙咀附近一間比較偏僻嘅coffee shop試一試😋亦可以輕鬆下😋依一間Cafe 環境唔大 地方比較細小 座位亦都不多 因為都有其他客喺度 所以我哋幾個朋友只可以揀一排高枱坐雖然坐得唔係好舒服 但食物都OK嘅 咖啡拉得好細心好靚👍我叫果杯係latte 奶同咖啡 比例都好均勻但個窩夫就等左好耐....因為得一個店員 所有嘢都係佢負責曬 我哋叫咗三個窩夫 等左差唔多杯野飲晒都未黎 有啲失望 不過窩夫都好熱辣辣 好香 好鬆軟 唔算太差😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-07-03
有一段日子, 我會四出尋找香港的好咖啡, 有次一早在尖沙咀諗早個late breakfast再去開會,於是專程到呢間,我按照Google map搵路, 但原來佢都幾隱秘架喎, 我都搵左一陣先到。入到去,噢!真係唔好意思,原來店尚在準備中,咖啡機都未開😅。店主就叫我坐一陣先,佢ready先幫我做咖啡。我簡單點了一杯Latte加份三明治。 咖啡好香, 奶泡好滑,但我還是偏好濃一點的咖啡味道。最神奇是飲到見底但拉花仍在, 這就最能顯咖啡師的功力!這裡店面好細,所以建議非繁忙時段先嚟 。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-26
1. A small, cozy coffee shop hidden in busy Tsim Sha Tsui2. Classic chairs in classroom, with fancy wood crafted tables (love it!)3. Banana chocolate cake is amazing, rice chocolate coating on the outside, with layers of banana bread and marshmallow-like banana cream4. Dirty coffee is nice. Barista suggested to use normal milk rather than skim milk, as skim milk is too light for such coffee. I actually don’t care, but as he suggested so, I followed his suggestion. Coffee always tastes better with normal milk, as there is more fat for taste and texture5. Waffle and sandwich on menu look good too. Might check them out on next visit continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-06-22
小舖,只有大約三張枱(6個座位)。端午節假日的中午大約12點去到,想叫個Tuna sandwich, 店員已話賣晒😵。最後叫咗個ham & cheese sandwich 同一杯flat white。質素ok。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)