4-min walk from Exit P3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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This modern Japanese BBQ restaurant is decorated with sake bottles and provides a lot of booth seats which are comfy. You can enjoy more than 100 kinds of ingredients and Japanese dishes, such as wagyu and sashimi.
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Opening Hours
17:30 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
17:30 - 01:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
尖沙嘴日式放題燒肉專門店 - 燒魂每年CK都會黎燒魂翻焯,順便睇睇有無新菜式既。呢期餐廳重點推介酒,韓國星光有氣清酒🍶法國利維子爵白酒🍾日本1800ml清酒🍶可惜我就無咩興趣,哈哈不過而家香港大部份餐廳好早就收鋪,難得呢度開到凌晨一點,好難得既一個俾三五知己聚會既好地方 ! 簡單講下CK既重點推介啦 : 燒肉既話,今日CK會推介食鹽燒一口豚同蜜運豚后肉,入口即溶同甜甜地好開胃,而雞CK就推薦香茅雞中翼,夠哂入味 🤩 如果覺得唔夠味,枱上仲有三款醬汁俾大家調番岩自己口味既 ! 剌身方面CK就推薦三文魚﹑馬刀貝同甜蝦,三文魚意想不到比一般日式餐廳仲好食 😍 而馬刀貝都幾新鮮 !甜蝦又做到極致鮮甜,肉質彈牙,一隻接著一隻超過癮!甜蝦長七吋,足足有成部Iphone 咁大條啊 ! 炸物既話餐廳炸得好脆而且唔會好油,CK推薦食北海道牛乳松葉蟹薯餅! 飲品係雪櫃雪住俾大家任飲既,當然想飲常溫飲品都係可以既餐廳上菜速度都好快!店員時不時過黎提醒燒肉燒夠鐘提我地翻一翻肉,十好貼心 ❤️CK一定會再黎既 ! 燒魂 (尖沙咀)地址 : 尖沙咀漆咸道南57-59號金馬倫中心2樓訂座電話 : 23666072營業時間 : 星期一至日 17:30 - 01:00
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Dinner at Guts Soul! This is an all you can eat restaurant with variety of food that you can get! They have the sushi, sushi rolls, which are fresh! and its already seasoned well without the needs of soy sauce or wasabi! i tried their spicy salmon, salmon sushi, and their rolls! Its also not overwhelming where it hides the taste of the sushi but just enough to get the right seasoning! Then there is also the tempura which consists of different things such as shrimp and crab stick! Both are perfectly seasoned, crispy, and tender on the inside! We then also ordered their cook food! which are wagyu beef rice, and also the clam soup. The rice was amazing! its seasoned well with fried garlic and onion, with a sweet and savory beef which is perfect to be eaten together with rice! Their clam soup is also very fresh! a bit spicy but not too spicy! its perfect and well seasoned!Then for the main stage! we hd barbecue for chicken, pork and Beef! the chicken and pork are tender, and it has produced umami flavor when we ate them! The beef have different parts, such as the muscle and the wagyu! the muscle part of the beef is more lean, and the wagyu is fatty! both are great in their own ways! one is definitely more umami flavor, and the other being more beefy! Overall this is a worth it all you can eat experience along with the free flow of drinks that is also included!
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有朋友喺外國返嚟 一大班人食嘢又唔知食咩好就諗起位於尖沙咀嘅燒魂 唔單止地理位置十分方便 食物選擇都好豐富!燒肉肉質鮮嫩多汁 非常juicy 肉味都好濃郁仲可以試吓配上唔同嘅醬汁 除左有平時好常見嘅燒肉汁之外 仲有各種唔同嘅醬汁 例如有蕃茄味 柚子味 各有特色 食落又有另一番風味!除咗燒肉之外 仲有刺身同埋壽司 全部食物都好新鮮鮮甜 唔想食咁多生冷嘢都仲有好多好高質嘅熟食同煮物 我自己就鍾意卜卜煮大蜆 蜆肉唔單止好大隻 肉質仲好爽口 大家一定要黎order試試!
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尖沙咀嘅「燒魂」真係一間唔可以錯過嘅日式放題餐廳。餐廳主打和牛燒肉,肉質鮮嫩,入口即化,配搭上他們特製嘅醬汁,更加提升咗味道。而且,刺身新鮮,色彩繽紛,讓人一見就食指大動, 最正係甜蝦,大隻又甜又新鮮。壽司亦相當有水準,每一口都能感受到食材嘅新鮮。天婦羅外脆內嫩,油炸到啱啱好,不會過油膩,配襯上清新的蘸醬,令人回味無窮。煮物方面,牛舌係必試,簡直同出面餐廳一樣水準。整體環境雅緻舒適,服務人員熱情周到,令用餐體驗更加分。放題價格合理,適合同朋友聚餐或者家庭聚會,非常值得一試!🥰🥰🥰
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