2-min walk from Exit A, Fortress Hill MTR Station
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Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
07:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
做完一日野放工,有時真係會餓餓地,想食返少少野才回家去。而每一次當我行入炮台山的地鐵站,總會有一間野吸引到我停停看看 (限肚餓時),這就是車站的《華御結》分店啦。那天,真的太肚餓了,我就看中了《華御結》照燒鮭魚扒配明太子沙律。用上了保鮮紙袋包裝,打開時沒有像那些用膠袋包,要跟指示去撕才不會令到紫菜爛掉而產生的煩惱。打開咬一口,已經可以看得見有大大件的三文魚 (鮭魚) 在內,加上伴魚的汁 (明太子沙律),直接令到這飯糰味道濃香,啖啖飯都是魚味同明太子的味道。細細件,剛剛好能減輕餓意而又不會令人感到很飽,《華御結》的確是喜歡輕食既人士之福啊。
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😋柚子胡椒雞腿肉華御結 $17小編勁鍾意食日本菜🇯🇵同韓國菜🇰🇷,尤其是係壽司🍣同埋泡菜🥬,但係有時太忙食唔到壽司,就唯有買個華御結過吓癮😏,呢個飯團係我食過最好味嘅!!!唔單止有柚子醬感覺十分fresh,啲雞肉亦係十分之嫩口,再加少少胡椒味點綴,Perfect池!😍😍😍不過呢個口味係九月限定,截至今日都仲買到,但係就唔知幾時下架了,想試嘅快啲J返一個啦!分數(五星滿分):⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Is the new shop in the mtr station . Really convenient to all of us if we are hungry. Just go and buy and take mtr ASAP to work or go anywhere. The food is really good and health especially they have the calories to u佢嘅梅子飯卷同埋甜蛋都超級好食區最好的就是方便攜帶而且又健康適合上班或學生人士
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HM is spreading everywhere like wildfire!I wish they would debut in UK as well but I wonder how the musubis would taste during the freezing cold weather.Now they have just opened at Fortress Hill.Got the new September musubi and sidedish.The chestnut one was delicious with pieces of chestnut and you can taste the soy sauce in it as well as the hint of spiciness.Okra is another one of my favourite veggies, this time it was mixed with light yuzu gravy and pieces of chicken.It was really good because the yuzu wasn't sweet as you would expect so it was to my liking.Also tried the new yuzu chicken musubi by HM but I wasn't fond of it as it was slightly sweet.
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