Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
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The food and setting was clean.Best Lemon tea: Even though I rarely drink it, I will here!!Best Laksa soup.Best Tom Yum Kung soup:Again I never have this, but here it doesn’t have that lemon grass taste and the onions matched the soup base very well. It basically tastes lemony, and the soup tastes just like Mama’s brand Tom yum instant noodles. Best chow mein:All the strands of noodles were evenly covered with flavour and colour, every mouthful was packed with ingredients such as red sausage, sesame.Best liver:Tastes even better than Trusty gourmet, cut to small pieces, there was so much in my bowl, I thought I was on the last piece, but I kept discovering more at the bottom of the bowl Best menu: Nice and clear, with ENGLISH too!
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再防已差不多有一年,舖子多了報導,多了點名氣。這次點了3餸:豬心,豬肝和菜肉餃,加上米線。 豬肝相當不錯,豬心就煮得過火了,而且很"咸"。菜肉餃不過不失。湯底清甜,吃後有點睡意,不知是否下了味精?!
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復活節出黎玩, 無野做同女朋友搭叮叮到跑馬地閑逛係橫街見到呢間車仔麵, 見出面有好多報紙介紹, 伙計又係咁同我地介紹入面既食物, 所以就入左去試下跟住伙計既推介, 叫左個豬紅, 蘿白, 牛腩, 金錢肚麵. 另外仲叫左個貢丸, 蟹柳, 支竹麵- 豬紅 我本來唔係好食豬紅, 但係呢度既豬紅唔錯, 少少辣幾得意- 蘿白 又係本身我唔係好食, 我覺得係咁多歀餸入面最好食, 好甜無渣唔苦, 好食過平時柱侯牛腩入面既蘿白- 牛腩 好軟甜甜地, 唔會咬極都咬唔開- 其他餸都唔錯估唔到係跑馬地都有咁好食既車仔麵, 同鵝頸橋街市既車仔麵有得比, 下次又係銅鑼灣搭兩蚊叮叮入去食先
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在跑馬地練跑,也在這附近吃東西。除了鎖定去吃正斗的炸兩之外,就是要試試這一間車仔麵的新店。店子不大,只放上幾個簡單的座位,似乎也是以做外賣生意為主。一個人來,面壁而坐,有店員來招呼的,服務還不錯。 吃什麼是剔紙仔,就來個豬潤豬腸米粉。 先喝湯底,不錯。豬潤薄身爽口,豬腸稔身,味道據說是特別醃製的,可以一吃; 埋單32蚊,多加二元有杯飲品。 看來這裡是可以做下去的。想看足本食評及更多的食物相片,可以來這裡: http://gourmetkc.blogspot.com/2010/03/blog-post_02.html
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