2-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
This pet-friendly restaurant is under Community Concept and near North Point Ferry Pier. It offers Italian and American dishes are fresh and serves in a large portion. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
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10% Service Charge
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Review (207)
Level4 2024-04-18
同🐻仔唔知食咩好,行行吓見到依間唔錯,上網睇個評論都好似幾好😚,於是我哋就入去試吓!餐廳燈光係黃燈,坐係個窗口隔離,望到少少海,都好有feel❤️!我哋叫咗個二人餐($488),包咗前菜、主菜、甜品同飲品。-🍴前菜(雜菜湯🍲 & 意大利牛肉丸🐮)雜菜湯會飲到薯仔蓉🥔,唔係求其貨色,不過所謂嘅雜菜,其實只係三色豆🙊。亦都會附有一片蒜蓉包,都頗脆口,可以點湯食👍🏻!而意大利牛肉丸係用茄醬🍅做基底,食到係牛肉碎,調味都幾好食!-🍴主菜 (惹味烤雞軟薄餅卷🌯)烤雞同埋薄餅卷分開兩個碟呈上,烤雞會放在鐵板上,附有3️⃣種醬汁,分別係茄醬、乳酪、牛油果醬🥑。食法同片皮鴨有啲相似,薄餅卷捲住烤雞同埋三色椒,可以令到味道更加豐富,更加有層次😋!-🍴主菜(澳洲烤羊扒🍖) (+$58)烤羊扒🐑都幾大份,我哋揀咗五成熟,外表烤得頗香,餐廳都考慮到可能比較難切,亦會提供比較利嘅刀🔪比食客使用。隔離亦都有沙律🥗,可以減少油膩嘅感覺。-🍴甜品 (朱古力蛋糕🍫🍰)朱古力蛋糕偏乾身,朱古力味唔算重,隔離會有一球雲呢拿雪糕🍨,可以蛋糕加埋雪糕一齊食!-🍴飲品(凍檸檬茶🍋) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-08
週末都鐘意到北角匯搵食😊,商場內都好多食市選擇,今日嚟到Harbourview grill食晚餐餐廳環境闊落 裝修有氣派,仲有面向海景 有露台坐位用餐 感覺好舒服 好ChillBlue Mussels in cream sauce招牌忌廉青口 $158香濃招牌忌廉青口 鮮味十足 份量都多 值得推介Chicken Avocado salad雞肉牛油果沙律 $148新鮮沙律菜 清新爽口 配上香烤雞肉 雞肉微微燒焦 幾香口 仲有至愛牛油果 健康好味Linguine Vonole香辣蒜蓉白酒蜆肉意粉 158蜆肉份量都好多 意粉煙韌彈牙 辣椒蒜蓉 微辣香口 味道都不錯BBQ Chicken BBQ 烤雞薄餅 $58Pizza底夠薄脆 配惹味BBQ烤雞肉 美味可口Lava cake朱古力心太軟 $98甜品是朱古力心太軟 焗到暖暖的 內層軟綿 流心朱古力 還有雲呢拿雪糕 好出色Raspberry Smash $68Raspberry honey、lemon juice、Ginger alePassion Pavillion $68Fresh blended passion fruit 、Pineapple juice、Citrus topped with soda water兩款特飲都好特別 清新解渴整體來說,環境舒適,食物水準高,值得推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👦:之前因為有時候在北角匯裡面教學生日語,就順便有在一直探索北角匯裡面的餐廳,和👧🏻之前總是吃一些快手簡單的晚餐,但這次我們帶著好奇🍴(ˆڡˆ)🍴在二樓選擇了這家外觀大氣,兼具海景的浪漫晚餐,來體驗一下這家帶有露臺的海景西餐🍴·🌟招牌忌廉青口🐚 HKD 188忌廉的奶香味很複合🤔感覺像是融合了幾種芝士和牛油😋青口處理得很乾淨👍🏻吃到後來一直用青口殼去沾忌廉汁,好吃到我感覺完全可以用來再用來搭配意麵或者飯😌·🌟NZ肉眼扒12安士🥩HKD 298我們這次選擇了七成熟期望內部稍稍帶有肉汁,但是不知道是我們上餐後等了一會沒吃還是怎麼😮‍💨牛扒有點過於熟了,導致有一些乾🤔但是能吃出來肉質還是精挑細選,牛味很足🤙·🌟墨西哥鷄肉夾餅🇲🇽HKD 128真的是很棒的一道開胃小菜,搭配了三種不同的醬汁(應該是酸奶醬,番茄醬和香草醬)⚪️🔴🟢像是墨西哥國旗的顏色,脆脆的薄餅中夾著融化的 cheese 和切碎的雞肉🧀搭配三種醬汁吃起來非常清爽開胃·🌟秘製香辣鷄翼🐔 HKD 118我們一致認為的全場最佳🥇這個雞翼真的超級有滋味🤩外面的炸衣薄薄一層,輕盈但又掛滿了微辣的風味,雞翼應該也是提前醃製過,炸完裡面還汁水充盈,非常入味😍再搭配他們提供的煙燻辣椒醬,真的很特別❤️·🌟肉醬意粉🍝 HKD 138 非常經典的一道意粉,麵條本身是比較有彈性的手工麵,沒跟麵條上都掛滿了番茄汁和肉碎,作為晚餐的主食是非常有滿足感的 ending(˘▽˘)っ🍅·人均:HKD 400評分🪄 (滿分5🍑)味道:🍑🍑🍑🍑環境:🍑🍑🍑🍑性價比:🍑🍑🍑🍑服務態度:🍑🍑🍑回頭率:🍑🍑🍑🍑•📍 Harbourview Grill 北角渣華道123號北角匯二期1樓108號舖🚇港鐵北角站 A1 出口, 步行約2分鐘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-29
📍北角 Harbourview Grill去到2023年嘅最後幾日,當然要食好啲。今日就嚟到呢間位於北角匯嘅西餐廳,佢嘅環境非常優美可以睇到維港嘅景色,而且分為室內同室外嘅位置,鍾意吹海風嘅朋友,都可以選擇室外黎坐🤎。٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)وDaily Soup $68佢哋嘅蘆筍薯仔湯真係一絕!湯底濃郁滑潤,蘆筍同薯仔嘅味道完美融合,一碗湯飲落去真係好舒服。湯嘅質感好好,令人停唔到落黎🩵。Crab Linguine $158蟹肉扁意粉煮得剛剛好,扁意粉彈牙有咬勁,配上新鮮嘅蟹肉,味道更加出色。而且佢嘅味道酸酸甜甜,非常之開胃。NZ Rib Eye 12oz $298佢嘅肉眼係用炭燒出嚟,所以味道非常之香。我叫咗五成熟,廚師烹調得時間啱啱好,唔會過熟,所以咬落去好鮮嫩。Tandpori halibut $198首先,我要講返佢哋嘅比目魚扒。呢個扒真係出色!魚肉鮮嫩多汁,煎得恰到好處,外面香脆,入面仍然保持住魚肉嘅鮮味。每一口都帶來滿滿嘅海鮮風味,真係令人回味無窮。而且廚師係選用咗印度式嘅香料烹調,所以味道非常之特別。Long Island Iced tea $68 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The atmosphere here was truly delightful and perfect for the holiday season. The restaurant had a cozy and festive ambiance, which added to the overall experience. The food was delicious as well🤤 Appetizers:The seafood chowder was rich and flavorful, with a generous amount of fresh seafood. It was a comforting and delicious start to the meal. The garlic bread was perfectly toasted and had a wonderful garlic flavor. It was a great accompaniment to the chowder.Mains:The chicken mushroom risotto was cooked to perfection. The rice was creamy and had a rich mushroom flavor, while the chicken was tender and juicy. The New Zealand beef tenderloin, weighing 10 oz, was incredibly tender and flavorful. It was cooked to our liking and paired well with the accompanying sauces.Dessert:The tiramisu was light, creamy, and had the perfect balance of coffee and cocoa flavors.Overall, the food at the restaurant was excellent, and the pre-Christmas atmosphere added to the overall experience. It was a memorable and enjoyable evening. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)