3-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2020-05-18
這店装修多月後终於再營業。這港式麵包店有很多分店。除了菠蘿包和雞尾包,我最愛吃這店的核桃方包。核桃方包10元4塊,咸甜度剛好,又柔軟,核桃粒新鲜,不用夾其他配料單獨吃也很健康好味。吃厭了日本麵包店的出品,吃吃這些港式麵包也不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-10-19
Got some pontikeges from here because they looked good but they were dry and hard.The cheese was weird because it was sweet and you couldn't taste any cheese so why it is cheese flavoured.To be honest, they were a bit overpriced especially when they don't taste good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-05-13
雖然不是超軟方包但是質感卻是超軟的~燕麥包味道很清淡而且包中有少少提子粒~芝士條沒有什麼特別普普通通的~那個酥可能不太合我的口味所以覺得不太好吃...牛奶方塊價錢便宜又廷有牛奶香味~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-09-01
凱施通街都有, 而我每次都係返工前拿拿臨求其執件蛋糕, 或者菠蘿包之類, 但求穩陣包肚, 食落都無咩特別。求其食左兩三年, 直到前兩日母親大人講起, 原來佢只會食叉燒包或者吞拿魚包, 因為兩個字:「澎湃。」點樣「澎湃」法? 今朝返工前終於放慢少少腳步, 去夾個叉燒包+吞拿魚包, 夾落真係覺得重少少。結果咬一啖......嘩! 真係多到瀉! 味道同一般麵包舖差不多, 無咩特別, 可能佢仲會甜多少少, 但個餡真係好飽滿, 好勁! 如果撞o岩佢新鮮出爐, 更加係不得了。吞拿魚包個餡一樣強勁的飽滿, 不過味道麻麻, 都係叉燒包最掂, 食一個已經飽左! 平時凱施個凍櫃都有好多好靚o既cake, 賣相好吸引, 不過叉燒包真係可以話, 係「卧虎藏龍」。以依家連鎖店式「包小餡更少」o既標準來講, 凱施o係叉燒包方面, 都算有返少少人情味。不過唔知係咪間間凱施都係咁, 呢層要靠大家發掘了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-11-17
曾幾何時, 凱施位於太古坊中心位置時, 每天都會去幫襯... 曾經見過剛出爐的蛋撻還在呼吸中(蛋漿不停又上又落), 很吸引... 自那家分店關門大吉後, 只剩太古坊側的這一間, 在鮮肉檔的旁邊, 店前的路人山人海, 店面細了一半以上, 店內永遠擠得水洩不通, 所以很少幫襯...店內售賣的蛋糕與麵包都是傳統款式...午餐肉包 $7...墨西哥包 $4.5...剛步出店外, 隔壁的鮮肉檔開著水喉清潔肉枱, 污水亂濺, 我怕會污染了麵包, 慌亂中把麵包放進手袋內, 回家後便變成這樣子了, 哈哈...午餐肉包的午餐肉味道不錯, 有午餐肉味, 不會太鹹, 又沒有油淋淋, 包身亦軟鬆...墨西哥包面層很重奶味, 又有點椰子味, 包身鬆軟... 總括而言, 價錢相宜, 服務不錯, 環境是沒有從前的舒適, 但店內環境衛生, 而且麵包是現場制的, 比那些中央工場制的新鮮得多... . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)