Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 14:00
18:00 - 23:30
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Alcoholic Drinks
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Review (40)
大家好今晚我和一班朋友到九龍城一間明叫泰地道的泰國菜館食晚飯,一入到去就覺得好有泰國feel及周圍環境好舒服,因為朋友有訂位所以唔使等坐下後點了以下幾款餸,1 炭燒豬頸肉2 咖哩蟹3 蒜蓉飽3 生菜包/雞4 冬蔭公肥牛窩5 明爐烏頭6 串燒/ 豬,雞,牛,魷魚7 炞蝦餅8 飛天通菜9 炒集菜好快啲菜就到, 每個菜都好好味, 好地道泰國味道, 我們問經理廚師是否泰國人, 經理話全個廚房都是泰國人, 除左洗碗阿姐係中國人, 所以好有泰國feel最後叫埋甜品包括1 芒果燸米飯2 木薯3 西米糕好味道,好滿足!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-07-11
九龙城泰菜馆很多,吃过泰兰花、金寶、同心、黃珍珍等,要找一間環境好少少,又不太擠的,我相信這間泰地道是首選。泰菜的咖哩蟹、燒烤類的,做得不錯,烏頭、蟹、蝦等海鮮類最重要是新鮮,食材新鮮,就算用最簡單的做法也已經是很美味了。不過這間泰菜個別菜式口味,可能跟平時到吃開的有點不同,比如冬陰功,偏酸少辣多椰奶,好不好喝,真的隨個人口味!所以下單前要跟待應說清楚。或者這叫對家鄉菜的堅持,不變成港式泰菜。個人推介菜式有咖哩蟹(蝦),汁料不稀不杰!配上蒜蓉包和白飯,一流!生蝦刺身,那種蝦的膠質完全可体會出來。燒膳,比較肥美,對日本烤鰻愛好者有另一番体會。有人會說此家價錢比其他地方貴,但我好負責任的告訴大家,貴多少少(約10%)可換黎地方清潔、又唔太嘈同迫!我覺得值得~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-04-05
已經變成我地另一個泰菜飯堂鍾意黎呢度係為左個海南雞, 一樣無令我地失望, 小朋友好鍾意食, 好滑. 泰式炸蝦餅條, 其他地方無, 其實係蝦餅春卷, 不過好脆同加入香葉所以好香. 咖哩海鮮麵包盎, 有特式而且好飽肚. 不過有一次同朋友來叫咖哩蝦點garlic bread仲正. 冰火牛肉, 有特色, 未試過既值得一試. 最後一定要試椰青大菜糕同其他甜品, 大人細路都鍾意. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
女友說九龍城舊機場富豪酒店附近,有一間泰國菜館很好吃。九龍城的泰國菜館成行成市,要突圍而出須有些特別菜式,當令女友一吃鍾情,便是宮廷蝦。五隻黃金大蝦上台,可是期望越大失望越大。宮廷蝦醬料中的花生醬味太重,食入口感覺很是油膩。唯一優點是蝦很大隻,肉感一流。女友說這道菜以前十分出奇,但今次完全走樣,不知是否換了主廚?來了一碟失望主菜,接下來是冬陰蝦媽媽麵。甚麼是媽媽麵?原來是平價但味美媽咪麵。雖叫冬陰但又不太辣,可是味道普通,只能說是不過不失的菜式。最後一道菜是咖哩海鮮焗麵包。這道菜賣相一流,附近客人均對此有興趣,但實際另味道如何?沾了咖哩的麵包本應很好食,但可能我們已吃過油膩的宮廷蝦,沾了蛋白的咖哩實令我們有點吃不消。所以下次點菜時,可要平衡不同的菜式。最後埋單為三百多元,這價錢可算是中上價錢。但此餐廳有不少其他獨特菜式,日後尚可再來一試。http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/chicken-goal/article?mid=2830 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-12-27
I was rather surprised this placed was fully booked, anyway ordered fish stomach soup, stir-fried vermicelli with baby oysters, prawn pot with glass noodles, and prawn paste water spinach.The fish stomach soup was rather peppery and hot in temperature, so it was very hard to taste the soup, until it cooled down, but the peppar taste in the soup stood out the most.The vermicelli was good, silver thread vermicelli, although it could be slighty saltier as there was not much taste to it.The prawn pot was ok, there was alot of glass noodles and again very distinctive in black peppar, also there were pieces of pork fat in it too~!The vegetables tasted how it should nothing spectacular about it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)