4-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
老闆曾於出前一丁廚神賽奪得金獎,以一系列創意一丁美食馳名,包括以蟹黃油加花雕及肉碎同煮的招牌菜蟹黃油肉碎一丁生麵,但只限周六及日供應。星期一至五供應日式咖喱飯、湯飯等套餐為主。 continue reading
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山東手撕雞雞湯泡飯 法國濃蝦湯野菜泡飯 紅酒燜西冷筋撈出前一丁 蟹黃油肉碎一丁生麵
Review (8)
Level3 2019-06-24
係呢條巷,有 4 間餐廳,就得呢一間冇名/招牌,餐牌都冇餐廳名既,就連收據都冇印。不過點都好啦,食晏時間,正如同事所講,狗s 都有人排隊呀!當然,我唔係話呢間鋪係出狗s 啦!相反,呢間小店唔錯喎。似係日式,因為個餐牌得文字,我只可以睇到個午市菜單,所以真係得個估字啦!最後食到尾,問下個哥哥仔,呢間餐廳點稱呼呀?先知叫「紅當當」,係好食既,都唔知點介紹俾朋友呀...,有少少失策!講返食物啦!我今日食既係 J2. 無菌溫泉蛋燒汁牛肉丼。肥牛呢...係一般貨,唔係上等既,但勝在煮得都唔錯,大大碗,有隻蛋蛋(白),冇蛋黃既,我覺得係可以接受既。服務方面...,幾好,賣晒奶茶,會即刻話你知,見你個位冇餐巾,又會主動幫你補返。我 buy 架...哈哈 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-17
After paying $148 for a crab roe udon 蟹皇油烏冬 Donka in Central I found out that 雄丼丼 Hung Don Don and DONKA 自家湯汁麵食專門店 are part of the same group.The crab roe dish  蟹皇油 is the cheapest at Quarry bay's 雄丼丼 Hung Don Don which is served on rice, whereas DONKA 自家湯汁麵食專門店 (North point) and DONKA 一碗一串 (central) both cost $148 served with udon.There is another copycat nearby in QB that also serves these dishes too.Basically they all serve the same dishes such as shredded chicken in Shaoxing wine, rice in lobster broth 龍蝦湯泡飯 etc.The crab roe with minced pork on rice was ok at this place, there was quite a lot of minced pork in the sauce, however the vinegar tastes better here because it is more fruity and acidic whereas the one in Central failed as a vinegar as it was sweet only.DONKA (north point) 自家湯汁麵食專門店 北角http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=174919®ion=0&s=3DONKA (Central) 一碗一串http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=49362®ion=0&s=3My review at Central's Donka:http://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/review/%E4%B8%AD%E7%92%B0-%E4%B8%80%E7%A2%97%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%B2/2372057?tc=sr2&con=rvw continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-11-28
In Quarry Bay, there is an alley behind The Newsroom with several dai pai dong style restaurants where you can sit outside. Most of the restaurants are popular with the lunch crowds as the prices are pretty reasonable. With no AC, it's harder to deal to sit outside during the summer though. At Hung Don Don, there are a limited number of seats inside but it's a fire hazard in there as it is so crowded. Hung Don Don offers some Japanese-inspired dishes like udon and Japanese curry. I usually get something that's more of a Chinese dish - the rice in ginseng chicken soup & shredded chicken in shaoxing wine sauce. It's only available every Monday and Thursday.Cold Coffee with Tea 鴛鴦 (+$3) - I ordered a cold coffee with tea along with my lunch set. The drink was alright as the taste of coffee was not as strong as I'd like. It's not the best but at least it wasn't watery. Rice in Ginseng Chicken Soup & Shredded Chicken in Shaoxing Wine Sauce ($55) - the chicken and the rice arrived separated. The bowl of shredded chicken was small with lots of Shaoxing wine sauce. The chicken was smooth and tender enough while the sauce was tangy and sweet, which tasted great with the meat. Just wished there was more chicken. The ginseng soup actually tasted decent with ginseng scent and flavor. It was great to drink and eat with the rice, especially for someone like me who doesn't like standalone rice in the first place. The other dishes here are sometimes a hit or miss as they taste rather homemade. While the prices are reasonable, the seating environment leaves a lot to be desired for both indoor and outdoor seating.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-09-30
剛才午飯,去咗一間喺鰂魚涌海灣街橫巷叫雄丼丼嘅大排檔,叫咗個碎蛋沙律芝麻醬冷烏冬。比我發現一"舊"呈灰色的發泡膠粒。同個師奶侍應講,佢睇完後話係碎蛋,我即刻指住粒真係碎蛋話:「唔係掛,呢粒真係碎蛋同灰色個粒好唔同喎!」佢冇理我走咗去,跟住我叫另一位﹙望落似﹚話事人,佢攞走咗我碗烏冬,唔使十秒攞番轉頭,話冇野嘅,碎蛋嚟啫,但粒灰色野冇咗,我大聲話,有冇攪錯,好離譜,跟住佢仲離譜,話已經換咗,呢碗係新嘅,連搭枱嘅路人甲都見到係頭先個碗,因為我郁過d餸,擺位亂咗,係我整亂,我認得。我唔食,睇下點投訴佢,一分鐘後,佢走埋嚟叫我換第二個餐...各位,佢地d食物污穢唔在講,用d咁抵劣手法一而再再而三想當個客白痴欺騙過去!換轉係你,你仲想唔想食?超...離譜... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-10-25
好多個月前,在報紙見這裡有特色撈丁,最吸引的蟹黃油肉碎一丁,只在星期六、日才供應,便突登找個星期六,千里迢迢過來。因為想confirm有無得食,才出發,在Openrice內沒有提供電話號碼喎...,便從網上找。由9:30am打到11:30am都無人接聽。對食的一份執著,同自己講:星期六,甲級寫字樓,都有好多人返工ga ma!無理由納吉租,唔開鋪ga!?所以無人聽,都堅持要去。1:00pm到達,果真係無開.....究竟係改左星期六、日唔開?定係只開夜市??無意再去查究。蟹皇撈丁,想像係咩味。所以我亦立即把它剔除在list上!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)