3-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Traditional Western Style restaurant located in the quieter part of Tsim Sha Tsui. The restaurant is famous for its onion soup and baked alaska. We also liked the Indian Chicken Curry and the mango duck very much. continue reading
Additional Information
Cake Fee is $25 per person
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
炸魚薯條 美國西冷
Review (113)
Level2 2017-01-12
行過亞士厘道無數次, 成日見到呢間餐廳。 以為係普通一間酒吧無特別! 女朋友booked 咗為本少爺慶祝生日。 一行入去, 原來內有乾坤,入面仲有好大地方,坐咗好多外國人,裝修佈置好英式,枱與枱之間尚算寬敞。坐低無耐,侍應已好細心為我佈上餐巾,我打開餐牌內有好多都好想食,但我哋唔可以做大晒鬼,所以叫了湯,兩個main courses & 開咗一枝紅酒慶祝! 牛扒關係, 下次再來幫襯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-08
Great expectations as always previously loved this restaurant for so many years. Better than the Hk side version. The waiters are just great but even they are struggling with the seemingly new style.first class rib eye ordered medium turns up semi raw and after sending back gets redelivered with a straight face as a chopped up stir fry. You guys have lost it. ! It's an unbelievable event. I wouldn't even bother to right but seems the faceless manager who never even apologised doesn't give a hoot. Good luck. I will miss the jimmys I loved before what on earth has happened!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-29
I was really glad my dearest friend chose this place to celebrate her birthday because I have always wanted to try Jimmy's Kitchen.There are two branches, one in TST and the other one in Central.Started with pickled onions which I haven't had in ages because we used to have them at school in the salad section.They tasted how it should, crunchy soaked with a vinegary taste.Next we had the liver pate which was really silky.The prawn cocktail was good and the salad beneath it was delicious and tastes like the prawn cocktail dressing in UK which is a mix of tomato sauce and salad cream.The dry curry chicken was interesting, the chicken was coated in a soft coating which is different but tasted good.The accompanying chutneys were tasty!I wish trifle was on the menu to give it that British finishing but it wasn't. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-12-19
因為朋友生日,沒有頭緒吃什麼,上openrice 找找有什麼吃吧!就決定吃這間歷史悠久的餐廳,能夠屹立到現在一定有它的原因。餐廳位置位於尖沙咀,都算方便。如果晚上來應該更加有浪漫氣氛店內有懷舊而高級的裝修整體食物質素尚可,三色面包很特別。原本打算食甜品,但食到差不多尾聲,已經飽飽地,好遺憾沒有吃到甜品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-07
還記得十幾年前我曾經有段時間係海港城返工,當時的我,每日返工都嘻嘻哈哈的,返工就諗係邊度食午飯,當時去得最多的便是亞士厘道。懂我的都知道我是路痴,今天PJ約了一大班朋友來Jimmy's Kitchen吃懷舊西餐,帶路的竟然是我,不可思議的美食歷險之夜便隨即展開。數數手指,都應該有五年沒有幫襯過Jimmy's Kitchen了,這類經典的西餐廳往往都給我們一種花樣年華的感覺,尤如走進時光隧道,一打開門便會經過皮氣十足的酒吧,然後便會到達燈光昏暗的用餐區,燭光處處,非常浪漫的。大家不防看看以下段片以作參考。這裏的麵包非常有水準,大家千萬不要錯過招牌三色包,橙色部份是蕃茄,綠色是菠菜,口感軟熟。先來一些小食,經典的shrimp cocktail一直都是這裏的招牌菜,大蝦爽滑彈牙,最抵讚是鮮味十足,配埋經典的千島醬牛油果沙律,充分呈現簡單就是美的道理。平時我很少吃煙三文魚的,一來怕防腐劑過多,二來怕吃被醃至失去魚油香味的魚肉。Jimmy's Kitchen的出品是意想不到的好吃,三文魚肉質豐盈,配香脆多士吃,實在是非常不錯的餐前小食。今晚的主角是肉,同枱有多位食肉獸,未吃之前已知道今晚的菜色將會超級heavy的....先來一客 Round Steak 配 Mac & Cheese,小圓牛扒肉質輕盈軟熟,肥瘦適中,加埋超濃郁燒汁,配搭出奇適合女孩子。喜歡吃羊奶芝士的朋友一定會喜歡Jimmy's Kitchen的芝士通粉,對我來說,味道有點太羶,但眼見朋友們都瘋狂搶吃,goat cheese fans必食。另一重頭戲終於登場⋯⋯原條燒牛柳,我們特別要求吃生一點,出來的效果大家都非常滿意,獲得一眾牛魔王大讃肉味濃郁。伴碟的焗薯大家也搶着吃,服務員專業地為我們送上酸忌廉、青蔥、煙肉碎,真係手快有手慢冇。豬肋骨亦是不可多得的finger licking good...大家也不顧儀態落手吃。豬肋骨肥瘦適中,配埋帶酸甜的燒汁,食落一點也不肥膩。最後我們還追加了這裏的招牌乾咖喱雞,濕咖喱大家就食得多,乾咖喱於市面上甚少見到。最後的甜品,當然要來一個充滿情懷的火焰雪山!經驗老到的服務員先將橙酒點燃起來,然後從容不迫地將火焰淋在雪山上,場面非常壯觀。阿P 一向都好喜歡懷舊西餐,會令佢有番兒時同屋企人好開心去食西餐的感覺,那種氣氛令佢好放鬆好舒服,唔怪得今晚佢食得特別開懷。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)