4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
逢星期一至五 5:30pm-7pm 設「Family Hour」,每位成人只需惠顧一份晚市餐牌的主菜,兩位同行的12歲以下小童便可免費享用兒童餐牌內的食物,每位小童只可選一款。
Opening Hours
*Last order: 22:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Blue Swimmer Crab Cake Quinoa with Roasted Beets The Kinsale Fishermen’s Pie
Review (14)
Level1 2016-06-06
Picked this restaurant because of the menu advertised on their slick website which featured 600g baked lobster as a main and whole suckling pig as another main. Only to arrive and be told the menu online is out of date.... So 50% of the menu and all the good stuff not available. OK, I'm hungry just let me in. Proceed to order the Salmon with side of 'Crab and Sweetcorn risotto'.... Note the inverted commas. They are there for a reason, like a massive joke the chef is about to play on you.... They're there to indicate that there is not one grain of rice in the risotto. It's basically sweetcorn kernels dressed in slivers of canned crabmeat... I bet the chef p#sses himself with laughter every time a customer orders that dish. The only positive is that the Salmon was well cooked and well seasoned but there are better places for seafood in HK that don't involve a trek to KTown. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-03-31
今日風光明媚天氣非常好,襯又係假期就一起身同朋友一齊去行山之後落左去西灣食tea。Kinsale環境都算唔錯,位置寬敞同waiter服務態度都好好架~小食先黎個buffalo wings,未見太出色,同普通buffalo wings 差唔多,不過值得一贊既係肉質都幾鮮嫩,唔會有雪藏味。之後仲叫左個 baked Camembert, mixed mushrooms & caramelised onions on toast. 我最中意食芝士架啦哈哈!上面焦糖煮過既洋葱配上軟綿綿既camembert芝士再加上新鮮蘑菇,放係烤之香脆既多士上面,好好味 呢個Full Irish Breakfast 有炒蛋、多士、腸仔、煙肉、番茄、black pudding 同炒香既蘑菇。味道普通,個人覺得炒蛋不夠嫩滑,而且black pudding 有d太乾,質素算普通。反而我覺得呢款Beer battered fish &russtic sea salted fries, green tartar sauce caramelised lemon 都算唔錯,脆漿做得都算薄,而且魚肉肉質嫩滑同分量都算多,而且個tartar醬永遠都統fish and chips 非常夾。整體黎講都算唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-02-15
新春富貴花盛開,年關走過幸福來,快活自在存心內,樂滿世間萬事足。初一清早天氣好。昨夜處理家務丶添利是等等,都唔做咗啲咩嘢。不過中國人傳統,在年初一就要向家中長輩拜年,表達專敬和孝心。到咗九龍區東邊後,再到港島區西邊拜年,實在有啲忙碌。並且無咩食嘢。蘿蔔糕丶年糕丶蔗汁馬蹄糕丶芋頭糕及西式蛋糕,一齊放到我面前,但睡覺不足,就食慾不震。只可以每樣食少少啦。直到下午三時才可休息一吓。行到西環海旁,感覺到清風與碧波向我呼喚,一定要停下來補充噃體力。於是選擇了<Kinsale>,而店內八成是外籍人士,食品級數也是中上。但在唯一的出入口旁,一大舊報稱為熟成牛肉放置着,以20度氣温及底濕度再次風乾。誰可道出好處呢?都係點其他吧!Big Smoke $60靚太一坐落就話口渴,水也不能解,立刻點上 Big Smoke。店員以樽裝送到,盛載無泡啤酒是我工作。酒身厚且滑,似焦糖或朱古力味,清香易入口,一啲煙味都無。Truffle Eggs $162黑菘露炒蛋放在三文魚上,冷丶熱共聚,有啲不習慣。把炒蛋吞到肚內,菘露香味才在咀内遊走。如果選用菘露切片,浸在打開的蛋汁内,約三分鐘後才炒,相信香味會更多層次呢。但三文魚部份被加熱,令魚油及魚腥味增加了。先分開牠們,還是食咗三文魚後才食蛋呢,有啲難决擇呀。Full Irish $168西式早丶午丶晚餐也有香腸。歐洲各處有當地特式香腸。最被談論是德國香腸,殊不知英國愛爾蘭香腸也是佳品。<Full Irish>以香腸為主食,其中有一片血腸,而血腸是由豬或牛血,加入牠的內臟及肉造成,比其他香腸咸,是包類及薯仔的好朋友。加上煙肉及太陽蛋,就盡展歐陸早丶午餐特式。煙肉要香脆不肥不咸,食嘅時候點啲蛋黃,係呀丶加上蛋黃汁的香濃,是我小時候的記憶。Espresso $40有嘢落肚後,體力回復了,反而又想瞓一陣,於是點上特濃咖啡,它重點係油脂豐富,不添雜味,而香氣從鼻孔直達腦細胞,全面精神煥發。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-02-07
去到kennedyTown 間間食店都裝修得好靚。隨便㨂一間試下, 就入左呢間西式餐廳。starters 叫左辣辣 bufferlo wings, 配上blue cheese 醬本來okay; 可惜呢個cheese sauce 有d怪怪地,酸得滯同個辣雞奕唔太襯,但雞肉鮮滑,入口嫩嫩的, 唔錯! 而青口抵讃! size 好大, 而且非常新鮮, 海水味充滿住囗腔, 青口既甜味亦好自然地降落於味蕾上, 咬落爽口 , 連果粒帶子位都沒有 '渣'。重點係d忌廉汁,浸滿著青口的鮮味, 點麪包實在一流, 索哂所有海鮮既精華! 主菜我叫左烤䱽魚, 成個味道好好,是奶油, 香草檸檬汁, 又放左塊牛油係魚身, 我自己塗。可惜魚被烤得過了火, 若然早點上碟, 魚肉應更細緻。 但師父做到了可以鎖住魚肉的鮮甜, 又於金黃魚皮散發著香草味,已是難得。咬落去魚不油膩, 而且魚皮金香脆口, 色香俱全! 整條魚上碟, 很有氣勢。 但勢估唔到Apple Crumble 蘋果批先係靈魂, 焗得好 perfect。d鬆脆餅粒同新鮮蘋果舖得好均滿。蘋果粒切得標準, 略甜, 唔知係咪浸過糖水, 但配上餅粒加云呢拿雪糕簡直一絕。冰火感覺交融, 甜蜜感覺共冶一爐。而奶油可任君選擇, 加入奶油後味道更香更濃。 總括來說不過不失啦, 會推介朋友來食甜品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-07-24
今晚食完覺得環境一流食物一般,黎呢度聽著音樂談天說地gathering 不錯,但不要對食物有太高期望,主要係食裝修😅😅pork chop ,有香味但唔入味,肉係淡而無味,真心唔掂。青口, 有泰式sauce,配搭感覺較新鮮但sauce搶了青口既鮮味凱撒沙律,正常,中規中矩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)