1-min walk from Exit D3, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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嗰日經過見到好多人排隊先知佢好快就要關店做緊50% off臨別梗係要試多啲食左神戶牛 - 幾好味! 真係有唔少牛!蘋果批 - 我本人好鍾意 蘋果都多 幾香莓忌廉芝士- 個芝士都好香 不錯!咖哩牛 - 我老公最鍾意!不過有啲似咖哩角啲fd個酥皮都整得幾酥香既!再經過都會想再食
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今日就介紹下有咩美食可以拎返屋企慢慢歎啦!銅鑼灣Sogo出名有野食,前幾日就試左呢間日本小食過江龍 「神戶牛肉批」,幾年前新開張就好多人幫襯,唔知依家味道又點?買果陣問左日本師傅,最出名就係原味神戶牛肉批,我另外仲買多個咖哩味返屋企比較下😂!返熱後食,兩個批都幾香牛油味,咬落外層酥皮非常酥脆!牛肉係用左免治牛肉碎同少許洋蔥🧅,係有洋蔥香同牛肉味,但成個批餡料偏少,亦好難憑肉碎就食得出神戶牛係咩味道😅,咖喱牛肉批就係多咗一陣較濃既日式咖哩味,同原味都差唔多,所以我覺得味道同一般pie差唔多!$38我覺得唔貴,但餡料唔多,神戶牛🐮味道唔突出,所以我覺得同一般批差唔多,味道中等、唔難食,但又未至於會成日返轉頭幫襯!不過,大家一定記得要熱食,凍食真又稔又硬又凍!
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Rapl and Kobe Beef Meat Pie are right next to each other. Both sell apple pies. I decided to try both for comparison and Kobe Beef Meat Pie lost.Their apple pie definitely looks more appealing. However, the pastry to filling ratio was too high. It took several bites to get to the filling and it was mostly apple puree without any apple pieces inside. Moreover, it was cold compared to Rapl. Definitely Rapl is the winner.
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