6-min walk from Exit B, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (29)
Level4 2021-08-12
成日都Encore一次過寫下感想🤤真心好食選擇好多🍗French Roast Chicken基本成日都叫 好鍾意佢哋嘅正宗法式烤雞,尤其雞胸完全唔油,一啲都唔罪惡之餘吸收到好高蛋白質,好鍾意佢個質感啖啖都係肉🤤好香雞肉味 一定要試下😆减肥必備!! 💪🏻🐔 Chicken WrapWrap都Encore左好多次!!一望落去好似普普通通,實際分量好足真係每啖都有雞肉 而且有青瓜同菜 質感好好,更可以點自家湯食超fresh🥰 而且就係鍾意佢哋唔會好多沙律醬,係正宗嘅焗雞肉而唔係d好肥嘅雞髀肉 食落去跑肚滿足但係一啲都唔罪惡~ 🥄Homemade soup (+$10)值得一試唔係罐頭湯~ 食到真係新鮮蔬菜煲出嚟嘅味 我今次呢款好足料 有蕃茄洋蔥蘿蔔等等 好綿飲到好香洋蔥味🤤口感超好超豐富 🥣Ratatouille試過好多款salad同菜都係最鍾Ratatouille🍆 大概係我喺出麵食過最好食最健康嘅蔬菜MIX🤤睇圖已經見到好足料,起碼7~8款菜 而且每一款都好新鮮,調味都唔會過鹹過重 彩椒青瓜茄子等等食材可以一次過食到🍅🫑🥒 份量超足而且係hot~有種自家製的家庭風味 🥗Beetroot Salad沙律入面最鍾意呢款~紅菜頭感覺似凍凍地嘅啫喱冇乜大味,而且裡面有好新鮮清甜蘋果同creamy Goat Cheese🍏cheese唔係好多所以唔會太heavy 🥗French Bean salad主要想食蕃茄仔同豆就嗌咗呢款🥰 蕃茄仔好甜而且beans好新鮮好有咬口,又唔會有草青味 推介 🥣Roast Potato呢款都係一定要試 係焗薯仔唔係熱氣嘅炸薯條🥰 唔會好油但係好香 係軟身款少少外脆內軟 好容易唔小心食多左🤣 🥣Steamed Vegetables 椰菜花西蘭花蘿蔔嘅皇道組合🤤香料pepper調味比較重之外好食健康 蔬菜控表示非常滿足 🥗French Green Lentils係粒粒細細地嘅豆+蕃茄 呢個我之前食過得鹹咗少少 啲豆一粒粒好有咬口好上癮🤤 🥣Mash Potato好食罪惡之選🤣好重牛油所以非常creamy好滑 吃完會heavy 肚餓記得叫xd 🥣Tricolor Quinoa呢個pepper會重少少所以我比較叫 個quinoa煮得啱啱好好有口感🍫Chocolate Cake唔好睇外表一般,實際係超好吃(好食過好多甜品舖)😛一個好大個而且係Brownie texture好thick好creamy!! 上面有海鹽調味顯得更加好食,係超濃嘅朱古力味, 每一啖都係食緊creamy朱古力感覺🤤唔會太甜好好食 而且有個脆脆哋嘅餅底~食完好滿足好似去咗甜品放題🧁最啱share食🥂尤其宜家疫情 外賣自取就更加抵食🤣🥗而且可以第二日帶飯🤭分店港島有好多間唔好錯過 要留意堂食都係盒裝~推介度:🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗健康度:🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗種類:🥗🥗🥗🥗🥗特別推介下個chocolate cake😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-06-02
The head of service is very rudeI just asked for 50/50 instead of full veggies side and he refused 😅Same price a bit disappointed, would recommend hiring someone else for client relation sake 😇Put aside the food is more than decent for the price !! Will order delivery next time ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-04-21
天氣超好! 同同事lunchtime行落鰂魚涌食雞🐓買takeaway 走去斜對面嘅草地食So chill ohmygoooood💛一人一份包同ice tea 再另加Roasted potato share同事的Chicken Wrap佢嘅comment:算係輕食 因為唔飽🥲雖然啲餡好味 但個wrap偏乾 有點失望我的Roast Chicken Sandwich呢個反而幾大份! 但有同樣問題 個包好乾同有啲厚..有少少咬得吃力餡嘅份量都夠 每啖都咬到雞肉 但如果有多啲汁就更好啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-03-29
This is really a convenient place for roast chicken and all cooked on the rotisserie.Set up as a fast food place, they have both dine in and takeaway but even if you dine in they serve the food in take out containers.Not only do they sell roast chicken they also offer roast duck, wraps, sandwiches, toasties, chicken pot.Love the selection of sides they offer, a wide range of hot and cold.We actually opted to dine in and ordered two sets, one roast chicken and one roast duck. (a quarter piece)With each set you can choose 3 sides (hot or cold) and includes either a soup or a drink.For the sides we picked, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, tomato and cucumber salad, quinoa salad, and green bean salad, Thumbs up for the mash, roasted potatoes and the tomato and cucumber salad.  Portion size is very generous.Apart from the sets the offer all dishes on a la carte basis.At present they are offering discount for takeout up to 5pm so really good value.  Because we visited off peak hours one downside is some of the hot dishes were not that 'hot' but overall a good choice to pick up a roasted chicken. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-02-11
成日lunch 行過都好想試下,疫情期間大多數人都係外賣番公司,所以就算3個人都好易搵到中間有塊板嘅位。✌🏻 餐廳有classic set 或sandwich set以供不同需要。Classic set 係$98 揀一款main (雞 or 鴨) ,揀三款沙律,同埋一個湯/一杯凍檸檬茶。沙律超過20種可選擇嘅種類,多到心大心細揀咩好😍,哈哈。例如有炒雜菜、薯仔沙律、烤薯仔、不同嘅通粉、不同嘅藜麥! 友人個個都話烤雞好正,反而我又想試烤鴨,因為好似烤鴨較罕見於烤雞。烤鴨好大份,味道出色,醃得入味,肉質嫩滑,份量好多🈵。平時去皮嘅我試左少少鴨皮,真係好香‼️😋配菜方面我紅菜頭、牛油果藜麥同埋雜菜,全部都好出色!如果驚唔夠飽可以全部揀曬通粉、薯仔、藜麥之類。個南湯口感creamy ,值得一試。下次再黎我會試烤雞🤤,同埋唔揀湯,KO完啲野食已經好飽 !😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)