Restaurant: | Lighthouse Lounge |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
Additional Information
Free hotel shuttle from Exit B, Ocean Park MTR Station
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
The Fullerton 係有水準的。地方雖然不在市區但有免費穿梭巴士來往地鐵站去到酒店。食物質數好,我們很享受。We enjoyed the sea view and the spacious environment. It was very relaxing. We got a lucky draw for spending above hk$500 at the restaurant and we were lucky enough to get a small Christmas decorated Fullerton panda
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這個時節有聖誕節日為主題的tea set, 在這個樓底高的lounge嘆下午茶,環境好放鬆悠閒,和家人享受冬日陽光。西斜都厲害,戴上帽子太陽眼鏡,有備而來。比訂枱時間早到了15分鐘,服務員即接待入座,態度勤快,還主動提供水。👍我們4人叫兩客tea set for 2,加錢餐飲轉Fullerton Affogato,因為是用酒店名來命名的signature飲品,當然要試試。一般affogato都是杯裏一球vanilla 雪糕再淋espresso 上面,這杯的雪糕不是球狀,雪糕團團貼住杯邊,中空留個窿來倒咖啡入去,賣相特別。雪糕面頭有開心果仁碎和玫瑰花,增加色香味,又好夾。留心不要把咖啡倒得太滿,隻羹一“筆”落去好易滿瀉。雪糕是有vanilla seed的,真材實料。咖啡也香。個雪糕食到咁上下發現原來成隻杯都有一層朱古力coating ,好有心思。這杯飲品都飽肚,其實是一杯甜品。跟住上scones,服務員貼心提醒趁熱食。是plain scone和橙皮scone,两款都好吃。橙味scone好有聖誕感覺。最後上鹹甜點拼盤,盤是樹木年輪的樣子,present得好靚。鹹點的和牛魚子醬三文治,用料矜貴,但我不吃牛,不能置評。紅色長條的卷是蕃茄corn tortilla 軟的玉米卷,內有芝士醬和無花果醬,基本上主要食到芝士味。有個半球體啫哩在頂上的是鴨肉啫喱,底下是紅菜頭包,做成一朵紅花的樣子,精美可愛。淡黃色麵包長條形的是蝦三文治,上面加上魚子醬和chive,提升貴氣和味道。四方盒那個是filo薄酥皮裏包住肝醬和豬肉,皮鬆脆輕盈,香而不膩,餡料味道香濃突出,個人偏愛這個。甜點的用料和造型都貼合聖誕主題。最吸睛的聖誕樹,是開心果mouse和肉桂車厘子醬,底下是開心果sponge cake和sable曲奇餅,好味,質地有層次,有mouse的滑,sponge cake的鬆軟,sable的crunchy感。粉紫色禮物盒造型的是香橙朱古力mouse,這個配搭大路好吃。熊貓雪人造型討好,聖誕之餘又有近期人氣的熊貓元素,這個其實是綿花糖。彩色禮物盒造型是薑餅芝士蛋糕,味道好聖誕。紅色長條形的是野莓mouse。款款都好睇好食。差不多吃完,追加一壺Earl grey ,慢慢嘆。服務員好醒目主動,同行跌咗餐具,離遠聽到秒速送上新餐具;又會主動換熱水給我們。結帳時提醒我們有信用卡優惠,比原價平了大約200元。無論餐單設計的食材配搭,味道,presentation,服務,環境,全部到位,可見培訓和團隊的努力👏提早展開節慶心情,來吃個冬日節慶下午茶吧。
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同朋友一家大細一行八人去到香港最南嘅自助餐,雖然路程比較遠,但係都冇令我哋失望!酒店唔係近海洋公園地鐵站,要喺地鐵站再轉一程接駁巴士,不過班次尚算頻密,而且好快就去到。酒店好大,間餐廳都好大,一入到去落地大玻璃,樓底又高,非常之舒適嘅用餐環境。我哋喺自助餐開始嘅時候已經進場,睇住自助餐餐枱上面嘅食物,就咁樣行一轉已經行咗5分鐘! 冷凍海鮮好豐富,任食波士頓龍蝦、阿拉斯加長腳蟹! Ham and cheese非常之多選擇,應有盡有。有刺身吧,長期都排着隊,非常之受歡迎。亦有即場燒烤,我就最鍾意食燒雞翼,熱辣辣脆皮,非常之香。西餐仲有我最鍾意食嘅地中海識煮sea bass,又有Carvin Station ,牛、豬任君選擇 。中餐都有,點心燒味,竟然仲有燉湯,椰子燉雞湯,正呀!印度咖喱都唔錯。另外仲有少少土耳其嘢 ,kebab 一般般 。甜品真係好多選擇,好想每樣都食,但係已經飽到郁唔到啦,成個蛋糕櫃都係我鍾意食嘅口味!雪糕有Movingpick,小朋友做愛。一定要再搵個機會再嚟,下次可能會考慮staycation,反正都嚟到咁遠嘅地方,不妨留耐啲啦!
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This restaurant has a seasonal afternoon tea where you can book through Openrice and use a coupon to enjoy 25% off. However, their hotel actually has a Panda Fufu afternoon tea, which is extremely adorable, though there is no discount. Actually, it isn't even in the menu and the link is as followhttps://www.fullertonhotels.com/fullerton-ocean-park-hotel-hongkong/offers/thematic-panda-fufu-afternoon-teaHowever, please note this menu does not include drinks. We decided to try there famous affogato since it is just a $10 difference from their latte.It was the first time I tried such an Affogato. There was really a lot of ice-cream and this way it really let us enjoy sips of espresso with the ice-cream(as usually its just poured on top of a scoop of icecream). The side of the cup was also coated with a layer of nutella making it extremely fulfilling even on its own. Definitely worth ordering here even a A la carte.Our afternoon tea came and it was so adorable. The food was obviously all targeted to children(kidults). The deep fried shrimp was still hot and crispy when served while the minty cheese sandwich was surpringly the best savory(maybe due to the hot weather). For desserts, definitely the brownies.To top it all, we were greeted by Panda Fufu in the lobby, making the whole experience even more memorable. (I saw him around around 3:10pm though I am not sure if it has a fixed scheduled)
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冷盆有4款如蟹腳、蝦等。蟹腳比較鹹,但若加檸檬汁就好好味。魚生也有4款,如三文魚、赤背等,三文魚好好味(聽到隔離枱都讚)。天婦羅得三款,如炸秋葵(以為係炸蝦)等。壽司都有好多款,眼見就少人攞,淨係攞咗熟蝦壽司試吓,屬一般。咖喱corner得咖喱雞only。肉眼扒唔錯。Cheese & ham corner都算多款式及唔錯。有沙律bar,生果bar等。熱葷菜有炸雲吞,湯,燻蹄,豬手,湯粉麵等。有chocolate fountain,雪糕及點品蛋糕款式多。coffee多款選擇及唔錯,最可惜的是檸檬茶比較難飲。總結,食物種類多。加分係服務員有禮貌,收碟快。訂位時有要求window seat都可以安排到,服務點讚有D要改進的地方係生日牌D蛋糕係用番蛋糕櫃的蛋糕是但放兩件,有D冇用心,hea咗D(以5星級酒店不應該是這樣的)。另外,要注意酒店唔就腳,要坐shuttle bus及小心注意bus schedule 以免用餐時間變得緊迫,因服務員在14:00左右會提你食到14:30(即12:00-14:30用餐時間)。還有當天可以與(扮)熊貓的拍照,he he
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