8-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 23:00
09:00 - 23:00
09:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (18)
Level3 2016-11-05
Had a burrito which had a decent size. You could tell that the filling has been ready made and reheated so it was not fresh. The flavouring was basically just salt. Baffles me why this place is even popular but maybe there is a secret delicious dish that I've missed out??! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-06-29
一直鐘情中上環嘅小街小店,之前泥過呢間Little Burro,中午時份較少人,有幾個外國人喺度吹緊水,氣氛悠閒唔錯~墨西哥脆脆同墨西哥包就食得多,taco比較少食,於是揀左脆身嘅taco,Hard Shell Tortilla,配Beef Babacoa同Borracho Beans With Bacon,跟Salsa醬,另外加多左個牛油果醬Guacamole,剛好100蚊。墨西哥菜特色,顏色豐富,望落令人開心,食起上泥多重口感同味道,薄脆嘅餅皮包住一絲絲好惹味嘅牛肉、爽甜嘅粟米、軟綿綿嘅豆豆同芝士。一咬,蕃茄沙沙醬咇~~~晒出泥,酸酸辣辣,啲墨西哥香料味又隱隱約約咁散出泥~好夾呀!唔知幾時做左牛油果fans,牛油果醬軟軟滑滑,好fresh嘅香草味,就咁都幾好食,加落taco食又再多一重口感,仲要一樣咁夾~如果想遠離煩囂靜靜地嘆個有風味嘅lunch,呢度都係幾好嘅選擇~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-05-17
不知道從什麼時間開始,香港多了幾家賣墨西哥食物的店子。主要還是在港島那邊,尤其是中上環,我想也有近十間了吧?其中有些以同名連鎖。說的是Cali-mex(之前已經嚐過),以及這回吃的Little Burro。  我想這邊是不算非常旺的街道?不清楚,反正我非常在中上環打躉之人。只是這次跟友人吃過晚飯後依然未夠喉,打算隨便找些小食,要不就是甜品以過口癮。結果就遇上了這家靜靜立在差館上街的店家,幸好還未有關門。  Little Burro,憑名字還以為只以Burrito為主,想不到還是款式多多。Burrito、Taco、Rice Bowl及Salad任君選擇,單看價位不便宜,但再一次強調中上環……好吧,要分著吃,又要看似夠特色,Taco似乎是首選。飲品?多款Margaritas頗有趣吸引的,可惜剛才喝夠了,有緣下次再見。  Tacos $75(兩件)相中只是一件的量,就已經可見有幾足料。我倆選的是Soft Flour Tortilla,另外可選Soft Corn Tortilla或Hard Shell Tortilla。除了基本配的芝士及生菜等,可以自選主要餡料、豆類飯款及莎莎醬。餡料有Smoky Chipotle BBQ Chicken、Kich Ass Pork Carnitas及Beef Barbacoa三款肉。我們這次吃過覺得牛肉肉絲不會過份乾澀,也不韌口難嚥(看上去不像牛肉只好怪手機)。非肉食者都唔緊要,仲有Vegetarian Black Bean & Guacamole可選。下個選項則有Black Beans或Borracho Beans with Bacon作豆類選擇;Cilantro Lime Rice或Brown Rice作飯類選擇,只是我們那時對豆和飯也興趣不大……莎莎醬有分三款:Pico de Gallo、Corn Green Chili及Salsa Verde,第一款最溫和,最後的當然是最辣。我們對辣還是沒轍,不過來個酸甜清新的Pico de Gallo也不錯吃啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-05-03
Little Burro has pretty decent burritos, but this has gotta be the worst quesadilla I've ever had in my life (including my own homebrew failed attempts). Gummy and limp, tortilla wasn't even toasted. Chipotle chicken was overly vinegary. The whole atrocity came off more like a burrito (albeit flattened) of the microwave variety. Not to mention that it comes without the holy guacamole (how sacrilegious!). This thing, ladies and gentlemen, is a quesadilla from hell. Granted it was takeout, but the photo says it all. They really *beep*ed this one up. If you want Little Burros, just stick with their burritos. But if you want quesadillas, then I suggest you go for Calimex. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-10-23
上環覓食記~ 搵到呢間LITTLE BURRO!Mexican x American style 既小店又幾有特式喎先見個粟米片 好colourful! 不過其實冇特別唔同味 哈哈 脆卜卜既粟米片 點埋牛油果醬 好味另一款粟米片就更加豐富 有肉絲,芝士,黑豆同五款醬料! 芝士仲拉到絲忝! Assorted burritos $75呢個墨西哥卷真係好好味有食完一件再想食一件既魔力餡料有墨西哥黑豆 雞肉同特製醬汁想感受下墨西哥風情可以黎試下呀!地址:上環差館上街1號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)