4-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (132)
🥳位於銅鑼灣耀華街的Little Fresh Cafe & Bar是一個結合了時尚的環境和美味的餐點。這裡的氛圍輕鬆,適合聚會或獨自享受美食。無論是午餐還是晚餐,這裡都能讓你感受到一種清新的用餐體驗!🌿🍴今日和friend 吃了兩個lunch:1. **每日湯:波菜忌廉湯 🥬🍲** - 這款波菜忌廉湯香濃滑順,🍃每一口都帶來豐富的奶香和波菜的鮮甜。湯的色澤美麗,綠色的波菜與奶白色的忌廉形成鮮明對比,讓人忍不住想馬上品嚐!🥳✨2. **忌廉牛油雞肉大利飯 🍗🍚** - 這道忌廉牛油雞肉大利飯絕對是令人垂涎的選擇!🍳🐔雞肉嫩滑多汁,被濃郁的忌廉牛油醬包裹,讓每一口都充滿了豐富的風味!搭配香軟的米飯,完美的組合讓人一試成主顧!😋💕 3. **韓式泡菜烤海岸豬意大利麵 🍝🔥** - 如果你喜歡嘗試新口味,這道韓式泡菜烤海岸豬意大利麵絕對不容錯過!🌶️🍖泡菜的酸辣與豬肉的鮮香相結合,帶來意想不到的美味驚喜!🍽️每一口都充滿了韓式的風味,讓你回味無窮!✨🎉4. ** 檸檬茶 🍋🍵** - 清新的檸檬茶,完美解渴!🍹🍋酸酸甜甜的口感,讓你在炎熱的日子裡感受到一絲清涼,簡直是夏天的最佳伴侶!☀️💦5. ** 美式咖啡 ☕️✨** - 這裡的美式咖啡濃郁香醇,☕️讓人每一口都能感受到咖啡豆的精華!是午後提神的好選擇!🌟👌是一個放鬆心情、享受生活的好去處!🌈🍽️享受一段悠閒時光!🎊🥂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-17
I had the pleasure of dining at the French restaurant located in a building with numerous dining options. There may be a need to line up, so diners should spare sufficient time for their visit.One of the standout dishes was the red wine braised beef cheek priced at $238. The beef cheek was sous vide to perfection, resulting in a tender and succulent texture. This dish is not only delicious but also healthy. The beef cheek was accompanied by a delightful assortment of vegetables, including tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, and courgette, which added freshness and a well-rounded flavor.Today's special, black truffle carbonara priced at $188, was a satisfying choice. The dish boasted a rich and creamy sauce and the black truffle elevated its overall taste."Je suis contente" on the dish translates to "I'm happy". Alongside the delightful ambiance and flavors, the phrase reminds diners to enjoy life and stay positive. It leaves me fulfilled and enriches my heart.I recommend this restaurant to all food enthusiasts. Since there are only 26 seats, making a reservation in advance is advisable to secure a table. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-06
見到最近出咗新餐牌,玩fusion菜,一於就約埋朋友仔去試下🤨全部都好有驚喜,fusion菜嚟講,好食又唔貴👍🏻🍲花膠雞絲忌廉翅又花膠又翅嘅西式湯都係第一次飲,夠哂Creamy又唔膩,正😋🦪特式炒蜆個款好似豉椒炒蜆,但個味道又唔係豉椒味,夠哂特別😂😂😂呢碟一上枱已經比我地清哂🤣太好食🤤🥙墨西哥風味肉醬生菜包個肉醬都幾辣,味道有驚喜,配埋生菜中和返個辣度,不錯不錯👍🏻🐟麻婆豆腐盲曹魚呢個配搭夠哂特別🤣🤣盲曹魚好滑,麻婆豆腐又好好食,加多個飯嘅話就真係不得了啦😋🐷🐮仲有個牛仔骨同咕嚕肉又係勁好食🤤🤤呢2個菜式又係送飯一流👍🏻👍🏻🌟🌟極推介-法式芥辣燒腩仔 🌟🌟皮夠脆,肉夠嫩,肥瘦適中,加埋個芥辣汁,堅好食🤤🤤🤤見到仲有好多款都好吸引,無奈地我地已經好飽,唯有等下次再試埋其他果啲啦😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-20
朋友推薦呢間樓上cafe,甘就黎試下啦😆係佢既set menu到揀兩個餐,岩哂我呢d有選擇困難症既人🤣 每個set都包前菜同飲品👍🏻🌟是日餐湯今日既餐湯係牛肉蔬菜湯🥩真係有好香濃既牛肉味,而且仲配有蒜蓉餐包,餐包烘得外邊好香脆,中間又好軟熟😍🌟田園沙律新鮮沙律菜同蕃茄粒配以醋汁,酸酸地,好開胃!🌟 德國咸豬手配牛肝菌汁意大利雲吞咸豬手外脆內軟 肥而不膩,仲有陣咸香味意大利雲吞同個牛肝菌汁好match,醬汁包裹住每一粒雲吞。食下食下仲發現有好多細細粒既鮑魚仔,好煙韌,一樣掛滿牛肝菌汁👍🏻🌟 法式慢燉紅酒牛面肉用紅酒慢燉牛面肉,口感十分軟腍,唔需要用刀都切得開。牛肉吸滿醬汁,但又食得岀牛既味道😍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-16
今日係銅鑼灣放工, 朋友介紹上左黎呢間樓上Cafe試下唔算好大間, 但係裝修幾好, 坐得都好舒適, 相對上唔算多人我地叫左2個dinner set, 法式慢燉紅酒牛面肉同埋德國咸豬手配牛肝菌汁意大利雲吞首先上既係洋蔥湯同埋蒜蓉包, 洋蔥湯底係蕃茄, 洋蔥煲到好淋好甜, 唔錯蒜蓉包反而唔同出面係多士, 佢係比較軟熟個隻主菜黎啦, 法式慢燉紅酒牛面肉, 牛面肉好軟好滑, 而且好淋, 入口即融, 唔算好多紅酒味, 但都食到濃郁肉味後有少少回甘, 搭配埋薯蓉同埋D蔬菜, 整體既感覺幾高級另一個主菜就係德國咸豬手配牛肝菌汁意大利雲吞, 咸豬手好入味, 外表金黃酥脆, 咬落去又鮮美彈牙, 而牛肝菌汁意大利雲吞, 麵條Q彈爽滑, 包裹著鮮美多汁的餡料, 掛埋D牛肝菌汁, 食落個層次幾豐富, 而且仲有D細細粒既鮑魚仔, 幾有心思總括黎講, 呢到既環境幾適合三五知己人少少黎聚餐 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)