4-min walk from Exit D4, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2024-05-15
在銅鑼灣世貿想找一間咖啡店等朋友 見到這間白雪雪的Maners Coffee 個名好熟面口 原來真的是國內的那間.難得是熱咖啡還可以選擇S/M size 價錢合適 我點了杯flat white 咖啡味道不錯. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-19
係銅鑼灣等食晚飯,想搵個地方坐低飲杯咖啡,就行嚟世貿呢度。cafe環境好靚好relax,仲有個好靚打卡位🌳叫咗杯latte,個拉花係獨角獸🦄️😍即刻叫店員比我影張相先😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-14
Occasionally got a half an hour break in Causeway Bay whilst waiting for the opening of a shop, I saw a coffee counter in World Trade Centre where there was no staff. After a minute, a staff arrived and told me there was a larger sitting area on the other side of the mall. Here is the no one stall.The main area having weird white lighting but I decided to give it a trial.Its coffee is slightly cheaper than Starbucks , maybe $2-5 and I ordered a flat white. It’s milky and its bean wasn’t bad, not too deeply roasted. Given its price with spacious area in cwb, I would give it a passing grade.The staff poured a latte art even the cup was originally covered with a lid. Additional mark for the shop.I then googled this shop and noticed it was a chain coffee shop from Mainland which improved my impression towards Mainland coffee shop. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-03
行過銅鑼灣口癢癢想飲杯咖啡 就隨心睇附近有冇咩咖啡店 眾所週知 銅鑼灣咩都有 就係咖啡色係非一般多 基本上行邊度都會見到。 咁岩行到岩岩重新大裝飾既世貿 見到依間純白既咖啡店 就決定試下。 係電梯口既依間 見到menu上得3款咖啡 就好奇問店員有冇一般咖啡簡 店員有禮地介紹依間係以賣主要signatures 既咖啡 如果想飲一般咖啡可以去電梯位轉左既店 嗰間會大間啲同位置舒服啲 。 睇完menu,簡左比較特別既「桂花拿鐵」($40) 同埋「巴斯克蛋糕」($38) 。 係等緊期間 發現咖啡機上面有唔少畫左好可愛公仔既杯 欣賞完野飲就岩岩好準備好 價錢其實都相對平 係世貿依啲大商場有最平$20既咖啡真心罕見。 期望當然唔會太大。 「桂花拿鐵」,第一口飲落去有淡淡既桂花味 雖然都知係糖漿 其實飲落都幾苦澀😅 同飲飲下會覺得唔係好夾。 本著「平野唔應該有期望」既心態 ,其實都還可以接受🙂「巴斯克蛋糕」: 同樣本著「平野唔好有期望」巴心態, 都係唔會期待好好味。 但十分抱歉, 真係唔得😅😅食落去冇乜芝士味, 同埋味道好似有啲奇怪。 結果最後係冇食哂就放棄左🥲🥲如果有意黎依間 不妨可以試下signature 既咖啡/普通咖啡, 見到前面有位客人買signature 既咖啡 店員會好細心咁整 應該冇咁伏 如果是想試特飲嗰啲 個人認為就一般 可能真係唔岩我既口味吧😅😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
係公司附近驚喜地發現呢一間珈啡店,行純白裝修,店面幾大都有幾多座位,環境幽靜好啱坐低讀吓書慢慢Chill下❤️咖啡Menu種類都幾多而且有提供比較特別口味的咖啡可以帶給客人新鮮感,服務員態度良好而且沖咖啡速度快速所以攞上手嗰陣時仲係好熱值得稱讚✨咖啡豆味香濃,而且價錢不貴,整體而言非常推薦,之後應該都有好多機會會幫襯🤤🤤🤤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)