7-min walk from Exit A1, North Point MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 20:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (41)
今日去咗北角食冒菜!🍲 天氣凍冰冰🥶,食碗熱辣辣嘅冒菜暖吓個胃真係一流!🔥**銅錢套餐💰 $48**呢個套餐好抵食!🤩 有齊晒好多款配料,一次過滿足晒我嘅願望!🥳 份量都好多,食到我飽到滯!**滑牛肉 +$3**牛肉好滑好嫩!🤤 完全唔韌,入口即溶!😋 吸晒個湯汁,味道一流!👍**豆腐串 +$0**豆腐串好入味!😋 炸到金黃色,外脆內嫩!🤤 配埋個辣辣嘅湯底,簡直係完美組合!💯**土豆粉 $5**土豆粉好煙韌!🥰 吸晒啲湯汁,口感一流!👍 份量都幾多,好滿足!😋🌶️ **冒喜 (和富)**📍和富道21-53號和富薈商場B51號舖C4舖________#eilidh _lifestyle #foodie #冒喜 #冒喜和富 #北角美食 #北角餐廳 #冒菜 #銅錢套餐 #滑牛肉 #豆腐串 #土豆粉 #小辣 #辣 #好味 #食評 #香港美食 #香港餐廳 #美食推介 #午餐 #晚餐 #熱辣辣 #暖胃 #正呀 #勁好食 #delicious #instafood #foodblogger #foodiesofinstagram #hkfoodie #hkfood #相機食先 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「冒喜」喺北角開咗分店,鍾意食辣嘢嘅,我又點可以錯過呢😆星期日即刻捉埋Bu陪我去食個lunch,店家位於和富嘅food court入面,套餐分別有銅錢、吉祥同八寶,有多達40款配料同10款湯底選擇,有辣有唔辣任君選擇😆第一次黎食當然要嗌店家嘅招牌湯底同配料,我揀咗魚腐、潮汕手搥牛肉丸、潮汕蒜香墨魚丸、滑牛肉、貴州丁家脆哨、豬大腸、土豆粉配貴州臭豆豉辣湯,食粉前先飲啖湯先😋入口鮮香辣但又不會嗆喉,加上大量蒜蓉令湯底更加香,魚腐吸收晒湯底嘅鮮味,一啖咬落去會爆湯汁,牛丸同墨魚丸口感Q彈,滑牛大大片份量足,貴州丁家脆哨就係炸到好酥脆嘅豬肉粒,味道有點似豬肉鬆,放入湯中浸泡一下更加好食👍🏻Bu 就揀咗唔同嘅餸我地可以交換黎食😆佢揀咗毛肚、鵪鶉蛋、王中王火腿腸、午餐肉、汕手搥牛肉丸、貢菜、米線配養生白胡椒湯,白胡椒湯入口微微辣,胡椒香味特出,飲完暖笠笠☺️毛肚煮得啱啱好夠爽脆,鵪鶉蛋午餐肉同腸仔係Bu嘅最愛,厚切午餐肉入口口啖啖肉👍🏻貢菜亦都係必點之選,清脆嘅口感越食越過癮😋秘製藤椒魚皮我哋另外再加咗個小食,藤椒魚皮爽脆香辣,麻麻辣辣食到停唔到口😋📍冒喜 (和富) (北角)北角和富道21-53號和富地庫B50-51號舖和富美食廣場A1號舖人均消費:$50-100食物:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️回頭率:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-26
Went to this resto located in Provident Centre's food court with my sis. .I ordered the Beef Offal Set, which comprised American sliced beef, beef, beef ball, beef omasum and beef trachea. I chose Chongqing mala for the soup base and potato noodles for the noodles. The broth was quite numbing. The beef trachea had a slightly chewy texture and absorbed the mala soup nicely. The beef ball was juicy. My sis got Mao Xue Wang Set, which included black omasum, duck blood curd, luncheon meat, celtuce and baby cabbage. The duck blood curd was smaller than expected, but tasted okay. .The food court is quite spacious. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-27
日日食…..日日周圍搵嘢食⋯⋯四川車仔麵平常吃的車仔麵大多是傳統的,這個是四川的味道,湯底有辣有唔辣,選辣也可以按自己喜好。黃金酸菜湯底:小小麻,酸辣開胃,薯粉帶煙靭的口感我最愛吃,黑胡椒豬肚,爽口夠胡椒,芝士腸美味,蟹籽蟹粉丸爆醬爽口彈牙😋生椰番茄🥥🍅湯底:最特別的必要一試的湯底,,濃郁的椰子🥥香,更有濃濃的番茄🍅,兩者味道都能吃到,十分平均。魚腐、潮汕手搥牛肉丸🍡、潮汕蒜香墨魚🦑丸、竹輪卷、蟹🦀籽蟹粉丸、貴州丁家脆哨。必點貴州丁家脆哨,原來吃落有點像煙肉粒,又像吃豬油渣的感覺,不放湯吃脆卜卜像吃煙肉粒,放在湯上吃就像豬油渣,吃落幾特別⋯⋯———————四川風昧⋯⋯四川味道的車仔麵😇其實開心🥳簡…佢係單就在你身邊..如果食….拍…寫.. 已經成為我生活中的一部份鍾意食..鍾意拍.鍾意寫..留下美食的回憶😝————— continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-18
生椰蕃茄湯和黃金酸菜湯,兩款都是餐廳最新推出的菜式。生椰蕃茄湯香濃微酸,湯底清澈,蕃茄碎入口酸甜爽口,帶出椰子的清香。黃金酸菜湯湯底濃郁,酸菜入味,加上肉碎的鹹香,完美平衡了酸甜口感。魚腐、潮汕手槌牛肉丸和蒜香墨魚丸。魚腐外層酥脆,內裡軟嫩鮮甜,入口即溶。潮汕手槌牛肉丸彈牙爽口,肉質鮮嫩多汁。蒜香墨魚丸外皮酥脆,蒜香味撲鼻,肉質緊實又帶點Q彈。三款小菜各具特色,讓人忍不住一口接一口。貴州丁家脆哨,這是餐廳的特色菜式。菜式以酥脆的豬皮作為底托,配搭醬汁入味的牛肉丁,口感層次豐富,咸香味十足,讓人回味無窮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)