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Signature Dishes
說它「平價」,是跟S字頭或P字頭咖啡連鎖店的咖啡作比較 近來麥記的mocha正在做特價,熱飲$15,凍飲$18還連cream的,而本身麥記有個優惠就是買咖啡+$9可選mccafe其他包類食品這個早餐總共$27,以早餐來說不便宜,但以以上提及過的咖啡連鎖店的standard來說就可以謂非常經濟不過正所謂一分錢分貨,咖啡確實是有點遜 不論是咖啡還是朱古力味都是太淡,喝不出味道 iced mocha只能做到形似而已,令人若有所失幸好蕃茄碎蛋意式包味道不錯
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香草雞堡For me, this was probably one of the worst burgers I’ve tried at McD’s. The bread indeed carried a scent of herbs, but the chicken and the bacon were both horrible. The bacon was not crispy at all and hence appeared to be just a strip of floppy, soggy fat, that really added nothng to the overall taste. The deep-fried coating of the chicken was not crispy either, and could be seen peeling off the meat. There wasn’t really enough sauce or vegetables. The size of the whole bun was also disappointingly small, being just slightly bigger than a normal McChicken. I wouldn’t recommend this new creation to anyone.
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試了這杯正在promo的Tiramisu Latte, 賣相吸引, 層次分明, 味道香滑, 唯獨價錢稍比一般promo飲品貴呢是日可能人流多, 清潔差了點, 但嬸嬸已盡力了, 辛苦呢!
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唉!!!真係未試過咁囉~~~叫左個麥樂雞餐@@都幾好,去試個法式芝士醬,麻麻地,好似食緊芝士腸bid出來嘅芝士咁~不過起碼都算OK,shake shake薯條就仲利害,頂級好食,和風紫菜,非常好食!!(笑)
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