5-min walk from Exit B1, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
There is an Instagram-worthy restaurant, minimalist interior with white and wood elegance. Chef adding new elements to traditional desserts to create new homemade desserts, as well as a variety of Western dishes. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
*Last order: 20:00
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Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay
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Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (435)
Level4 2024-10-18
I saw their Apple dessert on social media and decided to try it but their savory and drink was just as good. I was quite hungry that day but if you have a normal appetite, please do not order dessert and you likely be to full, especially if you drink their yogurt.If you order their set menu, the drinks and desserts have a discount. The Red Dragon Fruit Yogurt came first and already it was amazing. It was nice and thick almost like a smoothie. You need to mix your drink well as the bottom is a bit more tarty.The tacos and soft shell crabs were nice and crispy. The mentaiko sauce gave it just the right amount of seasoning without turning the dish to a soggy mess. Love the potato wedges as well. What I would have loved more would be the tomato sauce to be replaced by the mentaiko sauce as the sauce left me wanting more.The apple puff pastry came and it was really stunning. The bottom part was more like a napoleon they controlled the sweetness really well.It was surprsing they added more fillings inside the apple to give it more additional flavors.Looking forward to trying their other meals and dessersts. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於深水埗的Minimal主打創新西式料理店面雖小但每道菜品都充滿心思裝潢用白色和淺木色做主調的日式簡約風🔹️ Jumbo炸雞牛角包麻糬窩夫 $106好少見到炸雞 x 牛角包 x 麻糬 x 窩夫的組合結果配合起來竟然蠻不錯的炸雞炸得乾身又酥脆中間還藏著拉絲的麻糬 口感層次豐富😋🔹️ 西班牙豬扒配蜜糖芥末 $142豬肉嫩滑多汁 份量很多配上特製醬汁 為豬扒增添獨特風味👍🏻🔹️ 伏特加茄子肉醬貓耳粉 $110伏特加酒香沒有想像中多相信在煮食的過程中已經揮發得差不多了吧意粉口感和味道沒有驚喜🔹️ 非傳統提拉米蘇 $82質地綿滑但咖啡味比較少另外加了脆脆 增添了層次和口感適合不太能接受傳統提拉米蘇濃郁風味的人🔹️ 火龍果乳酪 $48全場最佳😍用新鮮的火龍果打成再混合酸酸的乳酪酸甜適中 解膩一流 而且價錢不貴這裡的食物質素還不錯 但未至於很出色而且餐廳比較早關門如果是下班後再去吃飯的要注意未必能坐太久 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間cafe試咗兩次,第一次食嗰陣覺得意粉一般,無乜特別,反而啲甜品好有驚喜好好食😍 第二次食嗰陣嗌咗牛,點知原來勁好食!推介大家一定要試食牛+甜品!✨🫶🏻🥩 安格斯牛肉眼($148)牛肉眼火候掌握得剛剛好,內裡粉嫩,肉汁豐富🥩。口感柔嫩🔥,每一啖都充滿牛肉嘅原汁原味,個人覺得質素拍得住啲高級餐廳,性價比唔錯💯。🍝炙燒北海道帶子海膽卡邦尼闊麵($138)帶子輕輕炙燒,表面微焦但內裡仍然鮮嫩多汁,海膽醬汁濃郁又帶少少鮮甜味🤤。闊麵掛汁能力高,每一條麵都包裹住海膽醬,味道好有層次,喜歡濃厚奶香+海鮮風味嘅朋友必試🔥!🍄 溫泉蛋雜菌牛肝菌汁貓耳朵($95)呢道意粉用咗濃郁牛肝菌汁作為基底,香氣四溢🍄。貓耳朵意粉掛汁能力超強,每一口都充滿濃厚菌香🤎。溫泉蛋🥚輕輕一拌,即時令醬汁更添滑順感,好啱鍾意濃郁口味嘅朋友👍。🦞 焗加拿大龍蝦芝士扁意粉($146)龍蝦份量唔算多,芝士醬汁濃郁,配上彈牙嘅扁意粉,個人覺得尚好🤔呢個價錢我會寧願叫牛!🍏 原隻蘋果配酥盒($86)賣相超夢幻!一個完整嘅蘋果✨,切開入面仲有蘋果粒,配上酥脆嘅千層酥盒🥧,再加少許開心果碎點綴。蘋果酸甜度適中,整體唔會太膩,係一道高顏值又多味道口感層次嘅甜品😋個人覺得係呢度嘅必嗌甜品🥰🍞 法式多士配軟雪糕($84)呢款法式多士真係超吸睛,外脆內軟,表面微焦帶點焦糖香氣🔥配上朱古力mix牛奶軟雪糕🍦,一冷一熱嘅口感對比十分過癮,雪糕溶化後同多士融合,味道更豐富🤤。上面加埋西柚、橙等酸甜水果,平衡甜度,整體層次感豐富,值得一試💯!🍫 Baileys朱古力($42)口感順滑,帶有淡淡酒香,平時唔飲酒嘅應該都好易接受到🍸,濃厚朱古力味但唔會過甜,適合鍾意成熟口味嘅甜品愛好者🍷。整體評價迷你毛 minimal 係一間集高顏值、創意擺盤、穩定味道於一身嘅餐廳🌟個人覺得甜品比起主菜更加高水準,最推介嘅會係安格斯牛肉眼、原隻蘋果配酥盒同法式多士配軟雪糕,可能位於深水埗,定價唔高,但味道絕對唔差💯。環境舒適,適合拍拖、慶祝或純粹想享受一餐精緻嘅西餐💖! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去到餐廳見到都多人食,仲信心滿滿應該都ok🫣點知😣😣叫左3樣野食+兩杯野飲(仲要想飲嘅火龍果乳酪沒哂😐結果要左美式算數)第一樣:香煎北海道帶子櫻花蝦海膽濃湯寬麵個汁稀仲要好淡,有浸海膽腥味環繞着全碟意粉,重點份量少🥴一個正常女仔頂盡7成飽第二樣:明太子醬脆炸軟殼蟹夾餅配薯角 明太子醬脆炸軟殼蟹夾餅算正常,但個份量真係笑左,輕食可以嘅🥱第三樣:非傳統提拉米蘇 為左尼個tiramisu 我先寫食評,我本身鐘意飲咖啡見尼到tiramisu 出名所以先想試下,一食第一啖差啲吐出來(係杏霜呀🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢)只要你寫明係menu 有杏霜我都唔叫,見佢都只係寫almond以為係杏仁(唔拿係呀😵‍💫)真係要劣評!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
深水埗這間cafe真的超有心機,甜品全部人手製作,創新又精緻!個人最愛原隻蘋果配酥盒,外形非常可愛,一切開滿滿蘋果粒,蘋果下層是香脆酥盒配焦糖吉士醬,配上蘋果吃香甜可口、更有肉桂香氣🍏 薄脆拿破崙非常特別,面層舖滿餐廳自己炒的nuts,超級香!Tiramisu酒味偏重,口感非常fluffy ~主食同樣創新又有誠意!新菜式北海道帶子&海膽櫻花蝦濃湯闊麵味道鮮甜,蛋麵非常掛汁,每啖都吃到滿滿蝦和海膽的香氣🦐 餐廳亦有多款其他cafe少見的菜式,例如taco和鹹食窩夫,值得一試🌮 特別一提這裏的沙律七十多元但足誇得誇張,又是大推🥗👍🏻飲品方面,火龍果乳酪口感夠thick不會太甜,喝完非常暢快🤣 另外Shake Espresso咖啡很好喝,加上檸檬皮和椰絲別有一番風味☕️🍋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)