5-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
This bar is operated by a local craft beer brand in a creative style. The shop is designed with a bamboo theatre theme. Besides, the names of their own craft beers are inspired by Chinese Mythology. It provides snacks and side dishes with Chinese and Mexican flavors for food pairing. continue reading
Opening Hours
16:30 - 02:30
Mon - Sun
16:30 - 02:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (30)
Level2 2024-07-04
位於旺角的酒吧 位置都幾方便門角雖然主打手工啤酒 但當日有幾款都冇最後試左 風味酒 Flavored Wine <苿莉花 Jasmine>本來order 時只係on rock 但酒嘅酒掩蓋左苿莉花嘅味道Bit of jasmine flavor, however the sweetness is overwhelming 然後另外叫左一杯sparkling wine<麻辣手撕雞>味道正常發揮 送酒黎講唔錯當日人唔多 坐得都幾舒服中國風嘅裝修 影相也不錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-19
跟朋友喺裏面坐低,心諗今晚一定搞掂自己個食慾。餐牌上嘅手工啤酒選擇好多,飲嘅三款每款都自成風味。個孫悟空啤酒,入口順滑之餘又帶點甜頭,真係一啖又一啖咁easy。泰茶啤酒同咖啡黑啤都不同凡響,泰茶個香味突出,咖啡黑啤嗰濃郁口感,真係令相機食先多咗幾分質感😋。食物方面都出奇制勝。咸水角口感鬆軟,外皮係輕微酥脆,啖啖肉餡惹味入心。白糖糕咁搭配一杯冰冰涼啤酒,鬼嘅感覺真係出奇適合;發酵味夠香,層次感強烈,一口接一口🍰。呢度仲有款畫龍點睛嘅優秀服務,職員儀表得體,解釋專業,好有禮貌。總括嚟講,這家店嘅氛圍係好Chill,裝潢嘅小細節處處見心思,係條街上一道獨特風景。無論係要同三五知己傾天喺佈滿藝術氣息嘅環境中,抑或係試吓余香縈繞嘅手工啤啤酒同地道港式小吃,呢度絕對能夠滿足你嘅願望🍻。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-04
今日在旺角見完客已經係4點幾於是決定唔返公司了,時間尚早於是就來個Happy Hour啦。呢間西餐廳都幾有趣,在黑布街,旺中帶靜唔係好似旺角,叫咗杯生啤,小食就叫咗花雕雞翼,我印象之中未試過用有酒嘅小食黎餸酒,佢個花雕雞翼D花雕味都幾香,waiter一攞埋黎就聞到D香味,同埋間野都幾好坐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-01-08
放工想去飲杯野,之前一直想試呢間,就係旺角揀左呢間Moonkok。餐廳用60年代舊香港為主題,牆身掛滿當日供應手寫啤酒木牌,用嚟打卡幾特別。一坐低侍應就話佢地拎食肆牌,所以一定要點個野食😮咁就叫左個山葵手斯雞,第一次咁樣食手撕雞,味道都算幾特別,不過份量比較少。野飲我就點左個用菊花做主題嘅cocktail,個人認為似飲緊菊花蜜多啲😵總括黎講,環境有啲窄,旺角想飲野,還有其他更好選擇,未必會再幫襯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-10-26
Went here last sunday with friends and my gfMy gf ordered the jasmine tea with no alcohol, she asked the employee for some sugar because the drink was very bland. The pink haired employee rudely told her that they do not have sugar in house and proceeded with telling her to go to the cha chaan teng next door to ask for a sachet of sugar. My gf also ordered the sate stickS but we were only served one stick of sate with a SWEET sate sauce. Also anothet employee climbed up on the middle table of the bar with her socks in front of many customers to fix the ceiling, they did not wipe the table afterwards!!! It was shocking to hear and experience such unprofessional attitude!!! You will never see us return again! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)