3-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Fri
09:00 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
今日經過尖沙咀想搵間Cafe Chill下☀️ 呢間純白風裝潢嘅Cafe好簡約🤍 主打越南菜嘅Cafe真係第一次見好有驚喜🇻🇳店內唔少越南特色既設計而且飲品同埋食物都用左唔少越南特色既材料🏝️有心思得黎環境好舒服 裝潢仲有種小清新既感覺 好似去左越南街頭的小店呢☘️⭐️ Vietnamese Kho Quet Bread 🥖 法包烘到酥脆加上唔少蔬菜感覺好清爽🥗 最特色係配上越式嘅五花腩同埋肉燥🥓肥瘦適中帶油脂嘅香氣🐷口味好地道⭐️ Vietnamese Noodles with Raw Beef/ Beef Shank 🍜保持了越南湯河清澈嘅牛骨湯🦴 加入生牛肉入口嫩滑🐮 特別加點牛丸爽口有牛味☺️果然好有質素⭐️ Vietnamese Pandan Cake 🌿微酥既外皮一切入去帶特色既班蘭香氣💚配上濃郁既椰漿一齊食好濕潤而甜度唔會過高🥥好有熱帶既感覺🌴⭐️ Vietnamese Foam Coffee ☕️好掛住喺越南日日都要飲一杯杯嘅越式咖啡🥹 終於搵到一樣咁高既質素❤️泡沫令到黑咖啡入口更幼滑😋配上越南特色既煉奶平衡咖啡既濃度🍼 飲完好想飛一轉
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《越式特色 cafe 🌳》———————————————-#NONCAFE 🇻🇳 -”Non”越南話嘅意思係草帽👒Cafe 以越南為主題,喺香港比較少見,走簡約設計,好chill好啱同朋友weekend嚟hea下~-🍜 越式湯河喺cafe都可以食到咁高質嘅pho,認真唔錯🤩湯底味道濃郁得嚟又唔會好有味精感覺,非常鮮甜,而河粉口感亦唔錯,唔會好淋,生牛肉牛肉味濃 😋-🥖 五花腩肉燥法包 法包外皮香脆,裡面塗滿特製肝醬同五花腩肉燥,調味惹味,配搭埋爽脆嘅紅蘿蔔絲同青瓜十分之夾🥒-小店有賣好多越南當地特色飲品,例如滴漏咖啡、蛋咖啡等,我哋飲咗杯滴漏咖啡配煉奶同Himalayan Pink Salt Creamy Coffee💖 甜而不膩,口感順滑易入口👍🏻-💰 參考價錢Raw Beef & Vietnamese Sausage Vietnamese Noodles: $98Vietnamese Kho Quet Bread: $98Vietnamese Filtered Coffee with Condensed Milk: $42Himalayan Pink Salt CreamyCoffee: $60🍌 抵deal 指數:7/10
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I hope you miss me as much as I miss Vietnam. This tranquil white cafe is on Ashley Road and instantly takes me back to Vietnam. ‘NON’ is the Vietnamese hat made by leaf and here they serve authentic Viet coffees, pho noodles and banh mi sandwiches. Nothing is better than a bowl of pho noodles on a cold winter day. The broth was highly delicious, light but fully packed with flavours. The beef balls were bouncy and juicy, and the Vietnamese sausages were yummy. It’s truly authentic cos the pho came with a plate of lime, bean sprouts, chillies and herbs, and a bottle of sriracha sauce. We shared a halved kho quet banh mi sandwich too. It’s stuffed with diced pork belly, cilantro, pickled carrots and radishes. It’s toasted, crunchy and hard, so I suggest dipping into the beef noodle broth to enjoy. I highly recommend getting a piece of cake with your Viet condensed milk coffee, because their desserts were exceptionally good. We had a warm rich chocolate pound cake covered in a savoury Himalayan rock salt creme. This is SO GOOD and every bite was a delight. Went very well with the coffee.Perks: no service charge, yet quite friendly service.
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前排喺附近食飯時發現呢度新開咗純白cafe😆今日專登過嚟試吓,發現係間以越南為主題嘅Cafe😍原來Non係草帽👒除咗有越南必備法包同湯河外,滴漏咖啡同埋蛋咖啡都係越南嘅特色飲品☕️🥖越式五花腩肉燥法包 (Full$98 Half$58)法包可以揀半份或者全份,都幾好😌就算一個人都仲有胃口可以食吓其他野😆法包香脆,但都出現一般法包有嘅缺點,偏硬同靭,食起嚟有啲吃力😅不過有肝醬同肉燥為法包提供濕潤,而且調味惹味,好吸引人食哂佢😋🍜越式牛丸湯河粉 ($68)喺Cafe以呢個價錢食到咁大碗湯河都幾抵🤭湯底濃郁,河粉口感唔錯,唔會好淋👍🏻牛丸高質,爽彈爆汁,牛肉味濃🤤🍰越式斑蘭蛋糕 ($58)蛋糕好有心思,會烘返熱先上枱🥰蛋糕熱辣辣,斑斕味更突出更香😌蛋糕內裏濕潤,表皮香脆,多重口感👍🏻☕️越式滴漏咖啡 ($42)🍫單品越南朱古力 ($50)餐廳環境佈置都充滿越南特色🤩燈飾、掛畫同擺設,處處都係打卡位😙😙
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朋友同我一齊喺呢間咖啡店/餐廳坐低飲杯咖啡☕️食個休閒午餐🍱🤣呢度廚師係越南🇻🇳姐姐,喺越南🇻🇳嘅越南🇻🇳料理我不嬲都話好好食😋$60「河內蛋咖啡 Ha Noi Egg Coffee ☕️」:有蛋香,雞蛋層好滑,咖啡非常濃郁😋$75「越式濾壺 Vietnamese Filter」:用咗嚟自 哥斯達黎加🇨🇷嘅咖啡豆 Producer 係 Diego Robelo 烘焙就係喺 西班牙🇪🇸 巴塞隆拿 POBLENOU 嘅 Nomad Coffee;特別之處係用越南🇻🇳滴漏方式炮製咖啡🤩;咖啡有非常清晰又清新嘅檸檬香同檸檬酸,仲有幾內斂嘅朱古力香味😋$98「越式五花腩肉燥法包 Vietnamese Kho Quet Bread」:法包外邊焗到脆脆哋,裏邊材料包越南🇻🇳蝦米、五花肉、越南肝酱、蛋黃醬、青瓜、芫荽、酸菜,真係幾豐富😋,真係幾好食😋$98「煙三文魚沙律」:沙律菜非常新鮮好爽脆,煙三文魚就當然有少少 smoky,仲加有洋蔥同車厘茄,撈埋酸酸哋嘅沙律汁,簡單、開胃、好食😋
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