6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:30 - 22:00
18:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Roast Whole Foie Gras
Review (27)
Level3 2014-11-29
前後來過這兒吃午飯兩次,感覺溫馨小品,有住家感覺。前菜我極力推介他們的Caesar Salad,一般來說我都不會在香港前菜點Caesar Salad,因為用料少,而且份量也少。這兒的Caesar Salad以切粒的Bacon和流心蛋調味,流心程度倒不錯,比很多日本拉面舖弄得好。主菜方面,上次點了是日煎魚,真的是一整條魚上菜,很足料,一個人一定吃不完;很有住家感覺,又令我回想起在希臘海邊點Sea Brass 鱸魚的片段。今次點了南瓜意大利飯。煮法比較傳統,飯較硬身,有口感,適合愛吃一粒粒米口感的人,但切記不要狼咽虎嚥,否則容易胃痛。份量對女孩子來說剛剛好,男人則可能不夠。南瓜鮮甜,但我個人來說還是較夠軟熟一點的意大利飯。魚稍勝一籌。另外,我再額外加了HKD38多點一個甜品,是日甜品是梨子TART,感覺清新,有 Home Made的感覺,不怕太甜,好吃! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-11-09
好耐無去食,本來打算食下蔬菜,點知縮水了明明記得之前黎食係半棵菜好完整咁上,但而家得番幾條,不過味道都係咁新鮮特別係隻糖心蛋,一流幸好主菜無變,一大塊五成熟牛扒不生不熟剛剛好,入口有鮮牛肉味,又唔會鞋呢個價錢,有咁既質素,加埋環境,算好好啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-07-25
I have probably passed by this unassuming restaurant many times whenever I go to Gough Street, but I usually go there to eat at the local joints nearby like Kau Kee and Sing Heung Yuen. As one of my friend recommended this restaurant, I decided to come here for lunch when I was meeting up with some girlfriends. Apparently, the owner and chef of On Lot 10 has worked in Alain Ducasse’s restaurants in the US and Monaco, and serves casual French cuisine without all the frills and high price tags. Indeed, the decor was plain and simple while the lunch sets were very reasonable with 2 courses ranging from $118-$138.We were given some bread and butter to start with. The baguette was obviously store-bought but at least was warmly toasted. There was nothing special about the bread or butter though.Romaine Lettuce (4/5) - I was impressed with the size of this salad! It's huge! The Caesar salad was refreshingly delicious with bacon bits and salty sardines on top of whole romaine leaves while adorned with a gorgeous half-boiled egg on top. I'm usually not a fan of sardines but it went really well with the flavors here. The only thing was that I couldn't finish all of my lettuce because there was so much!Potato Gnocchi (2.5/5) - I love love love gnocchi so I decided to go for it when I saw it on the menu. Served with sweet corn and mushroom cream sauce, the gnocchi was unfortunately very disappointing with its mushy texture and boring flavors. I prefer my gnocchi to be a bit chewy and bouncy or at least solid on the outside with a soft interior, but the ones here were just lumpy and soggy. The sauce wasn't half bad but nothing exciting either. Man I sure miss my favorite gnocchi at Jane's in NYC.Coffee or tea was included in the meal as well but not lattes apparently so I ended up ordering a regular hot coffee. It was pretty decent with a strong aroma and flavor.Verdict - I wasn't very impressed with the food at On Lot 10 especially given the fierce competition and copious choices nearby for French cuisine. The service could also be better as the dishes came out really slow while the table next to us got their dishes first even though we had ordered way earlier. The staff wasn't that friendly or patient either when my friend wanted to ask questions about the food since there were some things she couldn't eat. Perhaps dinner may better here but with the slow and standoffish service, but I'm not sure if there is a reason for me to come back. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-03-23
歌賦街的法式小館 On Lot 10 是本地大廚 David Lai 旗下其中一間食肆, (On Lot 10, Kushiyaki Beco, Bistronomique Staunton) 三間在中上環, (Bistronomique,, Boulangerie Bistronomique) 二間在堅尼地城, 合共有五間, 也有同樣在堅尼地城的高級肉品專賣店 Bistronomique Boucherie, 看着其不斷加開新店, 其生意頭腦及食物水準應該相當不俗。筆者到訪 On Lot 10 已多次, '白屋仔'的印象很深刻, 加上有差不多半年沒有到此品嘗法菜, 於是和友人到此看其在多開分店後其水準如何。侍者安排筆者和友人在二樓用餐, 下層比二樓進餐面積細一半, 其實全間餐廳也不大, 內裏同樣以白色為主調, 簡約的設計, 並裝有窗台, 可看到中環歌賦街地面的情況, 但看不到同樣在歌賦街的人氣熱店九記牛腩及勝香園。Set Lunch 價格不是固定, 而不同菜色在二十元內上落, 印象中菜單不是經常改變。先上麵包 , 有先加熱, 但口感太硬, 水準一般, 加上牛油後也不算好。是日餐湯為粟米湯 , 友人表示水平不俗, 沒有試食不表意見。煙三文魚配紅菜頭沙律 中的三文魚很有水準, 有很強的魚味, 紅菜頭都可以, 黃色的菜支有苦味, 有些失望。此餐廳以處理魚類岀名, 主菜自然選擇焗龍脷柳配大蜆 , 龍脷柳魚肉甜滑, 火喉不俗, 但大廚在龍脷柳底下放了白黃豆不太匹配, 加上薯蓉或南瓜蓉比較理想。咖啡 不覺有酸味, 是筆者喜歡的風格, 但咖啡味不算香濃。此次午餐魚類份量對男士可能有點不足, 加上前菜是少了一點, 看見其他食客點扒類的主菜份量相當大塊, 心想下次再來時試下;而說回其水準則保持沒有因多開分店下出問題, 可惜食物在SOHO 區的法國菜餐廳中來說是欠了點特色, 但在價格平易近人的情況下不能要求太多, 加上看得岀每道菜是用心處理和有誠意, 可以一試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-30
一月二十五日 (星期六)人在中環,身不由己這年頭,Billy將另覓新挑戰,Suyi公司遷址,倆口子不約而同,很快便會離開工作多年的中環區2014年,對我倆其中一件大事,必有告別中環之份兒就趁這段時間,趕快嚐盡中上環一帶美食... 第二站,是食友大讚的On Lot 10這法國餐廳,位於滿佈食肆的歌賦街就趁這個週末,在附近一帶會出席一個薄餅製作活動,來一個休閒午餐其實,我倆也是這街常客,勝香園及周月吃了不知多少遍週末的歌賦街,仍是那樣熱鬧,不少遊客老饗在勝香園,九記排着隊等吃,就是遺忘了這家西餐廳我們走到二樓,卻偏偏遇上一位無禮侍者!那時只有一枱客,侍者以命令的口吻指示我們要坐的一張枱服務態度奇差,粗粗魯魯的,是你的Last Day嗎?週末開朗的心情頓減,一場來到又不想一走了之,不情願地,只好快看餐牌點食物午市套餐包括前菜,主菜及飲品,百多元,先不論質素如何,是中環的合理價格先來法包,烘得暖暖的,配上牛油,富麥香,味道本身相當不錯,配上香滑牛油,更香滑好吃前菜選了凱撒沙律及煙三文魚配紅菜頭沙律賣相十分吸引,半隻溫泉蛋置頂,狀甚搶眼底部的羅馬生菜,份量多,還有煙肉及麵包粒,再配以酸酸的沙律醬羅馬生菜爽脆,拌勻蛋汁後味道層次就更豐富賣相固然美觀,味道就更加令人滿意是三塊挺厚身的煙三文魚肉,上面放有軟糯的紅菜頭味道鮮美醒胃,前菜已叫人眼前一亮!來到主菜環節,Suyi選了焗龍利柳配大蜆龍利魚柳鮮美嫩滑,佐以稠身的白汁特別匹配,還有粒粒果仁碎,層次更豐富底部則是軟腍的白豆,吸盡了香濃的白汁,味道更美兩隻大蜆卻不太新鮮,味道有點腥,還吃到砂粒哩!美國安格斯西冷牛扒配薯蓉選了Medium Rare,切開是紅紅的肉質,效果令人滿意牛扒厚薄適中,質感煙韌,富肉香,略嫌肉汁較少,會覺得較乾身不要錯過那薯蓉,質地幼滑,味道甜美,是伴碟良物!還有下場,要吃薄餅,今次不點甜品喇熱咖啡及熱檸茶各一咖啡聞落挺香,帶一點果香,質素不俗反而熱檸茶則較味淡,要到樓下勝香園偷師是回小試牛刀,水準不俗即使將來告別中環,也是值得再專程到訪的餐廳哩~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)