Review (27)
Level3 2011-09-14
一支公既我可以食到既餐廳有限 , 所以特別鐘意DIY乳酪LEE家野, 自己完全自由發揮, 唔使問人唔使叫人但是一切自己附責(比錢) , 我好鐘意LEE種方式~今次去完尖沙咀CANON SHOWROOM , 回程時就見到ORANGI YO這家DIY乳酪店, 來到緊係整返杯靚架啦!入到去第一個感覺係 , 空盪 , 因為乳酪機係入牆式既關係, 四方的店中央沒有多餘的雜物, 檯櫈, 幾間潔.最引人注目既唔係女侍應, 而係一共七部十四味既乳酪機 , 真的是多選擇, 應該不難找到合自己口味既乳酪.和之前我介紹既MILKY CAN不同, 這店就算有咁多既空間, 佢比到人坐係度食既就只有這幾張櫈, 可能考慮到尖沙咀人多時真的會多人得好恐佈吧 ?店長怕到時店舖濟爆人, 空間太小會控制不了場面?佢地既乳酪味道唔錯, 不過可能太凍定係咩原因? 有D味道佢咬起來有冰粒既感覺, 而且有部份既TOPPING可能係雪冰左? 咬起來很硬, 但扣除左LEE個問題, 佢地既味道算係中規中矩, 勝在TOPPING同乳酪選擇夠多, 大家可以一試另外收銀員門很nice, 佢地會主動叫你去試味, 又很好談, 真係相處得好舒服 P.S.: 這杯大大乳酪原價係$108 (一樣係$15/100gr) , 不過因為coupon既關係(個收銀姐姐送既), 所以實際只係收$79... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I've been reviewing many yogurt shops recently and I don't really understand why this clean, neatly decorated self-serve froyo shop is getting the bad reviews it gets. First, I've been twice now and each time I've gone there's a steady stream of customers so it doesn't look like the poor reviews on OpenRice hurt business too much. And the 1st and 2nd time were pretty consistent.Orangi-Yo is really simple. Decent soft serve machines which are all self-serve, nice selection of toppings, a lot of variety for flavors, some flavors are a bit more icy than others, but in general it's acceptable and NOT AS BAD as Tutti-Frutti or Yogurtime. The yogurt is obviously different from the air-filled, powdered, fake yogurt at Crumbs and the water-based, ice chunky CHEAP yogurt at Tutti-Frutti, it's kind of somewhere in the middle. Not good, but not bad either. Overall, it's a decent value.One thing is true though, the staff are NOT AS FRIENDLY as other shops so they either need to train their staff better or get new staff. The staff also don't smile, they don't seem to clean up very much, don't help customers and don't really seem to care about the shop in general. This is typical for a local restaurant, but the standards are much higher at yogurt shops, as most customers are very picky.This shop is definitely not as terrible as people say. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-06-11
熱辣辣ge天氣, 行街要食返d涼浸浸野~是日優惠$58細杯裝任裝我一個人食, 都係揀返$15/100g咁計呢度有好多種味道, 士多啤梨, 朱古力, 芒果....好多好多我就揀左原味同芒果唔知係咪我唔識用個乳酪機, 還是個機古惑, 一拉就拉左半杯原味, 一拉又拉左半杯士多啤梨咁就一大杯了.......之後加左d topping$46.8一杯原味完全唔得, 有冰ge感覺(唔滑)芒果味還可以...都唔會再買呢一間了... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-06-08
3月25日, 行過加連威老豆見到又一間新開嘅froyo店~ 仲要行自助形式可以由自己決定份量, 味道又好似幾多咁~ 於是又入咗去試!::: 原味 + 香芋 + 曲奇 + 咖啡 ::: $25.5其實一唧出嚟已經feel到佢好似沙冰咁, 質地唔係軟滑嗰隻…唧得嚟比埋錢d yogurt都已經溶溶地! 味道呢, 原味雖然無奶味只得酸味, 但都還可以… 香芋味就真係好淡薄… 曲奇味都係淡, 得少少甜味… 咖啡味帶酸苦, 夾埋其他味就好怪…d froyo係就係夠凍, 仲好多味揀… 但真係無乜邊隻味食得過! d toppings選擇多, 但生果類一望都知唔係好新鮮… 完全無興趣再去食!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-05-11
第六篇frozen yogurt的食評,呢間去一次真的夠夠夠~價錢: 大眾 $15/100g形式: 全自助式, 由唧yogurt到加toppings全部自己任加任控制, 自由是自由, 對香港人和女孩子當然好好, 好似夾糖咁~! 但始終地點亦太"自由", 太多"自由人", 不是個個自由人也懂守規矩和有衛生, 有職員在yogurt機旁和topping 旁看管住會較好!味道: 試了三款, 很記得很記得有藍莓, 還有strawberry和原味, so far最明顯和最深刻的一間有藥水味~!! 有artificial 感覺!! 唔得!!toppings: 不夠新鮮, 部份生果雪到冇味!!不會再去! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)