Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
佢地係一個香港本地手工釀製嘅康普茶🇭🇰用左天然原料自然發酵👍🏻Kombucha係一種低熱量, 低糖, 零脂肪嘅天然發酵飲品✨富含益生菌同維他命 有助平衡腸道健康 幫助消化同排毒 提升身體免疫力🥰新年食左咁多油膩野 飲吓清滯都不錯😌.📌Manuka HoneyKombucha飲落好似果醋同有汽酒咁 但酒精濃度少於 1%🍻完全係酒精飲品嘅健康替代品 開party飲就啱❣️由於有大量益生菌 有益腸道健康幫助排毒💩大餐後飲枝都冇咁guilty😈雖然大部份嘅糖分喺發酵嘅過程都會轉化成益生菌 但睇番每100ml都有成差唔多9g sugar👀個人覺得飲落就有啲甜🙈不過甜度主要係嚟自蜂蜜 所以係清甜嘅🍯.📌Original Flavour (Vegan) 呢款就淨係用左有機蔗糖 冇加蜜糖 糖份同卡路里都一樣😝個味都差唔多 不過就少左蜜糖嘅清甜 係平時嘅普通甜味🧐
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This is a great store with unique items. I was particularly impressed with the freshly baked sour dough bread they sell there. It is as good as anything you would find in France! There are about ten variations, I had the Vermont Sourdough which is basically just plain. Also prices are reasonable given the very high quality.
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