9-min walk from Exit B, Shek Mun MTR Station
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Happy Friday 同同事係帝逸酒店食個靚靚午餐今次我地揀左中餐廳 逸軒主理既點心menu因為一行得3個人 所以唔係食到好多野特別要提既係期間限定 北海道白樺豬扒飯豬扒半肥瘦 又冧又有豬味 炒飯底一流 汁醬又係調得十分出色套餐重有杯依家好興既鴨屎綠檸檬茶諗住會好淡味 點知真係職員手打重好好飲成個餐超值💯另外重有個好cute既蝦蛟bb點心🤣🤣呢間既點心間唔時就會推出新款隔一排就會黎食下 基本上都唔會失望重點左蘿蔔糕同燒賣 不過太肚餓 未影相就已經食左落肚🤣🤣
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I recently had the opportunity to dine at pit shop and I would like to share my thoughts on two dishes that stood out to me: the Scallop Siu Mai and the Angelini Carbonara.Scallop Siu Mai ($78):The Scallop Siu Mai offers a unique twist on the traditional dumpling. Each dumpling is filled with scallop on top, and the flavors are well-balanced. The scallops themselves were tender and flavorful. The dumpling skin was thin and delicate, which allowed the filling to be the star of the dish. Presentation-wise, the siu mai was served in a bamboo steamer, which added a nice touch. Considering the quality of the ingredients used, the price of $78 feels a bit on the higher side.Angelini Carbonara ($188):The Angelini Carbonara is a rich and indulgent pasta dish. The pasta was cooked al dente, and the carbonara sauce had a creamy consistency. While the portion size was generous, the price of $188 may be steep for some diners.
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今日颱風小犬襲港,開車去朋友住的酒店短暫相聚,希望掛8號風球之前可以回到家。於是選擇了酒店coffee shop。我們點了flat White和latte,因為趕時間忘記了影相。這𥚃環境舒適,座位寬敞,有不少外國人休閒的三五知己談天和打啤牌。
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同樓上餐廳比,呢度嘅服務質素就低少少,因為落單都要搞好耐 Tiramisu非常之普通,我試咗一啖都冇乜興趣咖啡正常,成為$58一杯呢個龍蝦牛油果向往沙律份量非常之少!但係售價勁貴成$228一份!實在真係完全唔值雖然都預咗唔會份量好大,但係呢度有啲少我想講呢度落單人手勁不足!嗌咗好耐先有人落,之後加單佢就會唔記得售價咁貴呢個服務就好似爭啲!俾錢嘅時候想用Go Royal比,但係唔係用我張卡就話唔得喎樓上日本餐廳明明唔係咁嘅
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