2317 7432
PizzaExpress is really proud of its pizzas, its love for music and supporting meaningful causes in the community. Since 1965 the restaurants have been serving hand-crafted pizzas made with the freshest ingredients. Each pizza is made to order by skilled Pizzaiolos (pizza chefs).
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Good For
Group Dining
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes avilable daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (169)
收工同同事,去左pizza express。環境同服務各樣相當不錯。今日係閒日所以都都唔洗等直接walk in就可以。兩個人叫得唔係太多。味道方面不錯。僳錢可接受。同幾其他pizza店比較依一間暫時第一位
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以前經過PIZZAEXPRESS門口都會聞到好香既味道超級吸引 今日終於有機會食入到去叫左個意粉同PIZZA食PIZZA個邊好脆 又唔會太厚 配埋D醬超好食 相反個意粉就有啲平庸但個面就軟硬適中所以都係推薦PIZZA希望下次可以試其他PIZZA
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其實生日食乜都無所謂,最緊要係一家人一齊。所以家人話食生日飯時,太座和細妹再選這店我也沒反對。今次點咗:紅菜頭芝士,凍肉拼盤,牛油果雞肉沙律,健康輕盈沙律,煙三文魚薄餅,香辣蒜蓉意粉,蕃茄芝士長通粉,海鮮蝴蝶粉,甜品有朱古力蛋糕,芝士餅和杏仁香蕉撻。紅菜頭芝士,紅菜頭清甜,水牛芝士淡口清香,作為頭盤不錯。凍肉拼盤,有莎樂美腸,風乾火腿腸等味道一般,略偏咸,反而伴碟的火箭菜新鮮,口味回甘,令人更難忘。 健康輕盈沙律,用上南瓜、松子仁等加入沙律菜內,清新可口。牛油果雞肉沙律,菜夠新鮮,入口鮮甜,雞肉香,牛油果味濃中帶點清新。煙三文魚薄餅,這店的薄餅出名在餅底似餅乾,個人就是喜歡這個餅底,今次的薄餅外觀沒上次的美,仁芝士味就比上次香濃,味道比上次香。香辣蒜蓉意粉,蒜味非常香濃,加小小芝士粉,入口更香,今次的意粉淋硬度做得非常恰到好處,有噬口又不至於太硬。蕃茄芝士長通粉,相對意粉,這長通粉就有點過淋,蕃茄味還算香濃。海鮮蝴蝶粉,味濃偏咸,蝴蝶粉過淋,有點糊的口感,個人感覺是全晚最弱釣一道菜。朱古力蛋糕,朱古力咪濃,配上熱咖啡,入口香濃,正。芝士餅我沒試,杏仁香蕉撻,不像撻,似班戟多一點,但杏仁片加上香蕉,入口清香,甜而不膩,很好。
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I have never had Pizza Express before. Yes don't look at me like that. I know that they are everywhere, but Hong Kong has such an abundance of choice, food wise, that pizza never seems to pop up in my mind. Until tonight. Not being able to recall the last time I had a triangular piece of baked dough on my plate, I decided it was time to refresh my memory.Heading over to the TST branch on Ashley road, it was surprisingly full on a Thursday night and without a reservation, I had to wait 15 mins for a table. Nevertheless I spent the time deciding what kind of pizza I wanted. You can tell Pizza Express are trying to be more authentic and following the Italian way of making pizza from the listing of thin crust pizzas with the use of ingredients like buffalo mozzarella and Parma ham. If pizza does does not appeal to you, they also have a decent variety of salads and pastas to choose from as well as a nice selection of starters to tickle your appetites.Unless there is Hawaiian as an option (yes I like canned pineapple on my pizza) I like the toppings on my pizza to be as minimal as possible. Hence the Margherita Prima was my pick for the night~ When it was placed in front of me I was pretty impressed with how big it was, but then again I guess they do expect you to share Baked to a crisp, the thin crust was nicely crunchy, topped with big splodges of gooey buffalo mozzarella cheese and spread with their specially made tomato sauce. So good~!For a chain restaurant, Pizza Express certainly makes some pretty decent pizza. Will be back~
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呢日我地去完海洋公園成日,玩到攰攰又冇乜點食野,所以一來到坐低就即刻睇Menu食D乜飲D乜啦,亦都好快地就揀到想食嘅野喇。主要係揀我最愛之沙律,小食、友人鍾意的意粉,再來多個餐湯啦。① 凍檸茶(Ice Lemon Tea)無限添飲 $38② 意大利甜酒配意式餅乾(Biscotti Vin Santo) $48③ 羊奶芝士蔬菜沙律(Warm Vwgetable and Goats Cheese) $108④ 焗蘑菇(Baked Mushrooms) $72 ⑤ 是日餐湯—蕃茄濃湯(Soup Tomato) $50⑥ 意式野菌螺絲粉(Fusilli ai Funghi) $110 Subtotal: $426 + 10% Service Charge= $468.6最快來的都係飲品架喇,友鍾意飲<凍檸茶>,又知佢係無限添飲喎,即時唔再諗要飲佢啦,我都有試飲過,少少甜檸茶味算重喇,有3片厚檸檬,呢知價錢都好抵喇。到我的<意大利甜酒配意式餅乾>,我呢個甜酒通常係用白葡萄釀製嘅,酒精含量約17%左右,入口因為幾甜所以17%濃度對我就唔多覺,係意大利呢種甜酒通常都係配Biscotti同食,我就覺得幾好飲,以往食Biscotti都係跟Espresso嘅,今次係點Vin Santo食,原來都幾好食喎。之後到我要的<羊奶芝士蔬菜沙律>,呢個沙律份量真係好鼎盛又砌得靚靚,碟邊有幾件配烤麵包條,煙煙韌韌好食,而材料有羊奶芝士、車厘茄、 烤洋薊、蒜蓉茄子、意大利扁豆、燈籠椒、青瓜、薄荷葉、羅勒配蜜糖紅酒醋沙律汁。呢個沙律汁酸酸甜甜幾開胃好味;羊奶芝士都幾多,又係好味;而其他生的蔬菜又好新鮮,正;另外烤過的燈籠椒、洋薊、茄子唔會過熟而過淋,又係Good!其實本身我係唔食咩嘅,但曾經係北海道飲過羊奶覺得幾好飲,又係前年去土耳其食過羊奶芝士就鍾意左,令我時不時都會掛住佢,不過我仍唔食羊架,只會食羊奶芝士而已啫。到又係我點的<焗蘑菇>,釀蘑菇的餡料有兩款,一款黑色的釀了水牛芝士及白汁烤焗,另一款白色的則釀了混醬(馬蘇里拉芝士+香草醬+羊奶芝士醬),配上兩款醬汁為Genovese香草汁及蕃茄醬,兩款均用橄欖油開均和,香草汁幾香略嫌油份多了,我會鍾意蕃茄醬多D,夠蕃茄味又唔酸。蘑菇細小,先食黑色釀入Mozzarella芝士的,係幾香嘅,不過食一隻已經覺得好膩喇,反觀釀了混醬的白色蘑菇雖然味道同樣濃郁,不過可能有香草醬故比較清新冇咁膩,好食D。而側邊配上的烤麵包條又唔似沙律配上果款喎,呢個有香草味,點Genovese香草汁或蕃茄醬都好食。之後先來<蕃茄濃湯>,因為呢個係後加嘅,所以咁遲先上枱,今次配上的烤麵包條則同配沙律的一樣,冇香草,點湯同食就好喇,當我地"疋"起一羹已經覺得好杰,放入口的質感好似食緊茄醬,真係好濃郁,濃到好似食緊茄膏咁,好勁,配麵包就一流囉。等了又等,食住枱面食物已感飽飽地,但都要再等15分鐘,<意式野菌螺絲粉>先到。睇落螺絲粉好杰,聞到野菌和松露的香味,材料好簡單,只有螺絲粉同野菌,杰杰的蘑菇汁均勻的佈滿螺絲粉,面有松露菌油,螺絲粉彈牙唔淋,的確幾好味,以為份量唔多,原來食落你就知飽喇,下次可以再encore噃。最後我地要用個半小時先可以KO哂所有食物,飽到不得了,好滿足。
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