1-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 21:00
*Last Order: 20:15
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (51)
Level4 2025-01-21
應該好多人都同我一樣好鍾意食K11 Gontran Cherrier嘅麵包,我最近發現佢同一集團的意大利餐廳Red Mamma Mia推出咗個限量Tea Set 悠閑下午茶套餐及三文魚塔,佢哋係限量供應架!真係幾唔錯,必食吖!平時排隊買完麵包就走啦,依家可以坐低high tea,食佢哋出品嘅麵包,味道絕對有保證!呢個下午茶set系每天限量供應,由2:30 pm 至5:30 pm,二人份 $ 318。包括一件是日精選蛋糕、一件Signature 馬德蓮貝殼蛋糕、一件季節限定蛋糕、芝士波波、布朗尼朱古力、原味鬆餅同士多啤梨醬鬆餅、時令三文治、時令果撻。另外配飲品,可以有冷飲同熱飲,選擇都幾豐富,有美式咖啡、伯爵茶(二人份)、英式早餐紅茶(二人份)、法式雲呢嗱玫瑰茶(二人份)、檸檬水、鮮奶仲可以加錢額外加咖啡、轉豆奶、轉燕麥奶,又或者免費轉脫脂奶 !更可享有轉其他正價飲品減$12 折扣優惠。加收10%服務費哋有個煙三文魚沙律層塔$188(2人份)。用咗三層架放置,感覺好特別,煙三文魚份量真係好多而且好新鮮,搭配一碟牛油生菜拼蕃茄、一碟芝士,仲會配埋多士同埋牛油!口感層次真係好豐富。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
收工同朋友約左K11 Musea行街食飯, 平時好少落去Food court 果層, 原來 B2層有間意大利餐廳「Red Mamma Mia 」,開業只係半年左右,餐廳空間好大又舒適,裝修設計優雅,環境都幾chill架!餐廳食物種類都豐富, 價錢又合理,我地二人就點咗3款食到超飽啊, 真係想再點甜品都食唔落喇~ 𓏸𑁍𓏸𓈒𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓂃𓏸𓈒𑁍ᵂᴴᴬᵀ ᵂᴱ ᴼᴿᴰᴱᴿᴱᴰ 🦞Seafood Bouillabaisse with Pasta $299龍蝦海鮮海龍皇湯意大利麵 (二人份)最吸睛一定要叫架!!!! 呢道菜限量供應架, 有勁大隻龍蝦啊~~真係好開心啊!!入面勁足料,有半隻龍蝦, 青口,魚, 帶子等鮮甜海鮮, 佢嘅海龍皇湯底係精髓, 味道濃郁, 可配上意大利麵或餐包。 🥙Snack Platter Set for 2 $85小食拼盤份量十分足好抵食! 有炸得黃金香脆的單骨炸雞翼, 日式炸蝦, 炸魷魚圈,炸水牛芝士條, 炸洋慕圈!樣樣都係食唔停口架~♥️🍻Snack Platter Set for 2 or beer $120跟小食拼盤有得order 兩大杯Suntory 啤酒配佐酒小食, 可以慢慢傾計~ ♥️150days Ribeye Steak - Medium Rare $298🐮澳洲150日穀飼肉眼扒配紅酒燒汁我地點選左5成熟肉眼, 肉質嫩滑粉粉地, 大廚煮得剛剛好, 仲配有我最愛嘅薯蓉,好美味啊~.𓐎/Red Mamma Mia (尖沙咀)𖠿 𖤣𖤥尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea B2樓B207號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Fresh fettuccine; icecream coffee and croffle; GC croissant benedict! GC croissants are one of the best croissants you can find in HK, if you prefer to dine in and have an elevated brunch with their bread, definitely check this out. The croissant benedict: prosciutto, perfectly poached eggs, mixed greens, tomatoes and tasty hollandaise sauce, sandwiched between two halves of beautiful flaky buttery GC croissants. I couldn’t ask for more! Fresh fettuccine carbonara: it’s one of my recent favourite carbonara. Everything was just right: the onsen tamago, bacons, freshly made pasta, mushrooms, onions and the sauce. I could come back just for this. Soft serve with croffle/ iced coffee: definitely a must-try! The croffle was so crispy, served hot and it’s also made from the GC bakery next door. The soft serve was rich and milky, tasted really delicious with both the hot crunchy croffle and iced coffee. We also had a cup of earl grey latte, and tried the Australian 150 days ribeye steak, with fragrant baked whole garlic, smooth mashed potatoes and a tasty demi-glacé. Love the food and the spacious seatings- a good place to hang out with friends and families. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於尖沙咀K11 Musea B2層嘅呢間意大利餐廳「 Red Mamma Mia 」,今年六月新開,地方舒適,枱與枱間距之間寬敞,裝修設計簡約木系,綠植牆磚。多種意大利菜,由早餐、午餐、下午茶、晚餐都有,另設咖啡廳,供應咖啡、甜品、三文治、蛋糕。🦞🦐龍蝦海鮮海龍皇湯意大利面 $299~半只龍蝦、青口、蜆、帶子、海蝦、魷魚、番紅花、白蘭地,配上龍蝦湯意大利面,再跟意大利麵包,點濃湯食。👍🏻👍🏻🐟🥗煙三文魚沙律層塔(二人份) $188~呢個沙律層塔都系第一次見,足料煙三文魚,隨自己喜歡加蕃茄或沙律菜,最底層配兩款醬料,再配搭酸種麵包,好滿足。🥖🐃醬燒韓式牛扒三文治配薯條 $138~ 長型意大利麵包,中間夾上兩塊醬燒韓式薄牛扒,加上蕃茄、沙律菜,唔會好韌,味道一流。🍨Danish Toast & Affogato $68~ Affogato 迷又點會錯過,丹麥吐司、特濃咖啡、一大球雲呢拿牛奶雪糕。味道香濃軟滑,好似飲緊latte,再將吐司沾上雪糕咖啡,特別特別。☕️Honey Comb Caramel Latte (跟餐+$38)~鮮奶咖啡,加上脆脆焦糖,甜感滑順。🍹Sparking Yuzu Americano (跟餐+$42) ~柚子蜜梳打,加上美式咖啡,口感酸苦均衡,清爽之選。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
▫️ french onion soup ($78)有水準 真材實料 麵包索晒啲洋蔥湯好味🤤▫️ smoked salmon salad tower ($188)靚靚嘅擺盤✨ 煙三文魚份量多夠新鮮,配埋烘過嘅酸種麵包,搽上忌廉芝士醬好襯▫️ 龍蝦海鮮海龍皇湯意大利麵(二人份) ($299) 勁豐富!有半隻龍蝦、蜆、青口、大蝦、魚柳… 全部都好新鮮 肉質鮮甜嫩滑意粉彈牙煙韌,掛住濃郁嘅海鮮濃汁,仲有烘過嘅脆麵包可以蘸湯食🤤▫️ 牛角包窩夫 ($68) 熱辣辣好酥脆🧇 上面有一大舊雲呢拿牛奶雪糕🍦▫️ mixed berries yogurt (+$46)飲品有驚喜!呢杯真材實料👍🏻莓嘅酸味突出,冇糖水假甜味,清新健康開胃▫️ hojicha latte (+$38)焙茶味香濃回甘但唔苦澀,口感香滑😋 係我飲過其中一杯出色嘅焙茶拿鐵👍🏻佢哋仲有做早餐同埋下午茶,下次會嚟試吓~—𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌: yes𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗍: yes💳 𝗉𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 $200-300 𝗉𝗉 (dinner)🌟 𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝖺𝗅𝗅 7.5/10📍 Red Mamma Mia尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea B2樓B207號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)