Exit E/ L3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
A seamless combination of a clubby lounge and bar venue with unique Art Deco pieces and other objects d'art in the restaurant ambience, which is in the style of 1930s Shanghai - the Paris of the East. Recommended Specialty include Rose Champagne and Ning Sling Cocktails. continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Private Party
Casual Drink
Additional Information
衣著:整齊便服 - 塑膠平底人字拖鞋、沙灘涼鞋或塑膠鞋,恕不招待。 男士請穿著長褲及有袖之襯衣,否則恕不招待。 備註:十八歲以下小童恕不招待 玲瓏酒廊的每個主題房間均設有隱蔽式的迷你酒吧。這個酒吧吧檯的設計如像櫥櫃一般的家具,客人可視乎需要自行調酒。 玲瓏酒廊為您奉上各式各樣的雞尾酒,當中以Ning Sling - 以伏特加和荔枝酒這個耳目一新的組合,再配上薄荷葉和荔枝,乃客人必嘗的招牌美酒。美酒下的杯墊,帶有花邊粉飾的精緻手帕,配搭粉紅和紫色,設計獨特。 香檳的愛好者,則一定會喜歡法國蒂姿專為玲瓏酒廊調配的「玲瓏酒廊玫瑰紅香檳」。蒂姿酒莊已經和世界各地的半島酒店合作良久,為半島出產招牌香檳已達25年之久
Opening Hours
*Closed on Sunday
Tue - Sat
20:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Ning Sling Cocktails Rose Champagne
Review (11)
Level4 2011-07-19
連續幾個星期,都和不同的朋友來這兒飲野傾吓計,因為這裡實在很舒服,還有live music ,但未不會太吵耳,一路聽著音樂,一路和朋友傾計. 這裡有不同的主題坐位,每個都很有特式,小食方面,最好食都係Grilled bone ham and Gruyère sandwich with French Fries,芝士加上火腿,熱哄哄的.份量也很多,足夠當為2位女士的晚餐.至於其他小食未見特別. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚第五次來 Salon de Ning,終於完成了整個 Ning's Tour,分別坐過熱鬧開揚的中庭大廳、神秘私隱的摩洛哥角落、魔幻浪漫的舞蹈廳、溫馨有格調的瑞士滑雪房以及最後這次懷舊古典的衣帽間。玲瓏女仕這不同格調的四房一廳豪華大宅,可以迎合不同口味、不同時段客人的需要:L'Afrique Room四房之中面積最大是這非洲主題房,一邊是摩洛哥風情的佈置,有婷婷最喜歡的 U 型大梳化,可以五至六個朋友圍着坐,很 Cozy 很 Private 不受外界打擾的感覺。另一邊是撒哈拉沙漠情調,坐在帳篷下,看着牆上獅子頭的裝飾,真的以為自己去了非洲旅行!婷婷認為這間房最適合跟知己良朋把酒談心。Bailar Room最華麗最有代表性的偏廳,牆上掛了幾幅會跳舞的畫,浪漫淒美,虛幻幽怨 Phantom 的感覺,是整個玲瓏酒廊靈魂之處,一張高貴的絲絨大梳化正對着大廳中央,開揚的設計令客人可以舒適地欣賞到現場樂場的演出,房外有金色典雅的大畫框架圍邊,令 Bailar Room 有畫中畫的效果,倍添神秘詭異的氣氛。這裡適合帶老闆、同事或貴賓來,最能展現特色的一面。Ski Room歐陸風情的溫馨浪漫小屋,以瑞士滑雪場做主題,應該是四房之中最細小的,很有【家】的感覺。跟情人躲在靜靜的一角絲絲細語,倚着視像火爐邊,舔着香醇美酒,陶醉於甜蜜溫馨的二人世界之中!Boudoir Room這是玲瓏女仕的衣帽間,天花掛滿不同款色的漂亮帽子,飾櫃擺放了 Ning 的古董香水,當然亦少不了中國傳統的旗袍啦!雖然婷婷不喜歡懷舊,但這裡濃厚的上海風韻,老外與日本客是很欣賞的,所以應該會帶外國朋友來。中央大廳一個人來到 Salon de Ning,可以獨自坐在大廳裡,嘆一口雞尾酒,投入現場的爵士音樂中,欣賞四週環境,To See & To Be Seen,這裡可以是獨個兒消磨一個晚上的好地方。今晚多謝 Captain Leo 與靚女經理 Francis 特別介紹,陳述 Ranee K 為 Salon de Ning 設計中式制服的經過,其實婷婷一向十分欣賞 Ranee K 中西滙合的時尚設計,外國記者都喜歡訪問這位斯文靚女的年輕時裝設計師。玲瓏酒廊有 Ranee 設計的制服,可謂錦上添花,令這裡 East Meets West 的 Hip & Trendy 環境氣氛與服務員整體配合得天衣無縫!這一夜,我們七個很久沒見的靚太,二點三三三三......個墟!高談暢飲,盡興而歸!Captain Leo 細心地續一為我們選擇了合適的飲品,婷婷亦試了兩種新的 Cocktails,都很滿意,但已不太清楚記得詳細內容了!可能因為多人 Share,我們點了五項小食,Captain Leo 又源源不絕奉上佐酒小吃,Ning's Hour 飲品買一送一,飲飽食醉,最後結賬每人只需 HK$270,非常之抵!推介小食:★【中菜廳的鮮蝦春卷】香脆鬆化而不油膩的春卷皮包着大隻鮮蝦,要趁熱食,連婷婷不喜歡吃春卷的也讚不絕口!★Crispy Cantonese spring rolls with shrimps, bamboo shoots and vegetables HK$110 + 10%★【花瓜手指包】三件切開六小件大家分,少吃多滋味!★Marinated goose liver with fruit coulis HK$158 + 10%★【芝士拼盆】配提子、合桃、麵包、克力架餅等,十分飽肚!★Artisanal cheese plate HK$138 + 10%★【特厚火腿芝士烘三文治】有朋友形容為【簡直係 Five Star 之中嘅 Five Star!】一份可以切開五件大家分,我們前後點了兩份!配香脆炸薯條,跟獨立迷你樽裝 Heinz 茄汁一瓶,五星酒店真有五星氣派,就連簡單的 Ketchup 也特別貼心特別尊貴,這就是婷婷一直以來喜愛半島酒店的主要原因!★Grilled bone ham and Gruyère sandwich with French Fries HK$160 + 10%其實婷婷喜歡這裡 6pm - 9pm 靜靜地可以傾計,有朋友則喜歡 9pm 後 Live Band 氣氛,聽講 11pm 後愈夜愈熱鬧,各有各喜好,適隨尊便。有朋友說入口太隱敝,很難找得到,婷婷今次特別拍下短片,模擬示範走進酒店地庫,打開神秘的大門。魔幻之旅,就由按門玲那一刻開始!睇片啦!Salon de Ning 可以說是全香港最漂亮的酒吧,真的迷上了這個地方!這一段寫給不懂看中文的朋友:My favourite lounge in Hong Kong! ♡ ♥ Love to sit inside different alcove each time, the cozy L'Afrique Room with close friends, the classy Ski Room with secret lover, the phantom Bailar Room with my boss and colleagues, the retrospective Boudoir Room with my honorable guests, or just sit back at the hall alone to see and to be seen ... ask for captain Leo's recommendation and try different cocktails each time ... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-02-05
I felt like I have neglected this place for a while, not only the place, the music but also the drinks as well. After a tough day of work, sometimes I just need to chill for a bit over few glasses of single malt whisky, wines or cocktails. Well, sometimes desserts would do the trick as well. Their cocktail list is not the most extensive in Hong Kong and not the most outstanding in my humble opinion; but I do find a few that I personally enjoyed very much. One of them was the tomato juice based Sexy Doll cocktail I tried on my previous visit.In addition to my usual favorite "Sexy Doll" cocktail, I also enjoy the element of surprised from their daily cocktail special named Ning's Sling. The delightful surprise tonight was a pineapple juice based drink with vodka if I am correct. It was very nice an refreshing indeed! Not sure if they have it every night but I would definite ask them for it to make it if possible!!!!I mentioned many times that I enjoy the music from this place very much but I found them rather loud in volume. Even after many feedback to their management, the volume of the music seems to remain the same. Perhaps it was the environment / decor (low ceiling) that amplified the music. In any case, the place remains to be one of my favorite chill out places. (perhaps the Lobsters Bar @ the Island Shangri-la is a close second because of its band and not their drinks or services! - to be reviewed soon)Likes: * excellent services! * the element of surprise from their daily cocktail Dislikes: * the music volume remains to be loud through the night ... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-11-20
半島早年的新作,莫過於以虛幻人物De Ning設計的酒吧。幾個小區間分,各有主題各有特色,一些古玩是由瑞士餐廳Chesa帶來的,亦少不特半島特色銀器餐具。約了行家談點事,想起對方也有興趣看看Live show,雖然來過幾次,但今次來,感覺來得輕鬆。一杯自家品牌的怡人氣酒,配一客Foie Gras,不算很濃郁,卻有著鵝肝的潤滑,閒聊了大半晚,期間幾款特色小吃,似乎是中央廚房出品的,不錯。埋單每人$350左右,不平的,但來到半島的貴氣,加上古玩配套,沒收貴的。更多的飲食文章分享@http://foodxfile.blogspot.com/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-10-08
老公貴為半島金卡holder,時不時會收到半島的宣傳品,對Salon de Ning都曾一度上心。在28樓Felix飽餐後,兩口子意猶未盡,繼續到地庫感受這間與別不同的異域風情酒吧! 酒吧並不好找,是夜兩口子也要由櫃檯小姐專程帶路,才到達地庫隱蔽的入口。而酒吧的大門需經眼部掃描,才會開啟,更增神秘科幻色彩! 進到吧內,其實地方不算很大,主要由含4張檯的中小型歌廳、3間特色半開放側房(註1),及特色吧檯組成。天花也非常特別,雖然外藉侍應有禮地提示過不可拍攝環境,還是忍不住影了好幾張相;不過以機仔隨便拍下的照片,實在難以捕捉現場那份中西合璧、又集詭異及魔幻元素於一身的感覺,一種予人酒不醉人人自醉的感覺。 是晚我們是送被安排就住中場歌廳,一邊欣賞超正超夾的現場live band,一邊跟隨侍者推介,慢慢享受兩款據講很熱門的cocktail: Ning sling-由absolut mandrin, lychee liqueur, orange juice, passionfruit puree及fresh mint blend成,簡單來說,就是singapore sling的變種,甜度高果味重,較易入口。 L'Afrique-由Bacardi Rum, Passionfruit juice, lime cordial, lemon juice及blue Curaco blend成,青檸味令整杯飲品變得清新,我幾喜歡欣賞的~ 伴酒的小吃也很精緻又認真,除了杏仁、薯片,還有粉組粉紫的美麗朱古力粒,與墊杯的粉紅粉紫飲品墊襯成一絕。雖然場內只得2-3對外國客,樂隊演奏下氣氛卻是好得不得了,我與老公都留連忘返,hea到不願走了~~~  Felix試了一次就夠,但玲瓏酒廊卻是兩口子不介意來了又來的地方,獨特的風味與體驗,幾值大家花百多元來感受一下的! 更多相可見:http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=108987&id=625718234 註1 - 三間側房分別模擬非洲部屋、瑞士小木屋、日本和風部屋,各具獨特風味,佈置非常迷人! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)