Opening Hours
Wed - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
生蝦刺身 亞來竹筒飯 明爐金鏪魚 金柚沙律 炭燒大頭蝦 香茅烈焰蟹
Review (14)
Level3 2008-09-20
慶祝同事升職,一行十一人放工後由港島揸車入西貢食飯。原先大家都以為係食海鮮,原來主辦單位係選擇左呢間外型較有格調o既泰國餐廳。o係門口見到有$148 All you can eat,但係其實都只係好普通o既選擇,而且都係比較飽肚,真係要大胃王先抵食,所以最後同事們都係散叫算。叫左小食拼盤、青木瓜卷、椰汁菠蘿炒飯、串燒、泰式鳳爪、羊架、蒜蓉炒芥蘭、青咖哩雞同唔知咩炒蝦。樣樣都幾好食,但冇邊樣特別令人回味。飲品方面叫左珍多冰,沙冰式,唔會越飲越淡,而且好足料,讚!o係西貢食飯環境清幽唔多人,加上呢喥係比較有裝修,所以食得舒服寫意。不過對於住新界西o既甲乙,如果唔係同事有車送埋返屋企都未必會過去食。如果有一天可以同毛毛輕輕鬆鬆放一日假都可能會再去o既,唔係的話就要等多幾年買到車先會再去lu。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-08-31
叫左個青之卷,,,辣辣地,,,,不過仲頂得順,,,,個沙爹串燒好好食呀!!!especially 同沙爹醬好香!!!送飯好好呀四個人叫左半打沙爹"岩岩好!竹筒飯就冇乜味....不過香個魷魚包住蝦膠好好食!!同個汁配得好好""成餐係油左少少姐,,,,不過都好食,,,,服務都好好呀好NICE呀D人!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2008-07-15
首先我想知下面個條友仔講個D咁侮辱性嘅野, open rice 都唔剷...二,我覺得這間泰國餐廳充滿泰國的風味香港好多其他泰國餐廳都做唔到三,香港很多泰國餐廳為了配合香港人的口味而破壞了泰國餐應有的傳統味道,本人去過泰國無數次,口味根本不像香港所謂的'泰國餐',唯獨暫時舢舨保留咗傳統泰國的味道. (雖然是有點奇怪泰國餐會有翅食, 但這令到舢舨廚師啓發了椰青翅(推介),傳統得來又帶點新意,最緊要係咩呀.......好食呀嘛!四,本人去舢舨三次, 服務不像高級餐廳的侍應, 但我睇得出服務態度有改善, 已超出舢舨應有的水平線.五,衛生像還勉強可以, 但有侍改善六,露台可以令到有竉物的人帶自己的竉物黎食飯正!總括黎講,舢舨係值得去!好味道,好環境 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2008-07-14
Just moved to Sai Kung last weekend, saw a big sign Sampan and remembered movie star Wong Ming Chuen used to owned it years ago, thought I pop in to try it out. Very nice ambience with a country feel outdoor area, a Thai lady chief was cooking satay and whole fresh fishes on the BBQ grill, it looked so appetizing that I have to order the fish. I love anything spicy, the waitress recommended baked razor clams with lemongrass and chilli …(very very tasty, highly recommended); raw prawns with garlic and chilli, papaya salad in rice wrap (refreshing), pad thai noodles comes in a very interesting square plate.(slightly fusion look) . All the seafood were exceptionally fresh, the price is very reasonable, the bill came to just $600 for the 4 of us including a glass of beer each..... will definitely comeback again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2008-04-19
乾咖哩焗大頭蝦$198 兩隻乾咖哩焗大頭蝦,即係冬陰公大頭蝦。煮到過晒火,蝦老,味差,劣作!燒生蠔$168 兩隻燒生蠔,蠔係大,但完全無味,面頭仲要放一乍炸蒜片,只吃到蒜頭味,30蚊一隻都嫌貴。脆肉炒椰菜苗聽落特別,其實係隔夜燒肉炒菜。燒肉乾且硬,味道又無乜。菜苗,一個字,硬!而且,又係落左大量蒜頭,食唔到其他味。劣!香葉肉碎炒飯真係食過咁多間最難食。香葉淡而無味,唔多覺有肉碎。飯裡唔知點解有面豉!?好在吃之前落左少少青擰汁,如果唔係真係乜味都無。青木瓜沙律啲汁有少少蝦膏味已經令人費解,有創意係好,但要好食先得!!!這個.......好難食。還有......竟然食食下發現有塊細細既石仔,相信係製蝦膏時用的紅磚甩出黎。離譜~~~~~!!!!!本想叫燒鱔($100)晚市先剛剛開始,Waitress埋黎話"Sorry, 鱔剩返好少,得半份,我收你半個portion錢,好嗎?"因為她的良心,服務加一分。一句講晒,呢間餐廳既Chef實在唔適合做呢行....食物質數低到無得再低....... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)