Exit F2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Located inside the Hysan Place mall, Shelter Italian Bar & Restaurant serves a contemporary Italian cuisine. The restaurant features a fine outdoor green dining space that is perfect for relaxing. They also use organic fruits, herbs and vegetables that grow in their garden. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:30
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (222)
Level4 2019-06-24
Wanted to catch up with a colleague before she leaves Hong Kong, Shelter is a convenient spot in Causeway Bay Hysan to stop by for Happy Hour before dinner. As the weather is not as hot, my friend recommended to head to Shelter, as their dining area is outdoor, breezy spring time is the best to come. The environment was perfect for Friday night, the sky is still bright, breezy air, spacious seat. In terms of food and drinks, there’s a good selection of snacks, wine and signature cocktails. We ordered 3 drinks and a truffle fries. The fries were great, with skin on, thick and hot. The portion size was also good enough to share among 3 of us. When the night started to approach, the staff kindly tap the light open for each table, cute gadget that we kept tapping for entertainment haha!In general, Shelter is a good place to chill and chat with friends, but note on the weather to see what time is the best to dine outdoors. Will revisit for more! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-22
香港商場的下午茶打卡餐廳$338兩人份另設10%服務費個人認為咸點做得比較出色推薦三文治和牛角包甜點個人不太喜歡甜食亦做得比較甜所以不太喜歡但鳥籠設計適合打打卡温馨小提示:餐廳位於平台室外位置夏天去會比較熱 下雨雨水也有可能飄進來需要挑選天氣比較合適的天才去打卡💓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-06-15
女孩子的聚會,其中一個會選擇的活動就是high tea。剛巧今天我和朋友也放早,在銅鑼灣逛了一陣街,便走來試個Tea。這間餐廳是戶外的,環境好大,坐得好舒服。但若果在炎炎夏日,可能會熱少少。較喜歡鹹點的朋友會喜愛這個tea set, 因為底層有5款份量唔細的鹹點 甜點的甜度適中,賣相可以每人平均$200,而且服務不錯,可以和朋友在鬧市中度過輕鬆的下午 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-05-24
上星期同朋有友食完下午茶,覺得幾好食,今晚男朋友就帶左我黎食生日飯先講服務質素,今晚嘅職員個個都好有禮貌同細心,一坐低個職員見我抓腳,即刻比定支蚊怕水我。而上生日甜品時,支迷你煙花喺我地影影吓相時已經燒完,職員亦好主動幫我地換過支,好貼心!食物方面。個甜品拼盤整得好仔細,連人名上面都灑上金箔睇得出好用心其餘嘅食物都好有水準,下次一定再黎食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-05
閏蜜生日🎂一班girls約埋一齊來個港女high tea ☕️relax吓同埋打卡😛📸 呢度嘅high tea set $388/set for two連一杯嘢飲分Savories & Pastries 兩種 由低層食上去 鹹至甜-🔸Savories包括: 巴馬火腿配蜜瓜/芝士火腿迷你牛角包/煙三文魚多士配凱撒沙律醬/忌廉蘑菇法式酥皮盒/迷你肉酥個人覺得savories鹹點心呢部分做得幾出色 味道幾好😋款式ok,不過不失 個人最鍾意食煙三文魚多士配凱撒沙律醬!多士烤過所以表面香脆 煙三文魚好香 配上凱撒沙律醬味道幾特別 味道多啲層次👍🏼 芝士火腿迷你牛角包都香脆可口 簡單得來好食❤️🔸Pastries包括: 廚師精選水果卷/檸檬忌廉撻/朱古力士多啤梨/咖啡芝士蛋糕/法式杏仁蛋白餅乾/咖啡杏仁蛋糕/炸泡芙鹹點比甜點要出色許多 大部分甜點個人覺得太甜 尤其檸檬忌廉撻 泡芙表面太多糖包住 不太喜歡🥴 朱古力士多啤梨幾特別幾好食 清甜可口🥰其他甜點算不過不失 無咩特別 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)