SOHO no.8 intentionally painted different large and small underground signs in the wall decoration and menu with red and blue color as the main color inside which is in contrast with a British-style telephone booths. Restaurant also provides a variety of beverages and suggested that customers can bring their own wine without any additional charges, so the atmosphere of the restaurant is more casual. continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AMEX
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fire Roasted Prawns with Garlic, Coriander + Sweet Red Chilli Jam Baby Spinach Salad with Seasonal Pears, Feta + Toasted Spicy Walnuts Homemade Kiwi Pavlova with Creme Chantilly and Mixed Berries Fillet of Australian Beef Tenderloin with Sauce Bearnaise (8 oz.) with (Half) Boston Lobster (Half)Rack of Australian Lamb Seasoned with Indonesian Spices Lemongrass + Chive Risotto with Japanese Scallops + Grilled Asparagus
Review (11)
Level2 2010-03-13
first of all, don't even know if the waiters really understand english or cantonese properly, talking to them felt like talking to a 4 year old. we ordered steak with scallops, but they gave us steak with lobster instead. The steak didn't really have any taste to it really. The best thing on that plate was their steamed vegetables =____=" their soho no.8 salad was alright, but nothing special to it, just your average salad that you can buy at any odd supermarket. we then ordered their scallop risotto, the scallops tasted quite nice but the risotto was disgusting, it wasn't even cooked properly, can even describe their risotto as crunchy plus it tasted like they just added salt and cream to it. we didn't get to see their dessert menu because at that point all we wanted to do was leave. overall it was quite disapointing, would never go back again continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-01-07
步出星街之後,我倆來到蘇豪上的Soho 8,繼續享受這個美好的平安夜.我說不如遲一點去英國旅行,她說現今就起程,就是這個外表如倫敦地鐵站的餐廳.當然只有外表,內裏是沒有貼滿音樂劇,廉價航空海報,沒有賣藝者在唱歌,更沒有那些千年塵加小便混合的霉臭味.時間仍早,蘇豪上仍不是太多人.既然正值平安夜,不喝常喝的啤酒,便來一杯英國人在聖誕節常飲的Mulled wine.這是加了些香料的紅酒,煲熱後便成為Mulled wine.原理像我們的可樂煲薑一樣.味道帶著點點肉桂味,但是喝下去感覺,似是酸梅湯與涼茶之間.Bitter or sour?兩者也不是此一刻的感覺.其實此酒可以在Mark & Spencer買到現成貨,回到家中加熱便可飲用.她不喝酒精飲品,便來一杯沒有酒精成份的飲品,外表青綠色,飲下去有如青苔味道,很古怪.平安夜的倫敦地鐵迷人陣,再不是Suede在Saturday night MV內的寂寞,而是充滿著幸福,希望.如果可以同最愛的人,去到自己最愛的倫敦.去溫布萊看一場英格蘭主場賽事去Borough Market"掃街",食完生蠔帶子,再去吃芝士,麵包去Gordon Ramsay吃一頓晚餐去看一場自己喜愛樂隊的演唱會去蘇豪的Ronnie Scott’s jazz club聽live Jazz去看一場音樂劇去漫遊各大小flea market這個世界會變得很美. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-01-02
On a sunny day, it's fun to sit at the table with view on the escalator. Their food presents well, but it's not WWWWOOOOWWW.Good and relaxing environment. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-10-31
偶爾尋找,見有食評話第二份set lunch 半價,固來之因近日工作過忙,連位也懶得去book……結果七個人坐bar 檯似乎呢區咩lunch 都係$88 up + 10%要了三courses先來的包,沒甚特別的凍啡不錯前菜是越式春卷,西餐廳有呢一道真夠特別,而且味道還很對辦,只係用叉食又要沾那些汁就不方便喇主菜,大部分人都要了牛柳,因為呢個最吸引。有時都好怕食呢o的伴菜,因為有陣苦澀味,但呢度o個o的幾"彈牙"又fresh。牛柳火候恰當,肉質幾鮮美唔韌,連薯蓉都好可口呀最後的甜品,唔係好甜,朱古力濃度中挺,但o的berries 熱熱o地?!值得一試o架真係,不過當然要預留o的時間上山落山,上菜亦唔算很快店員說下次攜單可全部25% off 之類,但隔o左日再打去問就唔認數…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2009-10-18
炎熱的夏天終於離去,在這帶點秋意的星期日,同女友去SOHO 食個BRUNCH,忙裏偷閒本來想去一間近堅道食BRUNCH,不過由中環搭電梯上到一半,女友已經話有點肚餓 (都快11點了....)剛好見到這間LOGO似足倫敦UNDERGROUND 的餐廳,又同時有BRUNCH供應,就決定在這試一試。BRUNCH 選擇不多,大概有7-8款 雖然地方細細,但係坐得都幾舒服,我地每人叫左一個BRUNCH,一個係奄列,一個係叫類似No. 8 plate (類似乜都有咁....) 兩份餐都有跟TOAST,COFFE/TEA/SOFT DRINK奄列 : 唔記得清楚有咩涵,淨係記得有雞肉同埋燈籠椒,2片多士,水果,炒薯仔NO. 8 plate: 有2隻蛋,焗豆,炒草菇,煙肉,同埋有D腸 (不知道名字),4片多士水果,炒薯仔其實叫得做BRUNCH,都非常之大碟,所以食到最後,食物已經有點涼,不過整體食物的價錢同味道還算不錯的。而且服務也不錯,很有善。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)