Restaurant: | SOUP PLUS (Banyan Mall) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
8-min walk from Exit D4, Lai Chi Kok MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
生病了 明明很熱的天 也想喝一口熱湯 竟然看到有湯飯DIY好開心,點了一個蕃茄湯 其實一整天也沒有吃過東西了 喝到一口蕃茄湯覺得很開胃 點了的是豬肉片和雞肉片肉的份量也很實在 下午茶的情況底下好像也有7-8片 為我這個病人補充不少營養 好吃
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平時有食開其他分店嘅湯加但呢間湯加真係特別難食我叫酸菜酸辣魚湯都勁大陣魚腥味成間鋪都有種又縮又臭嘅味 特別係個紫菜 平時喺其他湯加食開嘅紫菜都唔係呢個狀態(睇圖好似一啲食物殘渣咁款然後一食落口成口沙 都唔知有無洗過以後都無可能會再食啲菜又黃又黑豬軟骨超級硬 似翻叮再翻叮真係唔怪之得晚市都無人食同店員反映返佢淨係係度笑唔知佢笑乜鬼?莫名其妙對上一次食仲食到曱甴到底呢間嘢可唔可以快啲執最後完全食唔落剩低8成我寧願去食個M記都無咁嬲
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本身係網上外賣平台落單,結果去到話收唔到單(後尾收到noti話係湯加冇接到單)變左當場買,講左要豬潤牛肉湯飯轉淮山麵(因為想加生菜唔飲野),問多次我係咩餸,我話豬 潤 牛 肉 淮 山 麵,又再問我係邊兩餸,我逐樣講,佢先問我係咪210,心諗我又唔係你我點會知,之後問我杯免費飲品要乜我都估到肯定唔係本身個2餸1菜,我都費事改佢as long as碗主食岩就算結果5分鐘後同我講ready,點知番到去先留意到杯檸茶唔見左,咁你未ready可唔可以唔好同我講ready成碗野除左個豬潤正常少少之外,個鮮牛肉完全冇牛肉味,個魚湯咸到死,真心唔知自己俾52蚊食緊乜
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好少可咁主動劣評一間餐廳🤨🤨🤨今日忍唔住要出手,因為琴日發生嘅事真係太嘔心!!!事緣琴日去食午飯,叫咗杯熱飲,杯沿居然有BB 昆蟲(唔知係咪小強Bb呢?睇埋其他人啲評價發現佢有前科🙃)我用紙巾撥開佢諗住就算後來叫咗杯熱水,個水杯居然有曱甴腳黐住,真係人都癲。我忍唔住大叫左,個阿姐就手快快拎走咗我杯水搞到我影唔切相。佢仲係咁請我飲凍檸茶同埋芝麻球,同我講唔好意思,我心諗我仲邊有心情食呢啲嘢,癡線🙂🙂🙂
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Cockroach in my rice noodles, super dirty kitchen and there are insects running around the restaurant. For the sake of mankind, just stop going here please
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