8-min walk from Exit C2, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (16)
Level2 2024-09-08
今日星期日諗住自己煲滋潤湯水, 但真係好攰,完全唔想做家務煮飯... 晏晝經過樓下,點知發現今日 soupawarm 外賣店有開, 尤其是出去買仲平過自己煲 ,所以夜晚即刻買碗嚟飲, 慳水慳力!佢哋啲湯之前我三款都飲過,但冇寫食評... 係完全冇加味精又非常足料嘅湯, 青甜好味包裝亦算精美, 保溫 , 啲湯拎到返屋企仍然非常之熱佢哋基本上星期日係唔開,但好似話生意唔好,所以今個星期有開, 依家大環境唔好 ,支持小店,留港消費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🌈Tempted to get takeouts from Soupawarm every time when I passed by it, tonight is the night! Their meals are delicious, hearty and healthy- and you can genuinely enjoy all the rainbow colours of ingredients in one bowl. The mackerel fish soba noodles bowl is AMAZING. There are a bunch of vegetables to accompany your protein: Japanese mini purple potatoes; okra; Chinese yam; broccoli; cherry tomatoes. The soba noodles is cold served and topped with furikake seasoning and nori seaweed. Very delicious! Slow cooked chicken breast with soft boiled egg is equally outstanding. The chicken comes in thick-cut yet so TENDER. Alongside there are sweet tamagoyaki egg rolls; zucchini; cherry tomatoes; broccoli. Served with pearl rice, with furikake as well! Definitely do not miss out their “soupa” warm SOUPS! Because they are GOOD. Served extremely fresh and hot. Today we have the sweet pears, figs and longan soup with lean pork. It is heartwarming, delightful and full of the actual ingredients. Added a cute cat bottle of cold-brewed peach oolong tea to have a perfect night. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-19
今日就訂左家湯溫暖既外賣, 小店除咗主打足料燉湯之外, 仲有健康餐選擇照燒鯖魚綜合蔬菜蕎麥麵照燒鯖魚好入味鮮甜, 啱晒送飯蔬菜配搭清新輕盈, 全部都勁低低卡路里, 包括秋葵,淮山等, 底層既涼拌蕎麥麵, 加咗蕎麥麵汁, 口感爽彈, 食落清爽慢煮雞胸玉子綜合蔬菜飯賣相色彩繽紛, 雞肉全部都係慢煮, 將肉汁鎖住, 啖啖肉, 唔會好嚡, 再加入玉子, 令便當含有超豐富嘅蛋白質, 蔬菜有翠玉瓜, 西蘭花, 同車厘茄, 配搭非常豐富, 底層嘅珍珠米, 加入咗飯素, 口感更有層次另外可加配白桃烏龍冷泡茶茶底香濃, 有淡淡白桃香味, 剛好可消暑解渴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-16
今天工作太忙了,沒時間去餐廳吃飯,經過長沙灣的這個健康外賣店,買了幾樣野吃,飯盒搭配多樣多彩!慢煮雞胸玉子綜合蔬菜饭雞肉經過慢煮後,肉質特別鮮嫩柔軟,可以吃出雞肉的天然鮮甜。饭盒中间铺着一层缘意盎然的蔬菜,清爽的小蕃茄,西蘭花,黄瓜和嫩滑的雞蛋,米飯的溫暖糯軟,既健康又美味!花膠姬松茸茶樹菇燉瘦肉湯花膠經過長時間的慢燉,化開成絲,質地濃滑細緻,入口即化。姬松茸和茶樹菇增添了濃郁的香菇香氣,與花膠的咸香交相輝映。瘦肉軟嫩,湯汁細膩滑順,溫暖身心。這道養生湯飲,既能滋補強身,又能清熱平肝!蒲燒鰻魚玉子飯鰻魚表面焦香微焦,在鰻魚上方撒有碎碎的紫菜,鰻魚軟嫩多汁又有紫菜的鹹香味!還有軟嫩彈牙的玉子燒金黃,內裡卻是細緻柔滑,濃郁甜美!無糖白桃烏龍冷泡茶這款冷泡茶采用優質烏龍茶葉和新鮮白桃為原料,沒有添加任何糖分或香料,純粹展現茶葉和水果本身的自然香甜,既健康養生,又能清涼解渴!這間店以健康餐及足料燉湯為主,又可以通過app訂餐真是好方便! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-15
今次假期我同朋友去興華街遊樂場踢波,工人姐姐又放假,踢完波負責買野番屋企食,附近有間健康便當既外賣小店,就過黎買lunch番去食啦😁慢煮雞胸玉子綜合蔬菜飯($58)呢個便當就好適合減肥人士食,等外賣既時候店員介紹佢地既慢煮雞胸係朝早慢煮2個鐘,到客人點既時候先煎香,雞肉一d都唔鞋,仲有好多蔬菜,西蘭花,車厘茄,翠玉瓜同玉子,同埋半隻日本蛋,豐富得黎又唔怕肥,個飯就係用日本珍珠米,加上紫菜粉同醬汁令個飯唔會太乾🥗🥚🍚慢煮豚肉生薑燒飯($58)慢煮豚肉同樣係店主一早慢煮2個鐘再煎香比客人既,呢個既蔬菜量相對少,都有椰菜絲,車厘茄同日本蛋,豚肉份量就有好多塊,岩曬我呢d鐘意食肉獸,豚肉香口肉嫩🐷無糖冷泡茶($8)飲品有好可愛既貓貓樽裝冷泡茶,清涼解渴,杯底有粒粒蘆薈,令到支茶帶點甜🍵平時出街食得多唔健康,得閒食下d健康野又唔錯,健康得黎味道都好,就算攞到番屋企食都唔會難食,小店只有外賣,有參加網上既外賣平台,係呢區番工或者呢區住既話都方便食到😄 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)