Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
06:30 - 20:30
Mon - Fri
06:30 - 20:30
07:00 - 20:00
09:00 - 19:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 19:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
就黎又冬天聖誕,被網上傳得熱烘烘的新品,因為朋友送的禮物卡,於是買了來吃。一星期只見過兩次,平時去主要得藍莓芝士蛋糕🍰唔特別所以未買。之前買過幾次檸檬tart價位合理,應有的甜酸均有,不過呢間就從無見過。網民無呃我 粟子cheese cake係5錯 5算勁甜🙂無得坐既外賣店,食嗰時,粒粟子同粟子cream已成粒甩左散曬,for拍攝我自己放返上cake面的。40元正,感覺成本已值20元,粟子味佢有既,唔係即日製,食落都新鮮,餅底薄鬆,芝士味都比想的要多。網民無呃我 粟子cheese cake係5錯 5算勁甜🙂如果有人請食,係會有回頭既!
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大時大節前前後後都要無止境OT,真係做到個人又呆又攰😭😭😭 四周圍都無咩選擇下,黎到中環站呢間Starbucks買杯野飲慰藉一下自已仲要係公司做野既心靈。時間唔早所以都唔需要特別等就拎到杯野飲,今次叫既係Matcha Latte extra matcha powder😋😋😋水準係中上既,如果只係想買外賣野飲,呢間都會係一個好選擇
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抹茶 伯爵啫喱 星冰樂Matcha Earl Grey Jelly Frappuccino買一送一,朋友叫埋我一齊買。抹茶味好rich,正。星冰樂普遍都偏甜。入面有伯爵茶糖漿。底部有伯爵茶啫喱,好香,幾有咬口。不過唔多。中間 & 頂部有鮮忌廉,其實少啲仲好。最面有啲抹茶粉做裝飾。
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Decided to grab something evil after lunch - the new pop-zel frappacino from Starbucks, with skimmed milk and no cream. As you could expect it is actually too sweet and nothing much more than that. The 2 pieces of pretzel and some popcorn actually do not much more than to decorate, although they alone could already make a good story and can seldom be wrong. Overall an average new rollout and good for sweet-teeth! (Sorry for the photo - a little blurry as I couldn't wait to finish the popcorn before they sank!)
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今日愛人中午驚喜,為我買來大朱咖啡星冰樂 4x終於他記上心了,不木頭,今天的比昨天買的好喝多,有朱香,冰又不太溶,咖啡味又好香,解渴一流,真係好嗱正。多謝你呀小豬
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