3-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
An elegant all-day lounge versatile for lunches, coffee, afternoon tea and drinks. The glamorous afternoon tea is a modern progression of refined savoury bites, sandwiches and warm scones followed by artful pastries and delicate confections. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
12:00 - 19:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (337)
早陣子外遊,一個月沒見的閨蜜帶我去吃5星級的下午茶👍 建議人生總要試一次😬這家酒店的下午茶一位難求,必須要訂位啊❗️我們從中午12時説説笑笑至4時,下午茶款式多得要 「打包」 takeaway 😂下午茶的秋季菜單有以下美點:1. Amuse Bouche 開胃小點:法語意思是「給嘴巴的娛樂」,有2款分別是魚子醬西蘭花湯和山羊芝士黑松露塔2. Finger Sandwich 手指三明治:有4款分別是鱒魚籽三文魚、蟹籽螃蟹肉、黑松露鵝肉火腿和西班牙紅椒蛋沙律3. Pre-Dessert前甜點:香梨栗子芭菲和薈蘋果曲奇脆脆4. Scone 英式鬆餅:原味和南瓜,配上奶油和自家制果醬5. Plated Dessert精美甜點:5款甜點有云呢拿肉桂吉士撻、榛子千層酥、香蕉太妃泡芙、黑森林、秋日陽光慕絲6. Mignardise Chocolate Trolley 朱古力小點心:在朱古力餐車上選三款朱古力點心7. 茶窖菜單:可選擇的茶種類多,我們點了胭脂歌劇茶和洋甘菊茶;花茶散發著果香和花香,有紓壓𡨴神作用🥰人均港幣 $568+10%,不少慕名而來的旅客,你能理解受歡迎程度嗎!😬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-17
Went there with a best friend of mine to spend the afternoon with a expected nice tea set but we were quite disappointed on the whole thing. Let's talk about Rosewood Hotel first, the interior design was too much, scent was unpleasant, patterns were everywhere to a point they screams "TOO MUCH" . So unnecessarily over designed. Seats were way to low and deep, it was no so comfy that I had to sit at the edge of the couch. To start, the tea were nice, very fresh and fragrant. Then it came with the finger sandwiches. The salmon one and crab roe one were nice, the other two were pretty forgettable.Foie Gras mini tart was the highlight of them all, texture of Foie Gras was so smooth and the pastry was crunchy, the textures were contradict while complementing each other.The soup was very much like canned pumpkin soup which was supposed to be a truffle soup.  Then came with the Cherry-shape and chocolaty ones, I don't even remember the names or the tastes of them, you can guess how memorable they are. Just remember dry ice everywhere. Then was the four-piece cakes dish. Marshmallow one and Napoleon were great ! Love them, the other two, again, I forgot. Came to the end was the bread basket and assorted chocolate/ snack box, we were too full that we can't eat anymore... took away for later. I would suggest them to focus at the quality or the food instead of the quantity and the gimmicks. Yea, some of them were instagrammable but very disappointing after that instagram post. Also, for the service, as a 6 stars hotel, they failed. They were doing it as the needed to do it, it's not from their DNA and the bottom of their hearts to serv. Say for instant, they presented two desserts at the same time but they gave you only one fork. Am I suppose to use the same fork for two completely different tasted dessert? Then my friends asked for some milk for her tea, but then they gave you the milk without the stirrer... These are the tiny little things that they need to improve. By comparison to some other hotel like Hyatt and Marriotts, they still have a long way to go.  Washroom, you need to pass through the back door looking door to go there, again, design issue. Washroom itself was nice, but the hand cream and hand soap didn't have any tags on them for differentiation... AND! they needed to be hand pumped... come on, it's 2024...    continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小妹每年都會跟弟婦一起慶祝生日,畢竟我們的生日只差四天,是緣份哦今年選了來Rosewood Hotel的The Butterfly Room,一間很難訂的餐廳,今次預早訂就訂到了餐廳的裝修很美,一點都不像別的酒店老土很清新脫俗的感覺樓底也很高!來之前,小妹沒有做好research ,以為還是以前的Tableside Served Plated Dessert形式,原來近幾個月已經轉了為一份一份的下午茶了只是他們不像其他餐廳/酒店似的會有一個英式下午茶架,而是像法餐一般逐樣上菜,這樣也增添了一些高貴感,貴賓們也知道享用餐點的順序他們安排了窗邊的位置,貴妃沙發比長沙發好坐了,職員見小妹是孕婦,也主動拿了咕𠱸給我不止這些哦~細心的點還有很多,他們有過來跟小妹對一下待會的餐點中有什麼孕婦是不能吃都可以給換其他的,也會介紹他們沒有咖啡因的茶跟咖啡是真的真的讓我覺得很貼心!而且所有餐點上菜的時候都會介紹一遍,再建議我們從哪件開始吃比較好他們的餐具都是美美的首先上菜的是Finger Sandwiches,上面是弟婦沒有改菜單的份,下面是為孕婦我改了菜單的份煙三文魚換了熟吞拿魚,另外是蟹肉三文治不加蟹籽~不得不說,四件都很好吃!特別是Goose Ham,火腿跟Comté Cheese真的是超搭的弟婦說他們的煙三文魚也超好吃!小妹也好想吃哦然後是Cauliflower Soup跟Beets Tartlet!有點意外的是那個Beets Tartlet的皮看似紙兜,但原來也可以吃的但小妹沒留意的是這個是Goat Cheese做的,小妹不能吃羊,難得覺得臊臊的,幸好只是很小口的,沒有引發皮膚敏感另外那個Cauliflower Soup質感很滑,很味道不是十分特別,上面配的魚子醬及薯片,小妹刻意沒有走掉,都給弟婦吃,別浪費好吃的東西可能配着一起吃會比較好吃整個下午茶最特別的來了是Autumn Red "Calville"上菜時有乾冰,一直在冒煙,這款甜品滿足了視覺及味覺的享受薄薄的朱古力脆皮包著Poached Apple,再配著Vanilla Foam Crumble,口質很好,微甜,好好吃哦這款像藝術品的甜品也很值得推介叫Parfait是野莓雪葩配著栗子蓉及經處理的梨粒,整個甜品酸酸甜甜十分開胃很有驚喜!再來的是英式下午茶都會有的鬆餅,特別的是除了原味鬆餅,也有南瓜鬆餅及南瓜奶油現在不是職員推車出來serve cake,但一盤五款的甜品都夠吃了一樣的,職員介紹完之後就開吃了!他建議由下方黃色的Sunny Autumn開始逆時針吃1. Sunny Autumn - 這款也很開胃,有奇異果、芒果、熱情果、青檸及椰子,酸酸甜甜很好吃2. Hazelnut Mille Feuille - 是瑰麗酒店最好吃最signature的甜品之一:拿破崙今次是榛子口味,甜而不膩3. Vanilla Cinnamon Flan - 外皮是Crispy Croissant,配Tahitian Vanilla Custard,這款偏甜,會有少少油膩的感覺,但口感很細滑,也是好吃的4. Banoffee Choux - 香蕉味的泡芙,這個也滿有驚喜的,不是脆脆的泡芙,但口感也很好,味道都很搭5. Black Forest - 最傳統的甜品之一,也是少許偏甜,但因為有不同層次和口感,沒有Vanilla Cinnamon Flan那麼油膩當小妹看到好幾桌都是在這份甜品拼盤時加上生日牌,就在想是自己預訂時忘了說是慶祝生日,還是餐廳忘記加上去呢~不竟小妹一孕傻三年麻突然,職員拿著另外的蛋糕過來,上面有兩個生日牌的說是餐廳特意為我們準備的生日驚喜是免費送的生日小蛋糕真的是太驚喜啦!人生就像過山車一樣這款金金啡啡的球狀小蛋糕是Hazelnut Cake,這款蛋糕是內有乾坤哦它是一個薄薄的朱古力外殼,裡面是豆腐味的mousse、奶油及海綿蛋糕,很清新很驚喜真的很好吃!這是部分甜品切開後的樣子層次都很豐富最後的最後就是Mignardise Chocolate Trolley每人可以選三款!我們選完後都餐弟婦拎回家了,因為我們真的很飽每款都很吸引哦說真的!每位$568+10%雖然聽起來是貴了一點,但小妹覺得它是值得的無論是賣相、味道、氛圍、還是服務,都是超五星級的了下次希望跟老公再來哦順便說一下,下星期也訂了他們酒店說是非常好吃的香芋蛋糕跟家人慶祝哦期待! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-20
之前生日過嚟食Afternoon tea慶祝整體食物質素都好高佢有別於傳統下午茶嘅層層拎上嚟係直接好似食法國餐咁,見到你食完先再上個人認為個鹹點三文治做得好出色🥪每一件都好好味然後甜品最鍾意就係有乾冰綠色嗰個~係從來未食過嘅口感同味道超級好食!唯一缺點係…我哋喺隔離都係 Rosewood嘅訂咗個蛋糕入嚟嘅時候已經同咗前堂講話我哋訂咗個蛋糕咁職員都好好話幫手去拎然後因為係想俾個神秘感人哋當時我已經同咗職員講話到時唔好同朋友講有個生日蛋糕會出現佢哋都話OK點知食到最尾,個職員竟然走過來問個蛋糕上得未?🙂然後就變咗一啲神秘感都冇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
哇,真係太開心啦!我竟然成功約到香港瑰麗酒店嘅超難訂嘅下午茶,開心到飛起!😍呢間酒店嘅裝修真係典雅又大氣,牆壁上仲裝飾住七彩繽紛嘅蝴蝶,真係型格!😍下午茶嘅菜品更係無得輸,簡直係天花板級別!我同埋闺蜜食得超滿足,最後飽到晚飯都唔洗食,哈哈哈~ 😋從第一道開胃小菜到最後嘅甜品,每一款都超級好味!特別係嗰碗花椰菜湯,配埋魚子醬同薯片,用小茶杯盛住,魚子醬鋪喺脆脆嘅薯片上,賣相同口感都超讚!🤤再講講四款手指三明治,每款嘅搭配都十分出色。煙燻鮭魚配鳟魚子,口感超鮮美;鵝火腿配孔泰奶酪,濃郁得來又唔會膩;蟹肉配青蘋果,清新又爽口;雞蛋沙拉配皮奎洛辣椒,微辣中帶住一絲絲甜味。最後就係嗰個巧克力手推車啦,真係選擇困難症嘅噩夢!每款甜品都唔係好甜,而且味道超棒,真係令人猶豫不決。不過最後我都成功揀咗三款,食得超開心!😜總之,今次嘅下午茶體驗真係正到不得了,下次一定要再來呀!👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)